Management of Police Forces in Special Operations and Emergency Situations
Study Course Description
Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:3.00
Study Course Accepted:02.02.2024 12:29:22
Study Course Information | |||||||||
Course Code: | JF_514 | LQF level: | Level 6 | ||||||
Credit Points: | 4.00 | ECTS: | 6.00 | ||||||
Branch of Science: | Law | Target Audience: | Civil and Military Defense; Juridical Science | ||||||
Study Course Supervisor | |||||||||
Course Supervisor: | Valdis Voins | ||||||||
Study Course Implementer | |||||||||
Structural Unit: | Faculty of Social Sciences | ||||||||
The Head of Structural Unit: | |||||||||
Contacts: | Dzirciema street 16, Rīga, szfrsu[pnkts]lv | ||||||||
Study Course Planning | |||||||||
Full-Time - Semester No.1 | |||||||||
Lectures (count) | 24 | Lecture Length (academic hours) | 2 | Total Contact Hours of Lectures | 48 | ||||
Classes (count) | 8 | Class Length (academic hours) | 2 | Total Contact Hours of Classes | 16 | ||||
Total Contact Hours | 64 | ||||||||
Part-Time - Semester No.1 | |||||||||
Lectures (count) | 8 | Lecture Length (academic hours) | 2 | Total Contact Hours of Lectures | 16 | ||||
Classes (count) | 4 | Class Length (academic hours) | 2 | Total Contact Hours of Classes | 8 | ||||
Total Contact Hours | 24 | ||||||||
Study course description | |||||||||
Preliminary Knowledge: | Compulsory study courses of the 1st-4th semester of the study program: Police law, Police special tactics, Police international cooperation, Criminal law, Administrative law. | ||||||||
Objective: | To prepare police officers capable of making decisions and leading structural units in emergency situations. Familiarize yourself with the regulatory framework, planning and implementation procedures of special operations. Within the framework of the course, opportunities for international cooperation in the European Union and between the Baltic States are examined. Tasks: • prepare to be able to make decisions and lead structural units in emergency situations; • to be familiar with issues related to the legal circulation of weapons, explosives and special means; • acquire knowledge of modern special tactics, develop and effectively use this knowledge in managing institutions in special conditions. | ||||||||
Topic Layout (Full-Time) | |||||||||
No. | Topic | Type of Implementation | Number | Venue | |||||
1 | Police special operations: - introduction to the course; - special operation; - risk assessment, -emergency; -state of exception; - personnel safety in operations with increased risk - civil-military cooperation in an emergency and state of exception. | Lectures | 4.00 | auditorium | |||||
2 | Special police plans and their implementation. Inter-institutional cooperation: -plan "Anxiety"; - threat to terrestrial objects; -civil aviation aircraft and threats; -danger of ships, ports and port facilities; -mass disturbances and internal disturbances; -plan "Crowd". | Lectures | 3.00 | auditorium | |||||
Classes | 2.00 | auditorium | |||||||
3 | Explosives and Public Safety: - explosion threat risk assessment; - police competence in explosive situations; -police action in the event of malicious bombing; - action upon receiving information about the threat of an explosion, in objects and during a public event; - evacuation from objects and during mass events. | Lectures | 4.00 | auditorium | |||||
4 | A set of measures to search for people: - search for a missing person; - search for the person accused or convicted of committing a criminal offense; - planning and implementation of the search and arrest operation for dangerous criminals - international search for a person. | Lectures | 3.00 | auditorium | |||||
Classes | 2.00 | auditorium | |||||||
5 | Protection of critical infrastructure and important state facilities: - ensuring the continuity of operation of critical infrastructure objects in an emergency situation; -guarding foreign diplomatic missions; - the competence of the police in guaranteeing the internal security of Latvian diplomatic missions abroad. | Lectures | 2.00 | auditorium | |||||
