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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Kristīne Šneidere
Study type:Part time, Full time
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Sociology; Psychology
Branch of science:Psychology


To promote students' understanding of research development process and academic integrity, to develop students' skills in searching, selecting and analysing scientific literature sources, to prepare research question(-s) and/or hypothesis(-es), to improve students' understanding of textual writing.


General psychology, Research in psychology.

Learning outcomes


Understands, compares and critically evaluates different theoretical approaches and research results on the research topic; demonstrates writing abilities and observes research ethics, understands requirements and assessment criteria for the semester paper.


Formulates research questions, selects, critically evaluates and analyses information sources in order to define the research problem and substantiate topicality; formulates the aim and research question(s) of the study; writes a literature review following the basic principles of academic writing, grammar and research ethics, draws conclusions; formulates, presents and defends the research.


Independently plans and conducts a literature review in accordance with basic principles of research and ethics and presents its results.

Study course planning

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