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Teacher Placement IV

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:1.00
Study Course Accepted:11.07.2024 09:10:19
Study Course Information
Course Code:LSPA_345LQF level:Level 6
Credit Points:10.00ECTS:15.00
Branch of Science:Sports ScienceTarget Audience:Sports Trainer; Pedagogy
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Inta Bula-Biteniece
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Latvian Academy of Sport Education (LASE)
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:LSPA, Brīvības gatve 333, Riga, LV-1006
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)Lecture Length (academic hours)Total Contact Hours of Lectures0
Classes (count)Class Length (academic hours)Total Contact Hours of Classes0
Total Contact Hours0
Full-Time - Semester No.2
Lectures (count)Lecture Length (academic hours)Total Contact Hours of Lectures0
Classes (count)Class Length (academic hours)Total Contact Hours of Classes0
Total Contact Hours0
Full-Time - Semester No.3
Lectures (count)Lecture Length (academic hours)Total Contact Hours of Lectures0
Classes (count)Class Length (academic hours)Total Contact Hours of Classes0
Total Contact Hours0
Part-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)Lecture Length (academic hours)Total Contact Hours of Lectures0
Classes (count)Class Length (academic hours)Total Contact Hours of Classes0
Total Contact Hours0
Part-Time - Semester No.2
Lectures (count)Lecture Length (academic hours)Total Contact Hours of Lectures0
Classes (count)Class Length (academic hours)Total Contact Hours of Classes0
Total Contact Hours0
Part-Time - Semester No.3
Lectures (count)Lecture Length (academic hours)Total Contact Hours of Lectures0
Classes (count)Class Length (academic hours)Total Contact Hours of Classes0
Total Contact Hours0
Part-Time - Semester No.4
Lectures (count)Lecture Length (academic hours)Total Contact Hours of Lectures0
Classes (count)Class Length (academic hours)Total Contact Hours of Classes0
Total Contact Hours0
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
Study courses mastered: Educational Psychology for Teachers, Teacher’s Professional Skills, Social-Emotional Learning, Legal Aspects of Pedagogical Process, Management of Educational Institution, Theory of Sport, Innovative Information Communication Technologies and Methods in Sport Pedagogy, Biomechanics and Ergonomics, General and Physical Activity Biochemistry, Business and Accounting, Qualitative Research in Sport and Health Education, Quantitative Research in Sport and Health Education, Nutrition, Pre-School Sport Paedagogy, General and Age-Specific Physiology, Physiology of Physical Activities, Human Anatomy and Dynamic Anatomy, Environmental Health, Health Promoting Physical Activities, Foundations and Methodology of Basketball, Foundations and Methodology of Volleyball, Foundations and Methodology of Football, Foundations and Methodology of Floorball, Foundations and Methodology of Handball, Foundations and Methodology of Badminton and Frisbee, Foundations and Methodology of Skiing, Foundations and Methodology of Track and Field Exercises, Foundations and Methodology of Swimming, Outdoor and Adventure Activities I, II, III, Foundations and Methodology of Self-Defence, Rhythmics and Rhythmic Combinations, History of Sport, Philosophy of Sport, Sport in Multicultural Environment and Olympic Education, Project Development, Health Education and Health Promotion, Psychology of Physical Activities, School Sport Paedagogy, Leading Class Work, Single Player Movement Games and Physical Activities, Sport Medicine, Professional Communication and Terminology I (English, German), Professional Communication and Terminology II (English, German), Professional Ethics, Teacher’s Placement I, II, III.
To enable the future sports teacher to improve competences for professional activities and the ability to work with children of different ages and gender, physical development and health condition. Able to purposefully advance the development of pupils’ competences in accordance with pupil’s individual development, learning, personality and social growth needs. To develop the ability to find one’s way and adopt decisions in non-standard conditions and situations.
Unaided Work:
Development of content for performing research activities in assessing pupils’ performance at different levels of education in the field of Health and Physical Activity. Developing and implementing the principles of meaningful sport class content based on pupils’ learning outcomes and mastering of transversal skills. Creation of sporting event content for promoting the health, securability and physical fitness of pupils. Creation of content for evaluating the pedagogical process of sports lessons: creative class, drill hour, test class. Creating correlations between the secondary education standard and the planning of sports lessons. Content of the research activity for the assessment of joint and individual load and rational use of lesson time (heart rate and timing). Self-assessment of a pupil and assessment of a school methodologist (sports teacher) for qualification placement with substantiation of motivation or denial of mastering the sports teacher's qualification. Creation of the content of the 10-step programme for the improvement of personal professional competence for the next year of practical activity – separate section. The student creates the description content and design independently. If necessary, specify additional sections to be included in the placement log.
