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Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:5.00
Study Course Accepted:07.03.2023 11:44:27
Study Course Information
Course Code:LF_319LQF level:Level 5
Credit Points:4.00ECTS:6.00
Branch of Science:Clinical Medicine; Health CareTarget Audience:Medicine
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Inga Petermane
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:RSU Liepāja Branch
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:Liepaja, Riņķu Street 24/26,, +371 63442118, +371 63442119, +371 63484632
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)12Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures24
Classes (count)20Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes40
Total Contact Hours64
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
Physiology, anatomy, Latin, biology, genetics, female physiology and pathology.
To acquire knowledge and skills in the examination and assessment of patients of different ages.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Introduction. Patient examination scheme. Subjective examination of the patient – anamnesis. Basic methods of objective examination of the patient.Lectures1.00auditorium
2Basic and additional methods of objective examination of the patient.Classes1.00auditorium
3General examination and assessment of the patient.Lectures1.00auditorium
4Examination and assessment of the patient’s body systems, identification of health disorders: (respiratory, circulatory, digestive, uropoietic, endocrine, bone-joint, haematopoietic, nervous systems).Lectures2.00auditorium
5Child development, endogenous and exogenous factors influencing it. Periods of development.Lectures1.00auditorium
6Scheme of paediatric examination, specifics of paediatric examination methods. Conditions of examination of paediatric patients, principles of making contact.Classes1.00auditorium
7The structural and functional specifics of the child’s body systems at different ages and the basic principles of examination thereof.Lectures3.00auditorium
8Examination methods in gynaecology.Lectures2.00auditorium
9Objective examination of pregnant women.Lectures1.00auditorium
10Gynaecological examination of children and adolescents.Lectures1.00auditorium
Unaided Work:
To get acquainted with the recommended and suggested reading for each class. Taking anamnesis and preparing and presenting the examination method. Practical work on models.
Assessment Criteria:
Class attendance, multiple-choice test results and practical skills tests. An exam at the end of the course.
Final Examination (Full-Time):Exam (Written)
Final Examination (Part-Time):
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:After successful fulfilment of the study course requirements, the student will have acquired the knowledge to: describe the basic principles of patient examination, describe examination methods, explain the results obtained in patient examination by systems, identify pathological conditions.
Skills:As a result of completing the study course, the student will be able to take anamnesis, apply examination methods in the examination of patients of different ages and evaluate the results obtained.
Competencies:As a result of completing the study course, the student will be able to examine patients of different ages and analyse the results.
Clinical Skills:
1-A - Beginner level
2-A - Beginner level
3Ankle joint mobility test.A - Beginner level
4Anterior and lateral comparative percussion of lungsA - Beginner level
5Anterior and lateral fremitus pectoralisA - Beginner level
6Apex beat mobility testA - Beginner level
7Appendix palpationA - Beginner level
8Auscultation of lungsA - Beginner level
9Bimanual pelvic (gynaecological) examinationA - Beginner level
10Bimanual pelvic (gynaecological) examinationB1 - Basic level
11Bimanual uterine examinationA - Beginner level
12Bimanual uterine examinationB1 - Basic level
13Bimanual uterine examinationB2 - Intermediate level
14Blumberg's symptomA - Beginner level
15Bronchophonia on the backA - Beginner level
16Caecum palpationA - Beginner level
17Colon descendens palpationA - Beginner level
18Detection of ascitesA - Beginner level
19Detection of ascites (by means of palpation)A - Beginner level
20Detection of gallbladder projection siteA - Beginner level
21Determination of the amount of deferral.A - Beginner level
22Determination of the amount of lateral tilt of the spine.A - Beginner level
23Determination of the chauffard's triangleA - Beginner level
24Determination of the differential featureA - Beginner level
25Determination of the left border of heart relative dullnessA - Beginner level
26Determination of the right border of the heart relative dullnessA - Beginner level
27Determination of the superior border of heart relative dullnessA - Beginner level
28Determination of thoracolumbal rotation.A - Beginner level
29Due date estimationA - Beginner level
30Due date estimationB1 - Basic level
31Due date estimationB2 - Intermediate level
32Elbow joint palpationA - Beginner level
33Evaluation of epigastric pulsationA - Beginner level
34Examination of knee flexion.A - Beginner level
35Examination of the elbow joint active flexionA - Beginner level
36Examination of the elbow joint extensionA - Beginner level
37Examination of the elbow joint passive flexionA - Beginner level
38Examination of the elbow joint pronationA - Beginner level
39Examination of the elbow joint supinationA - Beginner level
40Examination of the extent of knee extension.A - Beginner level
41Examination of the hip joint testing active abductionA - Beginner level
42Examination of the hip joint testing external rotationA - Beginner level
43Examination of the hip joint testing flexionA - Beginner level