6 | Prevention of natural disasters and their consequences: - civil defense system; - disaster risk assessments; - IeM competence in disaster management; - mass evacuation and controlled relocation of the population; - ensuring public order, protection of facilities during a disaster; - requesting international assistance to manage the disaster. | Lectures | 3.00 | auditorium | |||||
Classes | 2.00 | auditorium | |||||||
7 | Prevention of acts of terrorism and measures to prevent the consequences: - categories of terrorism; - terrorism threat level system; -individual, non-organizational attackers; - response and mitigation measures; - prevention and public information measures on terrorist acts; - protection of public places. | Lectures | 5.00 | auditorium | |||||
Classes | 2.00 | auditorium | |||||||
Topic Layout (Part-Time) | |||||||||
No. | Topic | Type of Implementation | Number | Venue | |||||
1 | Police special operations: - introduction to the course; - special operation; - risk assessment, -emergency; -state of exception; - personnel safety in operations with increased risk - civil-military cooperation in an emergency and state of exception. | Lectures | 1.00 | auditorium | |||||
2 | Special police plans and their implementation. Inter-institutional cooperation: -plan "Anxiety"; - threat to terrestrial objects; -civil aviation aircraft and threats; -danger of ships, ports and port facilities; -mass disturbances and internal disturbances; -plan "Crowd". | Lectures | 1.00 | auditorium | |||||
Classes | 1.00 | auditorium | |||||||
3 | Explosives and Public Safety: - explosion threat risk assessment; - police competence in explosive situations; -police action in the event of malicious bombing; - action upon receiving information about the threat of an explosion, in objects and during a public event; - evacuation from objects and during mass events. | Lectures | 1.00 | auditorium | |||||
4 | A set of measures to search for people: - search for a missing person; - search for the person accused or convicted of committing a criminal offense; - planning and implementation of the search and arrest operation for dangerous criminals - international search for a person. | Lectures | 1.00 | auditorium | |||||
Classes | 1.00 | auditorium | |||||||
5 | Protection of critical infrastructure and important state facilities: - ensuring the continuity of operation of critical infrastructure objects in an emergency situation; -guarding foreign diplomatic missions; - the competence of the police in guaranteeing the internal security of Latvian diplomatic missions abroad. | Lectures | 2.00 | auditorium | |||||
6 | Prevention of natural disasters and their consequences: - civil defense system; - disaster risk assessments; - IeM competence in disaster management; - mass evacuation and controlled relocation of the population; - ensuring public order, protection of facilities during a disaster; - requesting international assistance to manage the disaster. | Lectures | 1.00 | auditorium | |||||
Classes | 1.00 | auditorium | |||||||
7 | Prevention of acts of terrorism and measures to prevent the consequences: - categories of terrorism; - terrorism threat level system; -individual, non-organizational attackers; - response and mitigation measures; - prevention and public information measures on terrorist acts; - protection of public places. | Lectures | 1.00 | auditorium | |||||
Classes | 1.00 | auditorium | |||||||
Assessment | |||||||||
Unaided Work: | The independent work consists of a group project (practical work): analysis of situations, discussions and preparation of a public presentation. | ||||||||
Assessment Criteria: | A student who has attended less than half of the lectures and has not successfully passed the intermediate test independently - the practical work - may not be admitted to the exam. The final grade of the course is made up of an exam grade of 50%, the main criterion of which is the amount and quality of the acquired knowledge and the independent work in the total amount of 50%. | ||||||||
Final Examination (Full-Time): | Exam | ||||||||
Final Examination (Part-Time): | Exam | ||||||||
Learning Outcomes | |||||||||
