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Public Health and Epidemiology

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:7.00
Study Course Accepted:16.11.2022 12:17:43
Study Course Information
Course Code:SVUEK_128LQF level:Level 6
Credit Points:2.00ECTS:3.00
Branch of Science:Clinical MedicineTarget Audience:Medical Services
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Aija Bukova-Žideļūna
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Department of Public Health and Epidemiology
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:Riga, 9 Kronvalda boulevard, svekatrsu[pnkts]lv, +371 67338307
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)0Lecture Length (academic hours)0Total Contact Hours of Lectures0
Classes (count)8Class Length (academic hours)4Total Contact Hours of Classes32
Total Contact Hours32
Part-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)Lecture Length (academic hours)Total Contact Hours of Lectures0
Classes (count)8Class Length (academic hours)4Total Contact Hours of Classes32
Total Contact Hours32
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
Basic knowledge in normal and pathological physiology, biochemistry and mathematical statistics.
To provide knowledge about the basic issues of the public health sector and to learn the ideas, basic concepts and methods used in epidemiology in studying and solving health problems.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Health, public health, evidence-based public healthClasses1.00auditorium
2Disease prevention, health promotionClasses1.00auditorium
3Sources of health information. Common, specific and standardised indicatorsClasses1.00auditorium
4Epidemiology. Causality. Basic indicators in epidemiology – incidence and prevalenceClasses1.00auditorium
5Sampling and measurement errors. Descriptive studiesClasses1.00auditorium
6Analytical studies. Association indicators. Screening. Evaluation of diagnostic testsClasses1.00auditorium
7Organisation of health careClasses1.00auditorium
8Social determinants of healthClasses1.00auditorium
Topic Layout (Part-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Health, public health, evidence-based public healthClasses1.00auditorium
2Disease prevention, health promotionClasses1.00auditorium
3Sources of health information. Common, specific and standardised indicatorsClasses1.00auditorium
4Epidemiology. Causality. Basic indicators in epidemiology – incidence and prevalenceClasses1.00auditorium
5Sampling and measurement errors. Descriptive studiesClasses1.00auditorium
6Analytical studies. Association indicators. Screening. Evaluation of diagnostic testsClasses1.00auditorium
7Organisation of health careClasses1.00auditorium
8Social determinants of healthClasses1.00auditorium
Unaided Work:
Individual work during classes, discussing the problems of the subject of the respective class, epidemiology calculations (basic epidemiological indicators, diagnostic test indicators, association indicators), work with scientific literature at home, presentation of independent work in class.
Assessment Criteria:
Attendance of classes (10%), regular oral testing of understanding and skills during classes (10%); home assignments (20%); written exam (60%).
Final Examination (Full-Time):Exam (Written)
Final Examination (Part-Time):Exam (Written)
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:• Will define the concept of health and name the main categories of factors affecting health. • Will name the determinants of social health. • Will formulate the tasks of public health as science and practice. • Will define the levels of disease prevention and the basic functions of health promotion. • Will name the main principles of health care organisation and financing. • Will describe the basic concepts of modern epidemiology and application thereof in health sciences. • Will explain the concept of evidence-based health care. • Will explain the principles of prevalence and incidence calculation. • Will formulate basic demographic indicators. • Will define the basic principles of disease screening. • Will name the accuracy and performance indicators of diagnostic tests. • Will describe the types and sources of health information. • Will name research designs used in epidemiology, their characteristics, advantages and disadvantages. • Will define and explain association indicators used in epidemiology.
Skills:• Will name examples of factors affecting health in the specialty of nutrition. • Will describe examples of disease prevention and health promotion within one’s specialty. • Will calculate basic indicators of frequency of health events and conditions. • Will calculate basic demographic indicators. • Will differentiate between common, specific and standardised indicators. • Will calculate the accuracy and performance indicators of diagnostic tests. • Will differentiate and compare different sources of health information. • Will differentiate the types of epidemiological studies according to their design. • Will calculate association indicators used in epidemiology.
Competencies:• Will interpret the concept of health and factors affecting health in the specialty of nutrition. • Will substantiate the importance of health promotion and prevention in the specialty of nutrition. • Will apply the indicators of health event frequency and demographic indicators in health problem research. • Will critically evaluate health information depending on the data sources. • Will compare research results depending on the design of epidemiological studies and association indicators measured.
Required Reading
1M.Baltiņš. "Lietišķā epidemioloģija". Rīga, Zinātne, 2003., 354.lpp. (akceptējams izdevums)
2Bouter, L.M., Zielhuis, G.A., Zeegers, M.P. Textbook of epidemiology. Bohn Stafleu van Loghum, 2018
Additional Reading
1Beaglehole R., Bonita R., Kjellstrom T. Basic Epidemiology. Geneva: WHO, 2006.
2Gillam S., Yates J., Badrinath P. Essential Public Health. Theory and Practice. New York: Cambridge University Press, 2012. xiii, 335 p.
3Naidoo J., Wills J. Public Health and Health Promotion. Developing Practice. Elsevier Limited, 2005. xii, 283 p.
4Berkman L.F., Kawachi I. (ed.). Social Epidemiology. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000. xxii, 391 p.
5Tragakes E. u.c. Veselības aprūpes sistēmas pārejas periodā: Latvija. Pārskats par veselības aprūpes sistēmu. PVO Eiropas Reģionālais birojs, 2008. xxiv, 248 lpp.
6Figueras J. et al. (ed.). Health systems in transition: learning from experience. European Observatory on Health Systems and Policies, WHO Regional Office for Europe, 2004. 152 p.
Other Information Sources
1European Health for All database (HFA-DB)