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About Study Course

Course supervisor:Dita Role
Study type:Full time
Course level:First level
Target audience:Medicine
Study course description Full description, Full time
Branch of science:Clinical medicine; Health care sciences and services


To provide students with knowledge of the conditions and role of medical ethics in health care; the relationship between patients, medical staff and health – duties, responsibilities, rights, solutions to possible conflicts; to develop an understanding of the mandatory observance and promotion of the norms and principles of medical ethics. In pedagogy – to provide theoretical knowledge of teaching-learning processes; to facilitate the integration of this knowledge in practical work with patients/relatives and in public education.


Interpersonal communication in health care.

Learning outcomes


1.Students will be able to identify the main principles, values, conditions and norms of medical ethics in the fields of medical research and patient care; the rights of patients and their relationships with medical staff; explain and describe the categories of medical ethics, application thereof in professional work; and recognise, evaluate and point to problems and dilemmas in medical ethics and solutions thereto. Students will be familiar with pedagogical concepts, terms, theories and approaches.


1.Students will acquire the skills and be able to identify, notice and analyse various issues of ethics in general and medical ethics and morality in particular in their professional work; to notice and deal with various problems, dilemmas and causes thereof; be able to take necessary actions to prevent possible breaches of medical ethics in their work environment and surroundings; to act decisively and professionally in potential risk situations in the fields of health care; and to demonstrate high standards of personal ethics and morality in practice.
Students will be able to analyse the pedagogical situation in care work and to educate patients according to pedagogical and didactic guidelines.


1.Students will attest the competence to safely demonstrate, certify and prove their professionalism and conduct in the field of medical ethics, application thereof in the relevant work environment based on ethical values, principles and norms, professionalism in compliance with medical ethics. Will be able to integrate and use appropriate pedagogical knowledge, skills, attitudes in professional practice.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Physician's Assistant3First levelLimited choiceDita Role, Gunta Bēta