Assessment Criteria:
Formative assessment indicators: Logbook, individual plan, thematic plan Upbringing work Leading classes, pedagogical skills. Leading a class, pedagogical skills: 1 point - Lesson tasks, content, methods and leading only partially correspond to the age, preparedness of the pupil and requirements of the standard. - The class place has been partially prepared. - Pupil’s safety during the lesson has not always been considered. - There are terminological errors in the sports lesson plan. - The choice of lesson tools (exercises) is not diverse. - Parts of the lesson have not been proportionally planned. - Transitioning to other tasks is not always rational. - The teacher feels insecure in contact with pupils. 2 points - Lesson tasks, content, methods and leading almost correspond to the age, preparedness of the pupil and requirements of the standard. - The class place has been partially prepared. - The teacher has tried to consider safety of pupils during the lesson. - There are still terminological errors in the sports lesson plan. - The choice of lesson tools (exercises) is becoming more diverse. - The sports teacher tries to plan time for each part of the lesson. - Transitioning to other tasks is becoming more rational. - The teacher feels secure in contact with pupils. - The sports teacher’s professional language and posture are improving. 3 points - Lesson tasks, content, methods and leading fully correspond to the age, preparedness of the pupil and requirements of the standard. - The class place and tools have been prepared. - Pupils’ safety is fully considered during the sports lesson. - There are still some terminological errors in the sports lesson plan. - The choice of lesson tools (exercises) is sufficiently diverse. - The sports teacher manages to rationally plan time in each part of the sports lesson. - Transitioning to other tasks is rational. - The sports teacher’s professional language, posture and lesson leading style almost meet the requirements of the teacher’s profession standard. 4 points - Lesson tasks, content, methods and leading fully correspond to the age, preparedness of the pupil and requirements of the standard. - The place for the class has been prepared, tools are diverse. - The pupils know, understand and respect safety during the sports lesson. - There are almost no terminological errors in the sports lesson plan. - Diverse lesson tools (exercises) have been selected both in each part of the lesson and during the entire lesson. - The lesson time has been used rationally, musical accompaniment has been used. - The performance of transitioning tasks is fully rational, with one type of setting serving as the starting point for starting another task. - The sports teacher’s preparation for the sports lesson, professional language, posture and lesson leading style are in line with the basic principles of humane pedagogy. 5 points - All criteria that meet 4 points have been included, and innovative solutions are applied for each part of the lesson.
Final Examination (Full-Time):Defence (Placement)
Final Examination (Part-Time):Defence (Placement)
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:1. To demonstrate comprehensive and sport-specific knowledge of basic and specialised facts, theories, patterns of transversal skills to be purposefully developed by offering to learn respective strategies, act in harmony with colleagues.
Skills:2. Plans the study process that focuses on learning outcomes of pupils and fits into the general school programme. 3. Purposefully and effectively uses available placement time, encourage each pupil to think, do themselves, organise the learning process so that pupils receive support from the teacher and from each other. 4. Takes care that pupils critically assess different information, make informed decisions, cooperate effectively, taking into account their own needs and those of others. 5. Formulates clear learning outcomes and appropriate criteria for assessment of pupils’ performance.
Competencies:6. Systematically plans and implements personal professional growth, seeks support, time and learning material to continue to improve further.
Required Reading
11. Noteikumi par valsts pamatizglītības standartu un pamatizglītības programmu paraugiem. Ministru kabineta 2018.gada 27.novembra noteikumi Nr.747 (stājas spēkā 2020.gada 1.septembrī)
22. Noteikumi par valsts vispārējās vidējās izglītības standartu un vispārējās vidējās izglītības programmu paraugiem. Ministru kabineta 2019.gada 3.septembra noteikumi Nr.416 (stājas spēkā 2020.gada 1.septembrī)
33. Jansone, R., Fernāte, A., & Bula-Biteniece, I. (2016). Sporta pedagoģijas vakar šodien rīt. Rīga, RaKa, 567lpp.
44. Creative Approaches to Physical Education.
Additional Reading
15. Izglītības un zinātnes ministrijas vietne
26. Valsts izglītības satura centra vietne
37. Projekta “Skola2030” vietne
48. Laikraksts „Izglītība un Kultūra”
59. Žurnāls „Skolotājs”.
610. Žurnāls “Physical Education and Sport Pedagogy”