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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Dzintars Mozgis
Study type:Full time
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Medical Services
Study course descriptionFull description, Full time
Branch of science:Clinical Medicine


Fundamentals of market economy. Fundamentals of management science. Fundamentals of public health. English proficiency. Computer (Internet) skills.


Fundamentals of market economy. Fundamentals of management science. Fundamentals of public health. English proficiency. Computer (Internet) skills.

Learning outcomes


Internationally accepted key values underpinning health policy; key international and Latvian health policy documents;
Health care financing systems in the world, description of the Latvian system according to international classification;
The organisational structure of Latvian health care;
Health care laws and regulations in Latvia;
Cost structure and needs of health care services, principles for the procurement of services in Latvia;
Methods of economic analysis of health costs;
The role of international organisations in Latvian health care;
Latvian health care quality assurance system;
Health information organisation and management in Latvia;
Levels of health care and organisation thereof in Latvia;
Application and specifics of general management principles in the public health care system.


To evaluate the Latvian health care system in the context of international documents, requirements and practices.
To orient in the organisational structure and management of the Latvian national health care.


To critically evaluate and use data from the literature on the economic analysis of health service costs, and use them in the management and planning of one’s work.
To explain the achievements, problems and tasks of the Latvian health care organisation to the general public.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Public Health, SVF8Bachelor’sRequired