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The Art of Dance

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:1.00
Study Course Accepted:19.06.2024 11:23:14
Study Course Information
Course Code:LSPA_236LQF level:Level 6
Credit Points:2.00ECTS:3.00
Branch of Science:Sports ScienceTarget Audience:Sports Trainer; Pedagogy
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Inese Ļubinska
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Latvian Academy of Sport Education (LASE)
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:LSPA, Brīvības gatve 333, Riga, LV-1006
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)3Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures6
Classes (count)12Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes24
Total Contact Hours30
Part-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)3Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures6
Classes (count)12Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes24
Total Contact Hours30
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
Study courses mastered: Educational Psychology for Teachers, Teacher’s Professional Skills, Social-Emotional Learning, Legal Aspects of Pedagogical Process, Management of Educational Institution, Theory of Sport, Innovative Information Communication Technologies and Methods in Sport Pedagogy, Biomechanics and Ergonomics, General and Physical Activity Biochemistry, Qualitative Research in Sport and Health Education, Quantitative Research in Sport and Health Education, Pre-School Sport Paedagogy, General and Age-Specific Physiology, Physiology of Physical Activities, Human Anatomy and Dynamic Anatomy, Environmental Health, Health Promoting Physical Activities, Foundations and Methodology of Basketball, Foundations and Methodology of Volleyball, Foundations and Methodology of Football, Foundations and Methodology of Floorball, Foundations and Methodology of Handball, Foundations and Methodology of Badminton and Frisbee, Foundations and Methodology of Skiing, Foundations and Methodology of Track and Field Exercises, Foundations and Methodology of Swimming, Outdoor and Adventure Activities I, II, III, Foundations and Methodology of Self-Defence, Rhythmics and Rhythmic Combinations, History of Sport, Philosophy of Sport, Sport in Multicultural Environment and Olympic Education, Project Development, Health Education and Health Promotion, Psychology of Physical Activities, School Sport Paedagogy, Single Player Movement Games and Physical Activities, Sport Medicine, Professional Communication and Terminology I (English, German, Russian), Professional Communication and Terminology II (English, German, Russian), Professional Ethics, Teacher’s Placement I, II, III. 
To educate the student according to the competences provided for in the profession standard in section Dance and Rhythmic Combinations.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Insight into the development of dancing games and dance. Nature of the Latvian dance, its foundations and means of expression. Latvian folk dance recording system in Latvia, its application in the study process.Lectures1.00auditorium
2Foundations of Latvian dance: directions, leg, arm positions, holds, grasps, structures. Latvian folk dance steps.Classes2.00auditorium
3Ethnographic partner dances: 1. Partner dances. 2. Two-couple dances. 3. Dances for a definite and indefinite number of couples.Classes2.00auditorium
4Introduction to the teaching of dance sports, conditions for the teaching of dance sports, its educational aspects and application in the study process.Lectures1.00auditorium
5European (ST) dance sports.Classes4.00auditorium
6Latin American (LA) dance sports.Classes2.00auditorium
7Theoretical aspects of contemporary dance, their educational aspects and application in the study process.Lectures1.00auditorium
8Foundations of contemporary dance. Body positioning. Performance of contemporary dance.Classes2.00auditorium
Topic Layout (Part-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Insight into the development of dancing games and dance. Nature of the Latvian dance, its foundations and means of expression. Latvian folk dance recording system in Latvia, its application in the study process.Lectures1.00auditorium
2Foundations of Latvian dance: directions, leg, arm positions, holds, grasps, structures. Latvian folk dance steps.Classes2.00auditorium
3Ethnographic partner dances: 1. Partner dances. 2. Two-couple dances. 3. Dances for a definite and indefinite number of couples.Classes2.00auditorium
4Introduction to the teaching of dance sports, conditions for the teaching of dance sports, its educational aspects and application in the study process.Lectures1.00auditorium
5European (ST) dance sports.Classes4.00auditorium
6Latin American (LA) dance sports.Classes2.00auditorium
7Theoretical aspects of contemporary dance, their educational aspects and application in the study process.Lectures1.00auditorium
8Foundations of contemporary dance. Body positioning. Performance of contemporary dance.Classes2.00auditorium
Unaided Work:
