Šajā lekcijā Riko Aizeks apspriedīs grāmatas priekšlikuma sagatavošanas un rakstīšanas procesu un grāmatas līguma nodrošināšanu, kā arī sniegs dažas vadlīnijas par monogrāfiju rakstīšanas mākslu līdz publicēšanai un popularizēšanai. Diskusijā Riko arī pētīs akadēmiski recenzēto žurnālu rakstu relatīvās priekšrocības un trūkumus salīdzinājumā ar pētnieciskajām monogrāfijām un dažas vispārīgas taktikas un pieejas, ko var izmantot, rakstot un cenšoties publicēt gan žurnālu rakstus, gan grāmatas.
Par lektoru
Rico Isaacs is a Professor of International Politics at the University of Lincoln and Visiting Professor at Riga Stradinš University. His research expertise was initially rooted in post-Soviet politics and on issues related to authoritarianism, democracy and nationalism in Central Asia, particularly Kazakhstan. Of late, his work has turned to addressing interdisciplinary issues related to contemporary populism. This includes exploring the relationship between populism and the environment, and populism and the culture industry. Rico has authored eight books, including three research monographs, and has published many articles in journals including Europe-Asia Studies, Democratization, Contemporary Politics, Globalizations, and Nationalities Papers. He is also currently serving as editor of Central Asian Survey.
Jaunākās publikācijas
- Isaacs, R. (2024) Explaining the failure of legislative agency in patronal divided executives: deputy meaning making and its impact on legislative quality in Kyrgyzstan 2010–2020, Democratization, 31 (2): 434-57 DOI: 10.1080/13510347.2023.2270423
- Isaacs, R. (2023) The political economy of hipsters in Kazakhstan: mobilization, hybridity and class, Globalizations, DOI: 10.1080/14747731.2023.2216121
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