Knowledge: | By successfully completing the study course, the student will gain in-depth knowledge of special operations, their types and application in practice, will acquire knowledge and actions in emergency situations with explosives and detonation devices, knowledge of international cooperation opportunities. | ||||||||
Skills: | By successfully completing the study course, the student will be able to analyze possible risks and dangers. Will be able to act practically in emergency situations and lead special operations in his professional field. | ||||||||
Competencies: | According to the competence of the service and position, the student will be able to plan work and lead subordinates in emergency situations, as well as lead special operations. | ||||||||
Bibliography | |||||||||
No. | Reference | ||||||||
Required Reading | |||||||||
1 | Melnis, Ē., Garonskis, A., Matvejevs, A. Administratīvi tiesiskie režīmi valsts drošības jomā un to klasifikācija. No: Latvijas Policijas akadēmijas raksti : zinātnisko rakstu krājums, Nr.12, 2005 (akceptējams izdevums) | ||||||||
2 | Policijas taktika bruņotās sadursmēs. Rīga: LPA, 1998. 250 lpp. | ||||||||
3 | Spēka un šaujamieroču pielietošana [elektroniskais resurss]. Rīga: [Latvijas Policijas akad.], 2002. 1 elektroniskais optiskais disks. (akceptējams izdevums) | ||||||||
4 | Spēka un šaujamieroču pielietošana : instruktora rokasgrāmata : [mācību līdzeklis]. Rīga: Latvijas Policijas akadēmija, 2001. 27 lpp. (akceptējams izdevums) | ||||||||
5 | Spēka un šaujamieroču pielietošana : studenta rokasgrāmata. COLPI [Sorosa fonds Latvija]. Rīga : COLPI : [Sorosa fonds Latvija], 2000. 26 lpp. (akceptējams izdevums) | ||||||||
6 | Garonskis, A., Matvejevs, A. Policijas darbības plānošana sabiedriskās kārtības un drošības nodrošināšanā masu pasākumos: mācību līdzeklis. Rīga: LPA, 2004. 23 lpp. | ||||||||
7 | Personīgā drošība policijas dienestā. Sast. Z.Indrikovs ; tulk. no vācu val. Rīga: Latvijas Policijas akadēmija, 1998. 61 lpp. (akceptējams izdevums) | ||||||||
8 | Remsbergs, Č. Policijas taktika bīstamās situācijās. I-VI sēj. Tulkojums no angļu val. Rīga: Latvijas Policijas akadēmija. 1998.-2002. | ||||||||
9 | Taktiskie apzīmējumi. Mācību līdzeklis. Rīga: LPA, 2001. 119 lpp. | ||||||||
10 | Žeivots, Modris. Šaujamieroču pielietojuma tiesiskie pamati un prakse. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2000 188 lpp. (akceptējams izdevums) | ||||||||
Additional Reading | |||||||||
1 | Latvijas Republikas Satversme. | ||||||||
2 | Aizturēto personu turēšanas kārtības likums. | ||||||||
3 | Apcietinājumā turēšanas kārtības likums. | ||||||||
4 | Apsardzes darbības likums. | ||||||||
5 | Ceļu satiksmes likums. | ||||||||
6 | Civilās aizsardzības un katastrofas pārvaldīšanas likums | ||||||||
7 | Epidemioloģiskās drošības likums. | ||||||||
8 | Ieroču aprites likums. | ||||||||
9 | Ieslodzījuma vietu pārvaldes likums. | ||||||||
10 | Ķīmisko vielu un ķīmisko produktu likums. | ||||||||
11 | Likums „Par ārkārtējo situāciju un izņēmuma stāvokli”. | ||||||||
12 | Likums „Par Konvenciju par cīņu pret nelikumīgu gaisakuģu sagrābšanu”. | ||||||||
13 | Likums „Par Latvijas Republikas valdības un Lietuvas Republikas valdības līgumu par savstarpēju palīdzību dabas katastrofu un citos plaša mēroga nelaimes gadījumos”. | ||||||||
14 | Likums „Par policiju”. | ||||||||
15 | Likums „Par sapulcēm, gājieniem un piketiem”. | ||||||||
16 | Likums „Par Starptautisko konvenciju pret ķīlnieku sagrābšanu”. | ||||||||
17 | Nacionālās drošības likums. | ||||||||
18 | Prokuratūras likums. | ||||||||
19 | Publisku izklaides un svētku pasākumu drošības likums. | ||||||||
20 | Saeimas kārtības rullis. | ||||||||
21 | Streiku likums. | ||||||||
22 | Ugunsdrošības un ugunsdzēsības likums. | ||||||||
23 | Valsts drošības iestāžu likums. | ||||||||
24 | Valsts meža dienesta likums. | ||||||||
25 | Valsts pārvaldes iekārtas likums. | ||||||||
26 | Par pievienošanos Konvencijai par kodolnegadījumu operatīvu izziņošanu un Konvencijai par palīdzību kodolnegadījumā vai radiācijas avārijsituācijā: 1992. gada 10novembra Augstākās padomes lēmums. | ||||||||
27 | Sabiedriskās drošības trīspusējās sadarbības apakšpadomes nolikums [tiešsaiste]. | ||||||||
