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Human Anatomy

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:1.00
Study Course Accepted:25.03.2024 08:50:46
Study Course Information
Course Code:MK_076LQF level:Level 7
Credit Points:3.33ECTS:5.00
Branch of Science:Basic Sciences of Medicine, including PharmacyTarget Audience:Pharmacy
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Dzintra Kažoka
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Department of Morphology
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:Riga, 9 Kronvalda boulevard, aaiakatrsu[pnkts]lv, +371 67061551
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)10Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures20
Classes (count)16Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes32
Total Contact Hours52
Part-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)6Lecture Length (academic hours)4Total Contact Hours of Lectures24
Classes (count)4Class Length (academic hours)4Total Contact Hours of Classes16
Total Contact Hours40
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
All biology disciplines at secondary school level.
To acquire knowledge and understanding about the structure and functional role of the human body, providing the basis for the knowledge necessary for further studies.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1ĀSNFF, 1ST STUDY YEAR, 1ST SEMESTER: Introduction into human anatomy, research methods, main principles of human body composition. Main periods of the ontogenesis. Groups of the tissue.Lectures1.00Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology
2Skeletal system: skeleton, functions, classification. Bones of the trunk and their joints.Classes1.00Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology
3Bone as an organ (structure, chemical composition, growth). Types of the bones, joints. Anatomy of the articular joint.Lectures1.00Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology
4Skeleton of the extremities: bones and their joints. Skull: classification, bones, changes according to the age.Classes1.00Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology
5Muscular system: main muscular groups, their functions.Classes1.00Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology
6Muscle as an organ: structure, classification, functions, additional structures. Tone, strength, work of the muscles.Lectures1.00Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology
7Seminar: groups of the tissue, passive and active apparatuses of the movements.Classes1.00Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology
8Systems of the internal organs, their characteristics, functions. Endocrine system: glands, topography, functions.Lectures1.00Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology
9Respiratory system: organs, structure, functions. Mechanism of the respiration.Classes1.00Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology
10Sense organs: classification, structure, functions.Lectures1.00Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology
11Oral cavity: organs, structure, functions. Digestive processes in the oral cavity. Tongue, esophagus, stomach: structure, functions.Classes1.00Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology
12Blood circulation system: blood vessels, their classification, structure and functions. Arteries, their location and supply.Lectures1.00Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology
13Small and large intestines: classification, structure, functions in different parts. Liver, gall bladder, bile ducts, pancreas: structure, functions.Classes1.00Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology
14Veins, their location. Portal vein, anastomoses between veins. Lymphatic system: structure, functions.Lectures1.00Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology
15Urinary system: organs, structure, functions. Differences according to the gender. Female and male genital system: organs, structure, functions.Classes1.00Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology
16Endocrine system and sensory organs: structure, functions.Classes1.00Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology
17Colloquium: systems of the internal organs, endocrine system and sense organs.Classes1.00Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology
18Central nervous system (CNS): classification, functions. Ventricles of the brain and coverings. Circulation of the liquor.Lectures1.00Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology
19Heart: structure, conduction system. Pericardium. The largest blood vessels of the systemic circulation, their topography and supply areas.Classes1.00Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology
20Peripheral nervous system: structure, functions.Lectures1.00Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology
21Seminar: blood circulation system and lymphatic system.Classes1.00Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology
22Autonomic nervous system (ANS): classification, functions. Parasympathic nervous system. Sympathetic nervous system. Innervation of the internal organs.Lectures1.00Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology
23Central nervous system.Classes1.00Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology
24Central nervous system.Classes1.00Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology
25Peripheral nervous system. Autonomic nervous system (ANS).Classes1.00Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology
26Colloquium: central, peripheral and autonomic nervous systems.Classes1.00Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology
Topic Layout (Part-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
27SSNFFN, 1ST STUDY YEAR, 2ND SEMESTER: 1st topic: Groups of the tissue and their characterictics. Locomotor system. 2nd topic: Systems of the internal organs. 3rd topic: Sense organs. 4th topic: Glands of the inner secretion and Circulatory system - 1st part. 5th topic: Circulatory system - 2nd part. 6th topic: Nervous system – 1st and 2nd parts.Lectures6.00Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology
28ĀSNFFN, 1ST STUDY YEAR, 2ND SEMESTER: 1st topic: Locomotor system. Sensory organs. Respiratory system. Digestive system. Urinary system. Female and male genital system: composition. 2nd topic: Circulatory system. Central, peripheral and autonomic nervous system. Glands of the inner secretion.Classes4.00Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology
Unaided Work:
Attendance in the lectures and practical classes; preparation for tests (tests, seminars and colloquia) according to the content of the study course; preparation for the end of the study course; individual and group work; work with study materials, study literature (research, analysis), RSU e-study materials; presentation of the results of practical work; execution of specific tasks; presentation of works; attendance in the consultations on the content of the course.