Foundations of Art of Dance I/Latvian Dance 1. Theory: Classification of the Latvian folk dance (by content, by form). Principles of composition and means of expression. 2. Assimilation and identity problems in the Latvian folk dance. Presentation of a review and analysis of theoretical literature. 3. Practical activity: To practice the performance of the basic steps of the Latvian folk dance to improve them. 4. Selection of musical materials. Dance setting. Polishing a dance performance. Selection and setting of Latvian folk dancing game. Planning, organisation and presentation of dance classes in grades 1-3, grades 4-6, grades 7-9 and grades 10-12, self-analysis of activity, self-assessment and group reflection. Foundations of Art of Dance II/Dance Sports 1. Theoretical literature studies on dance sports history, dance sports performance techniques, competition rules. Presentation of a review and analysis of theoretical literature. 2. Practical activity: To practice the performance of the basic steps of the dance sports to improve them. To practice with a partner for preparing and demonstrating a 4-set performance. 3. To exercise independently by improving movement skills in dance steps and sets learned within the study course. 4. To participate, record and perform pedagogical analysis for 2 dance sport competitions. 5. To plan, organise and conduct lessons for an hour with dance sport exercises, analysis of activity, reflection. Foundations of Art of Dance III/Contemporary Dance 1. Theoretical review and presentation of the selected topic in contemporary dance (contemporary dance/contemporary dance direction/technique). 2. Independent practical work with techniques learned during lectures in the form of individual exercises and staged combinations. 3. Independent exercising for staging a combination using a specific technique. 4. Staging a choreographic study in pairs using contemporary dance, demonstrating cooperation and communication skills, self-analysis of activity, self-assessment and group reflection.
Assessment Criteria:
The study course assesses the quality of students’ independent work presentations, the suitability of dance movements for the music genre and rhythm, performance quality, cooperation and communication skills and performance skills in students’ working groups. Students who have attended 60% of practical classes and successfully presented their independent work are admitted to the examination. At the end of the study course, the collected materials and presentation portfolio of independent work are presented. Examination form: examination. The assessment in the examination consists of: 1. Theory 15% 2. Planning and preparing dance exercises and selected dance genre according to the specified situation (according to the purpose, tasks of the lesson, age of students, movement skills, physical fitness and health condition) 40% 3. Technical performance of dance exercises, the ability to stage choreographic performances 45%. Assessment form: combined. Criteria: for example, (1-5 points) for each criterion, maximum – 100 points, minimum – 50%. 1. Knows the theoretical aspects of dance art, how to explain the health-promoting aspects of dance and the forms of artistic expression of dance, able to explain the connection between objects (e.g. the link of dance to mathematics, language, physics). 2. Knows specific dance steps and knows how to perform adequately by demonstrating performance skills. 3. Able to read and compile the descriptions of LFD and teach at least 5 Latvian folk dance to a student group/pupils, demonstrating cooperation and communication competences, performing self-analysis, self-assessment and self-reflection. 4. Able to compile the descriptions of other folk dances to a student group/pupils, demonstrating cooperation and communication competences, performing self-analysis, self-assessment and self-reflection. 5. Able to teach basic steps of dance sports to a student group/pupils, demonstrating cooperation and communication competences, performing self-analysis, self-assessment and self-reflection. 6. Able to stage choreographic studies in couples and to a student group/pupils using contemporary dance exercises, demonstrating cooperation and communication competences, performance skills, performing self-analysis, self-assessment and self-reflection.
Final Examination (Full-Time):Exam
Final Examination (Part-Time):Exam
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:1. Knows theoretical aspects of dance art, 2. Knows how to explain the health-promoting aspects of dance and the forms of artistic expression of dance, able to explain the connection between objects (e.g. the link of dance to mathematics, language, physics, etc.).
Skills:3. To perform Latvian folk dances (hereinafter referred to LFD), Latvian folk dancing games, historical dances and other folk dance steps, read dance descriptions. 4. Able to complete the class with various tasks necessary to learn the dance, using different types of folk dance equipment for different age groups of pupils. 5. To demonstrate 4 sports dances in conformity with the competition and step rules (beginner level 2-4) developed by the Latvian Dance Sport Federation and lead by integrating sports dance exercises in classes. 6. To be versed in the history and development of contemporary dance. 7. Knows how to perform contemporary dance techniques and apply them for exercise, as well as choreography. 8. Able to integrate body-setting principles into their work so that the performance of contemporary dance is complete.
