Pārlekt uz galveno saturu

Hi! My name is Adam Bott, I am 21 years old and a 5th-semester medical student from Germany.

I decided to run for the 2021 Board of RSU ISA since it is an opportunity to be part of a group of people who strive to improve university life. I especially like my role as the Assistant to the Head of Integration and Sports as it helps me focus on the integration of international and local students.

I am committed to RSU ISA in order to offer all RSU students with more possibilities to become either physically or socially engaged! This is especially important during times when mental health is suffering.

I look forward to my work as the Assistant to the Head of Integration and Sports and hope that together we will be able to make your university life more fun and less stressful!

You must be the change you wish to see in the world.
- Mahatma Gandhi


Konstantin Levinas
Cilvēkresursu vadītājs
Hussaina Musaji
Sabiedrisko attiecību speciāliste
Vili Pehkonen
Sociālo un integrācijas lietu vadītājs