Assessment Criteria:
To successfully acquire the study course material and prepare for the final examination of the study course, the student performs the following activities: 1. Active participation in practical classes and seminars, passing tests and colloquiums provided for in them (20%). 2. The regular and constant acquisition of the mentioned theoretical literature (10%). 3. Oral presentation of independent work (20%). 4. Oral exam (50%). Actively participate in practical classes and seminars, pass the planned tests and colloquiums. Requirements: The student actively participates in all practical classes and seminars, productively participates in discussions of the situation analysis on a specific issue, problem, can substantiate and defend his / her opinion, uses appropriate terminology and refers to the read literature sources. Pass the planned tests and colloquiums successfully and on time. Independently read the indicated literature sources and prepare a report or presentation on a specific topic. Requirements: To acquaint other students with a specific topic, using comprehensible, sequential information and emphasizing the most important, supplementing the story with examples and illustrating with appropriate teaching aids. During the report or presentation, try to involve the other classmates by asking them separate questions or tasks, and at the end make a summary of the specific topic. Exam grade is applied only for students who have passed all the requirements and tests of the course. Exam grade is cumulative.
Final Examination (Full-Time):Exam (Oral)
Final Examination (Part-Time):Exam (Oral)
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:Students are able to outline and explain the structure of the human body and the topography of anatomical structures in the body; can assess the similarities, differences and meanings of organs; are able to correctly, clearly and unambiguously explain the most important concepts and regularities; can answer the questions related to the structure of the human body, combining and applying basic knowledge acquired in specific situations; can define part of the anatomical terms in Latin.
Skills:Student will recognize and be able to demonstrate the skeletal bones, joints, muscles, organs and anatomical structures of the nervous system in natural preparations and other visual materials; will be able to work with special literature.
Competencies:Student will be able to use the acquired theoretical and practical knowledge, skillfully explaining and demonstrating various anatomical structures in natural preparations and visual aids.
Required Reading
1Parkers, S. 2016. Cilvēka ķermenis. 2. izd. Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC. (tikai latviešu plūsmas studijām)
2Tenbergs, G. un Stalte, K. 2018. Cilvēka ķermenis : Ilustrētā enciklopēdija. Dorling Kindersley Limited. Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC. (tikai latviešu plūsmas studijām)
3Žagare, R. u.c. 2009. Cilvēka anatomija : Metodiskās rekomendācijas studentiem. Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. Anatomijas un antropoloģijas institūts. Rīga : RSU. (iekļauts mācību pamatmateriāls; tikai latviešu plūsmas studijām)
4Gilroy A. M., MacPherson B. R., Schuenke M., Schulte E. and Schumacher U. 2016. Atlas of Anatomy. 3rd ed. New York ; Stuttgart : Thieme.
5Netter, F. 2018. Atlas of human anatomy. Netter basic science. 7th ed. Elsevier.
6Pilmane, M., Pļaviņa, L. and Kavak, V. 2016. Embryology and anatomy for health sciences. Rīga : Rīga Stradiņš University.
7Ārvalstu studentiem/For international students
8Gilroy A. M., MacPherson B. R., Schuenke M., Schulte E. and Schumacher U. 2016. Atlas of Anatomy. 3rd ed. New York ; Stuttgart : Thieme.
9Netter, F. 2018. Atlas of human anatomy. Netter basic science. 7th ed. Elsevier.
Additional Reading
1Balodis, V. Ģ. u.c. 2015. Rokasgrāmata bioloģijā. Rīga : Zvaigzne ABC. (tikai latviešu plūsmas studijām)
2Eglīte, K. 2020. Anatomija. 1. daļa, Skelets un muskuļi : mācību līdzeklis bioloģijas, pedagoģijas, optometrijas, farmācijas un citās ne medicīnas studiju programmās. 7. izd. Rīga : LU Akadēmiskais apgāds. (tikai latviešu plūsmas studijām)
3Eglīte, K. 2020. Anatomija. 2. daļa, Asinsrites sistēma, iekšējie orgāni, nervu sistēma, sensoriskā sistēma : Mācību līdzeklis bioloģijas, pedagoģijas, optometrijas, farmācijas un citās ne medicīnas studiju programmās. 5. izd. Rīga : LU Akadēmiskais apgāds. (tikai latviešu plūsmas studijām)
4Roomans, G., Kažoka, D. un Pilmane, M. 2019. Klīniskā anatomija medicīnas studentiem. Rīga : Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. (tikai latviešu plūsmas studijām)
5Drake, R. L., Vogl, A. W., Mitchell, A. W. M., Tibbitts, R. M., Richardson, P. E. and Horn, A. 2020. Gray's atlas of anatomy. 3rd ed. Philadelphia : Elsevier.
6Hansen, J. 2018. Netter's Clinical Anatomy (Netter Basic Science). Philadelphia : Elsevier.
7Paulsen, F. and Waschke, J. 2018. Sobotta Atlas of Anatomy, Vol. 2, 16th ed. English/Latin: Internal Organs. Urban & Fischer.
8Waschke, J. and Paulsen, F. 2018. Sobotta Atlas of Anatomy, Vol. 1, 16th ed. English/Latin: General Anatomy and Musculoskeletal System. Urban & Fischer.
9Ārvalstu studentiem/For international students
10Drake, R. L., Vogl, A. W., Mitchell, A. W. M., Tibbitts, R. M., Richardson, P. E. and Horn, A. 2020. Gray's atlas of anatomy. 3rd ed. Philadelphia : Elsevier.
11Waschke, J. and Paulsen, F. 2018. Sobotta Atlas of Anatomy, Vol. 1, 16th ed. English/Latin: General Anatomy and Musculoskeletal System. Urban & Fischer.
Other Information Sources
1Anatomijas e-studiju materiāli, Web resursi, licencētas programmas, mācību CD un DVD. (tikai latviešu plūsmas studijām)
2All lectures and lab notes/handouts in the e-studies, WEB links, licensed programs, Anatomy CD and DVD.