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Vertical Integration Project 'Ergonomic Workplaces in a Healthy Environment'

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:7.00
Study Course Accepted:16.08.2024 15:40:18
Study Course Information
Course Code:AUVMK_052LQF level:All Levels
Credit Points:2.00ECTS:3.00
Branch of Science:Clinical Medicine; Public HealthTarget Audience:Rehabilitation; Health Management; Social Welfare and Social Work; Communication Science; Law; Pharmacy; Civil and Military Defense; Medical Services; Social Anthropology; Pedagogy; Juridical Science; Medicine; Public Health; Person and Property Defence; Clinical Pharmacy; Management Science; Life Science; Nursing Science; Marketing and Advertising; Dentistry; Sociology; Psychology; Information and Communication Science; Sports Trainer; Political Science; Biology; Business Management; Medical Technologies
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Ivars Vanadziņš
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Department of Occupational and Environmental Medicine
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:Riga, 16 Dzirciema Street, avmkatrsu[pnkts]lv, +371 67060816
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)0Lecture Length (academic hours)0Total Contact Hours of Lectures0
Classes (count)8Class Length (academic hours)3Total Contact Hours of Classes24
Total Contact Hours24
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
General knowledge of human physiology and anatomy, human health or the functioning of society. Students are approved for the course by assessing their motivation letter (assessing research interests in relation to the objective of the VIP course, interest, motivation to work in a team). The motivation letter should be sent to the course leader. Participation in the course may be refused if the student has poor grades and/or attendance in previous semesters.
To provide students of different RSU faculties and programmes with knowledge and practical skills in the organisation and implementation of research work, promoting experience and abilities to plan and implement long-term multidisciplinary cooperation between different disciplines. Work in the course is organised in interdisciplinary teams, which can include students from different fields (faculties and programmes) and levels of study over several years. Students participate in the work of the team for one or more semesters, according to their study and research interests. Students work under the guidance of a leading researcher, participating in various specific studies.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Getting acquainted with the course participants; an overview of the subject of the course, the activities carried out so far on the subject; objectives for the semester, coordination of work plan and working hours.Classes1.00placement location
2Formation of research groups (if necessary) or replenishment, formulation of research objectives, choice of methods, discussion of the model of work organisation. Introduction to the creation and requirements for the completion of student notes (diaries); principles of course test and assessment.Classes1.00placement location
3Use of technical and laboratory tools appropriate to the subject of the course (user briefings, training, etc.), clarification of other necessary issues (e.g., data processing, ethical and data security issues, etc.).Classes1.00placement location
4Methodologies and options for interpreting and presenting research project data, agreement on the principles for presenting project results. Evaluation of teamwork and team members. Individual work in groups on the research project and presentation of results.Classes1.00placement location
5Work in teams on the research project (under the supervision of a researcher).Classes1.00placement location
6Individual work in groups on the research project (under the supervision of a researcher).Classes1.00placement location
7Presentation of the work done by individual participants and teams; work on the research project and presentation of results. Planning activities for the next semester; analysis of results of team member evaluation. Collecting student opinions.Classes1.00placement location
8Course evaluation (test): presentation of students’ work. Submission and assessment of individual notes. Analysis of the team member evaluation and summing up of teamwork.Classes1.00placement location
Unaided Work:
The student independently performs the tasks assigned to the group and individual student by the course leader within a given time limit, if necessary in collaboration with other course participants, working in teams.
Assessment Criteria:
The following is assessed: • notes and reports by the student; • notes and quality of the data obtained; • information entered on the course e-studies site or other equivalent site; • presentations prepared (individual and team presentations); • information prepared for the publication of the research results; • frequency of attendance, absence; • contribution to the team’s work; • cooperation and support for team members; • evaluation by team members.
Final Examination (Full-Time):Test
Final Examination (Part-Time):
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:Upon successful completion of the study course, students will understand the principles of organisation of the research process, choose the most appropriate methodology and the principles of team organisation and management, be able to obtain research data in a manner appropriate to the requirements, perform basic processing, prepare information for presentation of the research result.
Skills:Students will be able to work in a multidisciplinary team, carry out assigned independent work, process and interpret data obtained, and present research results.
Competencies:Students will be able to choose the most appropriate research model for a given task, obtain the necessary data, analyse and interpret it, prepare information for presentation of the research result, present the results in writing and orally to professionals of the field and the public, and present the results and solutions at scientific and practical conferences.
Required Reading
1M. Eglīte. Darba medicīna. RSU, Rīga, 2012, 800 lpp. (akceptējams izdevums)
2Ergonomic checkpoints. Practical and Easy to implement Solutions for Improving Safety, Health and Working Conditions. International Labour Office, Geneva, 2010, 110 p. (akceptējams izdevums)
3Steven Sadhra, Alan Bray, and Steve Boorman. Oxford Handbook of Occupational Health, 3rd ed.
4Baxter et al. Hunter's Diseases of Occupations. 2011. Taylor & Francis Group. Available via Pro Quest Ebook Central
Additional Reading
1Ahluwalia V.K. Environmental Pollution and Health. 2014. Available via Pro Quest Ebook Central
2Ayres et al. Environmental Medicine. 2010. Taylor & Francis Group. Available via Pro Quest Ebook Central