28 | Ministru kabineta 2020. gada 26. augusta rīkojums Nr. 476 “Valsts civilās aizsardzības plāns”. | ||||||||
29 | Ministru kabineta 2002. gada 19. marta noteikumi Nr.127 «Epizootiju uzliesmojuma likvidēšanas un draudu novēršanas kārtība». | ||||||||
30 | Ministru kabineta 2005. gada 14. jūnija noteikumi Nr.413 «Kārtība, kādā veicama personu obligātā medicīniskā un laboratoriskā pārbaude, obligātā un piespiedu izolēšana un ārstēšana infekcijas slimību gadījumos» | ||||||||
31 | Ministru kabineta 2007. gada 10. jūlija noteikumi Nr.485 “Terorisma draudu līmeņa izsludināšanas kārtība”. | ||||||||
32 | Ministru Kabineta 2008. gada 5. augusta instrukcija Nr.12 «Instrukcija par atbildīgo institūciju rīcību nezināmas izcelsmes vielas vai priekšmeta atrašanas gadījumā, ja ir aizdomas, ka tas satur sprādzienbīstamas, radioaktīvas, bīstamas ķīmiskas vai bioloģiskas vielas, kā arī, ja konstatētas terora akta pazīmes». | ||||||||
33 | Ministru kabineta 2012. gada 20. marta noteikumi Nr.190 «Noteikumi par notikumu reģistrēšanas kārtību un policijas reaģēšanas laiku». | ||||||||
34 | Ministru kabineta 2015. gada 13. oktobra noteikumi Nr. 579 «Kārtība, kādā Nacionālie bruņotie spēki tiek iesaistīti sprādzienbīstamu priekšmetu iznīcināšanā vai spridzināšanas darbu veikšanā sauszemes teritorijā miera laikā». | ||||||||
35 | Iekšlietu ministrijas 2020. gada 16. jūnija iekšējie noteikumi Nr.1-10/13. «Kārtība, kādā Iekšlietu ministrijas padotībā esošās iestādes rīkojas reālu sprādziena draudu un sprādziena gadījumā». | ||||||||
Other Information Sources | |||||||||
1 | Jakubowicz, Linda. Migration and Security – an unusual perspective? .SIAK: International edition, Journal for Police Science and Practice (Vol. 1), 2011, p. 26-39. | ||||||||
2 | Pfahl-Traughber, Armin. Potential risks of politically motivated violence – a comparative analysis: „Old” and „New” terrorism. SIAK: International edition, Journal for Police Science and Practice (Vol. 1), 2011, p. 79-87. | ||||||||
3 | Sticher, Birgitta, Ohder, Claudius. Einbeziehung der Bevölkerung in das Katastrophenmanagement. SIAK-Journal: Zeitschrift für Polizeiwissenschaft und Polizeiliche Praxis, 2/2013, S.81-93. | ||||||||
4 | Vīnes konvencija par diplomātiskajiem sakariem. 1961. gada 18. aprīlī | ||||||||
5 | Padomes Direktīva 2008/114/EK 2008. gada 8. decembris “Par to, lai apzinātu un noteiktu Eiropas Kritiskās infrastruktūras un novērtētu vajadzību uzlabot to aizsardzību”. | ||||||||
6 | Komisijas Paziņojums Eiropas Parlamentam, Padomei, Eiropas Ekonomikas un Sociālo lietu Komitejai un Reģionu Komitejai Briselē, 18.10.2017. «Rīcības plāns sabiedrisku vietu aizsardzības uzlabošanai». | ||||||||
7 | Global Terrorism Database, «Codebook: Inclusion Criteria and Variables» National Consortium for the Study of Terrorism and Responses to Terrorism (START) | ||||||||
8 | Europol «European Union Terrorism Situation and Trend Report » /Te Sat/ | ||||||||
9 | Deklarācija par policiju (EP, 1979.gada 8.maijs). | ||||||||
10 | Eiropas konvencija par terorisma apkarošanu (EP, 1977. gada 27. janvāris). | ||||||||
11 | Eiropas konvencija par spīdzināšanas un necilvēcīgas vai pazemojošas rīcības vai soda novēršanu (EP, 1987. gada 26. novembris) ar 1993.gada 4.novembra 1.protokolu un 2.protokolu. | ||||||||
12 | Eiropas policijas ētikas kodekss (EP, 2001.gada 19.septembris). | ||||||||
13 | Pamatprincipi par tiesiskās kārtības nodrošināšanas amatpersonu spēka un šaujamieroču izmantošanu (ANO, 1990.gada 7.septembris). | ||||||||
14 | Tiesiskās kārtības nodrošināšanas amatpersonu uzvedības kodekss (ANO, 1979.gada 17.decembris). | ||||||||
15 | Direktīva 2008/114/EK — Eiropas kritiskās infrastruktūras apzināšana un noteikšana un vajadzības uzlabot tās aizsardzību novērtēšana. | ||||||||
16 | Padomes Pamatlēmums 2002/475/TI “Par terorisma apkarošanu”. | ||||||||
17 | Eiropadomes 2010. gada 26. marta “Eiropas Savienības iekšējās drošības stratēģiju "Virzība uz Eiropas drošības modeli" (iekšējās drošības stratēģija)”, Dok. 7120/10 CO EUR-PREP 8 JAI 182. | ||||||||
18 | Konvencija pret spīdzināšanu un citiem nežēlīgas, necilvēcīgas vai pazemojošas izturēšanās vai sodīšanas veidiem (ANO, 1984. gada 10. decembris). |