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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Ieva Fībiga
Study type:Full time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Pharmacy
Study course descriptionFull description, Full time
Branch of science:Linguistics


The target is to develop knowledge and comprehension on the use of Latin in the acquiring pharmaceutical terminology, to integrate Latin in other subjects.


Latin Alphabet.

Learning outcomes


On successful completion of the course the students:
• will know and be able to explain pronunciation and rules of spelling of the pharmaceutical terminology;
• will be able to identify Latin and Greek prefixes and suffixes in order to create terms;
• will be able to recognize and name Greek and Latin numerals in the pharmaceutical terms;
• will be able to understand rules and use of the pharmaceutical terminology.


On successful completion of the course the students will be able:
• to read, write, and pronounce the pharmaceutical terms correctly;
• to use Latin grammar of nouns, adjectives and imperative form of verbs correctly;
• to classify and compare Greek and Latin origin elements in names of medications.


On successful completion of this course the students will be able to apply Latin and Greek in the pharmaceutical terminology for professional use.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Pharmacy, FF1Master’sRequiredIeva Fībiga