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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Inga Reinvalde
Study type:Full time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Medicine
Branch of science:Linguistics


To improve, develop and streamline students’ knowledge of German for communication, academic and professional purposes and to facilitate the acquisition of professional medical terminology for productive use.


Proficiency level A2 of German language (according to Common European Framework of Reference for Language Learning, Teaching and Assessment).

Learning outcomes


On completion of the course students will be able to:
• recognise familiar medical terminology in different types of text;
• provide either German explanation or Latvian translation of the terms;
• read a text related to medicine, find and highlight key words, the main idea, the necessary information in the text;
• name the parts of the body, the main organs and systems; describe diseases and their symptoms;
• describe patient's condition, course of the disease;
• recognise linguistic structures characteristic to scientific and popular science literature (noun formation, cases; grammatical system of the verb in the Active and Passive Voice; The Subjunctive Mood, participle and the infinitive, etc.).


On successful course completion, students will be able to:
• use appropriate medical terminology interacting with patients/clients and colleagues;
• make their own terminological dictionary;
• ask questions related to the hospital, its departments, medical staff, patient care, basic investigations;
• find information related to anamnesis, complaints and character of pain, give advice, instructions and reassure the patient.


Students will be able to deliver information about themselves, their studies and compare them with medical studies in Germany; will be able to recognise patient's medical history; to perceive, write down, and deliver the necessary information related to the patient's condition; to express their ideas, to support their opinion with arguments and discuss general medical issues.

Study course planning

Course planning not avalible right now.