Competencies:9. Able to analyse and evaluate modelled lessons to find an understanding of how to find feedback at all levels of education. 10. In accordance with the objective set, able to define the objectives of an individualised study process, to plan the activities of dance and rhythmic combinations according to the learning outcomes to be achieved. 11. Will carry out study and extracurricular work in the field of physical activity by applying the study content of dance and rhythmic combinations, encouraging the development of pupils’ competences, the transfer of knowledge in different contexts and practical applications.
Required Reading
1Autere, A. (2014). The Feeling Balletbody. Pittsburgh: Dorrance Publishing.
2Deja, kustība, ķermenis. (2013). Rakstu krājums / zin. red. un krāj. sast.: Sandra Mihailova, Ivans Jānis Mihailovs. Mārupe, Drukātava.
3Forsythe, W. (2012) Improvisation Technologies: A Tool for the Analytical Dance Eye. Germany: Hatje Cantz Publishers.
4Krasnow, D. (2015). Motor Learning and Control for Dance : principles and practices for performers and teachers. Virginia Wilmerding. Champaign, IL, Human Kinetics
5Krombholca, Ģ., & Hāze-Tirka, A (2009). Standartdejas. Rīga: Madris.
6Laban, R. (2011). The Mastery of Movement. New York: Dance books.
7Latviešu dejas pamati. (2011). E.Saulītes red. Kultūrizglītības un nemateriālā mantojuma centrs.
8Latviešu tautas dejas. (1992). M. Lasmanes red. Rīga, Latvijas Valsts izdevniecība.
9Tufnell, M., & Crickmay, C. (2014). Body Space Image. New York: Dace books.
10Moore, A. (2006). The Revised Technique of Ballroom dancing. 9th Edition.
11Schupp, K. (2014). Studying Dance: a guide for campus and beyond. Champaign, IL. Human Kinetics.
12Spalva, R. (2018). Dejas kompozīcija. Rīga, Zinātne, 255lpp.
13Spīčs, E. (2003). Mārtiņa deju grāmata. Mūsdienu latviešu tradicionālā deja 1.-2. burtnīca. Rīga, Latvijas Universitāte.
14A Technique of Advanced Latin-American Figures. (n.d.). DSI-9050, 272p.
15Ērgle, B. Savčenko, D. (2015). Latviešu tautas dejas pamati. Latvijas Sporta pedagoģijas akadēmija, 40 lpp.
Additional Reading
1Drulle, E. (2013). Latvija dejo. Rīga. Atēna.
2Līduma, A. (2004). Pirmsskolas vecuma bērnu muzikalitātes attīstības pedagoģiskais aspekts. Promocijas darbs. Latvijas Universitāte.
3Zelmene, M. (2004). Mūzika mazajiem. Dejas un rotaļas. Mācību līdzeklis: 3.grāmata. Rīga: RaKa
4Zvirgzdiņa, D. (2015). Dejošanas un ritmikas nodarbības bērniem no 3 – 11 gadiem. Žurnālā: Sports teorijā un praksē. Nr.4, 12.-14.lpp.
5Орлова, Е. Г. & Салимгареева. И. (2011). Теория и методика танцевального спорта.
Other Information Sources
1Dance History 2 Contemporary. (2011).
2Dejas pedagoģija. RPIVA. Skatīts 2016.g.27.sept.
3Rīga dejo. (2001). Rīgas 800 gadu jubilejas svinību pasākuma rotaļu krājums.
4Spalva, R. (2014). Dejas notācija – vēsturisks fakts vai nepieciešamība. In SOCIETY. INTEGRATION. EDUCATION. Proceedings of the International Scientific Conference May 23rd-24th, 2014, Volume II. 495.-506.lpp.
5Spalva, R. (n.d.). Atdarināšana un attēlošana latviešu rotaļdejās. LZA Vēstis. Letonikas avoti.
6Tīsenkopfs, T. (2008). Dziesmu un deju svētki mainīgā sociālā vidē. LU SPPI
7Forsythe-Lines-Point (2008).
8Latvijas sporta deju federācija.
9World Dance sport federation.