44Examination of the hip joint testing internal rotationA - Beginner level
45Examination of the hip joint testing passive abductionA - Beginner level
46Examination of the lumbar and intestinal joints.A - Beginner level
47Examination technique of breast, as well as supraclaviculal, infraclavicular and axillary lymph nodesA - Beginner level
48Examination technique of breast, as well as supraclaviculal, infraclavicular and axillary lymph nodesB1 - Basic level
49Examination technique of breast, as well as supraclaviculal, infraclavicular and axillary lymph nodesB2 - Intermediate level
50Fundus uteri identificationA - Beginner level
51Fundus uteri identificationB1 - Basic level
52Fundus uteri identificationB2 - Intermediate level
53Gallbladder palpation - checking for Volsky's symptomA - Beginner level
54Gallbladder palpation - examination of a svirksic symptomA - Beginner level
55Gallbladder palpation - examination of Courvoisier's symptomA - Beginner level
56Gallbladder palpation - examination of the saccharine symptomA - Beginner level
57Greater curvature of stomach palpation with compressionA - Beginner level
58Heart auscultation (hemodynamic order)A - Beginner level
59Heart auscultation (topographic order)A - Beginner level
60Heart auscultation (traditional)A - Beginner level
61Height of lung's apex in the frontA - Beginner level
62Height of the lung's apex on the backsideA - Beginner level
63Indirect (relative) measurement of the central venous pressure (by von Recklinghausen)A - Beginner level
64Insertion of vaginal specula and PAP smear performanceA - Beginner level
65Insertion of vaginal specula and PAP smear performanceB1 - Basic level
66Leopold maneuversA - Beginner level
67Leopold maneuversB1 - Basic level
68Leopold maneuversB2 - Intermediate level
69Liver percussionA - Beginner level
70Mayo-Robson's point detectionA - Beginner level
71Measurement of arterial pulseA - Beginner level
72Measurement of the arterial pressureA - Beginner level
73Measurement of the radial pulse tensionA - Beginner level
74Movement test in the subtalar joint.A - Beginner level
75Non-invasive (indirect) measurement of the central venous pressureA - Beginner level
76Orthner symptomA - Beginner level
77Palpation of apex beatA - Beginner level
78Palpation of apex beatA - Beginner level
79Palpation of caput pancreatisA - Beginner level
80Palpation of colon transversumA - Beginner level
81Palpation of corpus pancreatisA - Beginner level
82Palpation of spleenA - Beginner level
83Palpation of the ankle jointA - Beginner level
84Palpation of the ascending intestine/colon ascendens palpationA - Beginner level
85Palpation of the kidneysA - Beginner level
86Palpation of the liverA - Beginner level
87Palpation of the terminal ileumA - Beginner level
88Pap smear performance (cervix cytology smear)A - Beginner level
89Pap smear performance (cervix cytology smear)B1 - Basic level
90Pap smear performance (cervix cytology smear)B2 - Intermediate level
91Percussion and palpation of bladderA - Beginner level
92Percussion of spleenA - Beginner level
93Percussion of the kidneysA - Beginner level
94Pleural and intercostal painsA - Beginner level
95Posterior fremitus pectoralisA - Beginner level
96Posterior lungs comparative percussionA - Beginner level
97Schober’s symptomA - Beginner level
98Shoulder joint examination abductionA - Beginner level
99Shoulder joint examination active extensionA - Beginner level
100Shoulder joint examination active abductionA - Beginner level
101Shoulder joint examination active external rotationA - Beginner level
102Shoulder joint examination active flexionA - Beginner level
103Shoulder joint examination active internal rotationA - Beginner level
104Shoulder joint examination passive abductionA - Beginner level
105Shoulder joint examination passive extensionA - Beginner level
106Shoulder joint examination passive external rotationA - Beginner level
107Shoulder joint examination passive flexionA - Beginner level
108Shoulder joint examination passive internal rotationA - Beginner level
109Sigmoid colon (colon sigmoideum) palpationA - Beginner level
110Testing the fist symptomA - Beginner level
111The width of the apices of the lungsA - Beginner level
112Tomayer’s symptomA - Beginner level
113Topographic percussion of the lung's inferior edgeA - Beginner level
114Triangle symptomA - Beginner level
115Wrist movement test.A - Beginner level
Required Reading
1Propedeitika. Prof. G. Orļikova redakcija, 2014
2Geske R. Bērna bioloģiskā attīstība. – Rīga: RaKa, 2005 (akceptējams izdevums)
3Valtneris A. Bērnu un pusaudžu fizioloģija. - Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2001 (akceptējams izdevums)
4Капитан Т.В. Пропедевтика детских болезнеи с уходом за детьми. Учебник для вузов, 5-е издание, дополненное – Москва: МЕДпресс информ, 2004 (akceptējams izdevums)
5Auziņa I., Bērnu un pusaudžu ginekoloģija, Apgāds “Rasa ABC”, SIA, 2004. (akceptējams izdevums)
6Auziņa I., Andrējeva S., Baidekalna I., Baltiņa D., Barkāne E., Ginekoloģija, SIA Medicīnas apgāds, Rīga, 2013.
7Dzemdniecība. Rīga, Daces Rezenbergas redakcijā, 2016
Additional Reading
1Medicīniskās aprūpes rokasgrāmata / Zin. redakt. Paudere I. – SIA „J.L.V.”, izdevums latviešu val., 2001
2Dobelis J. Bērnu uroloģija. – Rīga, 2003
3Krūmiņa Dž., Kokare I. Latvijas bērnu fiziskās attīstības normatīvi. Rīga: SIA Nacionālais apgāds, 2005.
4Mantle I., Haslam J., Barton S., Cardozo L., Physiotherapy in Obstetrics and Gynaecology, Butterworth Heinemann, 2004.
5Fleminga I. Zīdaiņa attīstība un attīstības traucējumi – Rīga: Zvaigzne, 1999
6Patricia C. Wilson., Common Gynaecological Conditions, Blackwell Science, 2002.
Other Information Sources
1Latvijas ginekologu un dzemdību speciālistu asociācijas vadlīnijas mājas lapā
3Lekciju materiāli