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About Study Course

Department: Department of Public Health and Epidemiology
Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Zane Tauriņa
Study type:Full time
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Medical Services
Branch of science:Management; Public Management


The objective of the study course is to achieve an understanding of the actions involved in a quality management system through systematic study of theoretical material and independent learning.


In management science.

Learning outcomes


As a result of completing the study course, the student acquires the basic knowledge to outline, apply and evaluate the suitability of the basic principles of a quality management system in the development of an industry-specific management system.


The student acquires the ability to briefly describe, analyse and develop the systemic interrelationships of an organisation’s activities, to identify measures for improving the quality management system in a specific sector.


The student will be able to independently analyse information and show initiative in applying quality management principles to address process improvement in the field of public health.

Study course planning

Course planning not avalible right now.