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Latvian Language in Medicine

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:1.00
Study Course Accepted:27.03.2024 11:38:39
Study Course Information
Course Code:SZF_125LQF level:Level 7
Credit Points:3.33ECTS:5.00
Branch of Science:LinguisticsTarget Audience:Medicine
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Dace Žibala
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Faculty of Social Sciences
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:Dzirciema street 16, Rīga, szfatrsu[pnkts]lv
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)0Lecture Length (academic hours)0Total Contact Hours of Lectures0
Classes (count)14Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes28
Total Contact Hours28
Full-Time - Semester No.2
Lectures (count)0Lecture Length (academic hours)0Total Contact Hours of Lectures0
Classes (count)16Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes32
Total Contact Hours32
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
No preliminary knowledge of the Latvian language is required.
To develop students' conversational skills for everyday communication, as well as to develop communicative and intercultural competence for further use of Latvian language knowledge in the study process at A1 level.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1The Latvian language, specific features. Alphabet, pronunciation. Getting acquainted. Greetings. Present tense of the verb "būt/nebūt" (to be/no to be). Personal pronouns. The gender, singular and plural of noun. The demonstrative pronoun "it/ that". Question formation with the question words "vai", "kas"( "vai" is used for the general question, "who/what?").Classes4.00auditorium
2Living place. The use of the Locative case. Question formation with the question words "kur", "kad" (where, when). Countries and languages. The verbs of the 2nd conjugation "studēt (to study), strādāt (to work), dzīvot (to live), runāt (to speak, to talk) in present tense. Cardinal numbers. Address, phone number. Alignment of numeral with noun. Test.Classes5.00auditorium
3My family. Possessive pronouns. Constructions "man ir/nav/ patīk/nepatīk/garšo/negaršo/sāp/nesāp" ("I have/don`t have/like/don`t like/I have pain/don`t have pain"). Human body. Adjective. Question word "kāds, kāda" ("what/what is it like"). Test. Completion of the study course evaluation questionnaire.Classes5.00auditorium
4Time. "Cik ir pulkstenis?" (What is the time?) "Cikos?"( What time?). The use of verbs "sākties" (to start), "beigties" (to finish, to be over) in the 3rd person in present tense. Adverbs of time "šodien (today), tagad (now), vakar (yesterday), rīt (tomorrow)", etc. Past and future tenses of the verb "būt" (to be/to have). Days of the week, date, seasons. Ordinal numbers.Classes4.00auditorium
5Food. Healthy nutrition. Use of Accusative (direct object). Question word "ko?" (what). Verbs of the 1st conjugation "ēst" (to eat), "dzert" (to drink) in present, past, future tense. Preposition "ar" (with). Adverbs " vienmēr (always), regulāri (regularly), parasti (usually), bieži (often), dažreiz (sometimes), reti (rarly), nekad (never)". In cafe, restaurant. Colloquium.Classes5.00auditorium
6Healthy lifestyle, free time activities. Verbs of the 1st conjugation "iet" (to go), "braukt" (to go, to drive) in present, past, future. Verbs of the 2nd and 3rd conjugation in present. Questions "Cik ilgi?" (How long?), "Cik bieži?", expression of duration and frequency. Overview of prepositions used with Accusative "ar" (with, by), "par" (about, as), "uz" (to). Completion of the study course evaluation questionnaire.Classes7.00auditorium
Unaided Work:
Individual and pair work – mastering the vocabulary and grammar of the corresponding topic, written home assignements for each practical class, online self-assessment tests, making up of dialogues, work with internet sources indicated in e-studies; presentation about themselves, daily routine, leisure time activities (4-5 min) by the end of the 2nd semester. In order to evaluate the quality of the study course as a whole, the student must fill out the study course evaluation questionnaire on the Student Portal.
Assessment Criteria:
Regular attendance of classes - in the 1st semester, at least 11 out of 14 classes must be attended, in the 2nd semester at least 12 out of 16 classes; active participation in practical classes ; completed written home assignments for each class. The 1st semester test - successfully completed 2 tests on the topics of chapters 1, 2, and 3 of the text book. During the 2nd semester 2 successfully passed colloquia and a presentation about oneself. The final assessment of the course is cumulative considering the results of successfully written 2 tests in the 1st semester (1st and 2nd test - 20%) and 2 colloquia in the 2nd semester - 1st and 2nd colloquium - 40% (each 20%), and a presentation - 40%.
Final Examination (Full-Time):Exam
Final Examination (Part-Time):
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:On successful completion of the course, students will: • be able to understand the use of familiar words, phrases and common words in expressions, be able to use the minimum vocabulary of conversation topics in the context; • know the simplest basic rules of the language and will be able to apply them in communication; • know how to form questions; • be able to name the human body parts.
Skills:On successful completion of the course, the students will be able to: • comprehend simple necessary information; • to apply Latvian in study process and basic daily communication on familiar topics; • to collect personal information of a patient and a short case history.
Competencies:On successful completion of the course, students will: • be able to use Latvian at the basic conversational level in daily communication and to communicate with patients (at A1 level); •will have developed transversal skills - communicative, incl. cross- cultural communication skills.
Required Reading
1Čeirane, S., Tetere, D. un Žibala, D. 2022. Latviešu valoda medicīnā. Text book. Available on e-studies.
Additional Reading
1Kaija I., Laizāne I. 2023. Latviešu valodas gramatika. Pamatlīmenis A1. Rīga: Latviešu valodas aģentūra.
2Kaija, I., Laizāne, I. 2021. Latviešu valoda zobārstniecības studentiem. Mācību līdzeklis zobārstniecības studentiem. Rīga: Rīgas Stradiņa universitātes izdevniecība
3Auziņa, I., Berķe, M., Lazareva, A. un Šalme, A. 2014. Laipa (A1). Latviešu valoda. Mācību grāmata. Rīga: LVA.
4Svilane -Bartholomew, T. 2010. Complete Latvian. Teach Yourself.
Other Information Sources
1Interactive material. Latvian Language Agency.
2Interactive material. Latvian Language Agency.
3Interaktīvs materiāls/Interactive material. Vineta Vaivade, Ērika Pičukāne. Sāksim runāt latviski! Sagatavošanas kurss latviešu valodas apguvei. Latviešu valodas aģentūra.