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Our symposium will discuss measurable indicators and impacts of visuospatial cognition on variety of interrelated perceptual, clinical, and educational fields in experimental and correlational research.

We assume that visuospatial cognition is a valid core representational format and structure containing sensitive indicators in variety of perceptual and cognitive processes.

We will explain our theoretical framework and provide some recent results in the relevant areas.
The symposium will end with a discussion.

Talk summaries

14.00–14.30Līga Zariņa, Jurģis Šķilters, Solvita Umbraško, Santa Bartušēvica
LU Laboratory for Perceptual and Cognitive Systems
Visuospatial cognition as an underlying representational format
We will provide converging evidence and overview from our research on form perception using eye movement analysis, reaction time measurements, and behavioral experiments. We will discuss the impact of form perception by arguing that (a) different form properties (e.g., symmetry types) impact the temporal and structural processing of spatial information, (b) object features (geometric vs. functional) can generate perceptual learning effects.
Finally, we will also discuss recent findings by Malanchini et al., 2020 regarding the unitary structure of spatial cognition (with navigation as a superordinate factor).
14.30–15.00Aisha F. Tüchler
LU Laboratory for Perceptual and Cognitive Systems
The impact of different formats on learning visuospatial skills
Visuospatial skills involve various cognitive abilities and have been shown to be predictors of attainment in STEM areas. Evidence suggests that training can improve spatial skills, and training effects are durable. Digital technologies in education might be a promising approach to engage the learner and, foster improvement of visuo-spatial skills. However, it is not clear how different presentation formats impact learning of these skills. Preliminary evidence on the relative effectiveness of different formats on the improvement of visuospatial skills will be discussed.
15.00–15.30Ayumi Takemoto
LU Laboratory for Perceptual and Cognitive Systems
Non-goal-driven eye movements during inter-trial intervals of a visual task
Non-goal-driven (NGD) eye movements were investigated after visual search tasks and while looking at the blank display without any visual stimuli. We proposed a new model of processing of visual information including and emphasizing NGD eye movements. We assumed that two factors are related to the NGD eye movements: (a) mind wandering and (b) the demand of the preceding tasks.
15.30–16.00Jānis Mednieks
RSU Department of Neurology and Neurosurgery
Visual perspective taking test performance after COVID-19
Visual perspective taking test is a widely used test in the assessment of visuospatial function in general and clinical populations. Alteration of visuospatial abilities is well documented in neurodegenerative conditions. Various level of cognitive dysfunction has been identified in significant proportion of persons that have suffered from COVID-19, but in most cases patient self-reports or cognitive screening tools have been used instead of specialized cognitive tests. We suggest that after reconvalescence  from COVID-19 there could impairment of visuospatial abilities to certain extent. To explore this, a digital visual perspective taking test  is performed on 20 healthy adults and 20 persons after COVID-19 infection.

Apply now

We will e-mail the Zoom link to the registered participants on 4 August.
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