Pārlekt uz galveno saturu

Hi, my name is Hussaina Musaji and I am a 6th-semester medical student. I was born and raised in Sweden, but am ethnically Indian and Ugandan. I hold the position of Public Relations Officer on the RSU ISA Board.

As the Public Relations Officer I am responsible for the information that is relayed to you through your screens - be that on Facebook, Instagram or the RSU website. During my year as PR Officer, I will make sure that all students are informed about current events and stay up to date on important information so we can ensure that everyone is aware of what is happening at our University. I am very fluent in social media so putting out information on these platforms will be a fun task, however along with this we are working on revamping the RSU ISA page on the website and re-editing our newsletter. These will be some of the challenges that I am happily taking on. We are also going make sure that all students can make their voices and opinions heard through various sources, may that be in our DMs, emails, through surveys or at general meetings. 

The 2021 ISA Board will make sure that every student has above satisfactory study experience at RSU. And I will make sure that I inform you about all things necessary throughout this year. Let’s make this year better than the previous one!

Email: Hussaina.Musaji@rsu.lv

Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson


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