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Medical Terminology in Latin

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:9.00
Study Course Accepted:16.08.2024 16:04:01
Study Course Information
Course Code:VC_117LQF level:Level 7
Credit Points:2.00ECTS:3.00
Branch of Science:LinguisticsTarget Audience:Medicine
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Aija Zilvestre
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Faculty of Social Sciences
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:Dzirciema street 16, Rīga, szfatrsu[pnkts]lv
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)0Lecture Length (academic hours)0Total Contact Hours of Lectures0
Classes (count)16Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes32
Total Contact Hours32
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
Latvian and English alphabet.
To acquire skills and knowledge on correct reading, writing, use and explanation of anatomical and clinical terms, to integrate the knowledge of Latin in studying other study courses and in doing scientific work to help them understand the main idea of scientific articles, using the knowledge in medical terminology.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Introduction into the course. Latin alphabet. Accent. Phonetics. (ASN)Classes1.00auditorium
2Grammatical categories of the noun. Formation of Nom. pl. and for the nouns of the I, II, IV and V declensions. (ASN)Classes1.00auditorium
3Third declension nouns. Formation of Gen. sg., Nom. pl. and (ASN)Classes1.00auditorium
4Structure of anatomical terms. Formation of terms containing two or more nouns (noun+noun+ noun). (ASN)Classes1.00auditorium
5Overview of the adjective. Division of the adjective into groups. Agreement of the adjective with the noun. (ASN)Classes1.00auditorium
6Formation, translation, analysis and declension of anatomical terms, containing nouns and adjectives. (ASN)Classes1.00auditorium
7Degrees of comparison of adjectives. Revision of anatomical terminology. Preparation for the test. (ASN)Classes1.00auditorium
8Online test on anatomical terminology. (ASN)Classes1.00auditorium
9First declension nouns. Adjectives of the first group. Clinical terms with and without prepositions. Clinical terms. Latin-Greek equivalents. (ASN)Classes1.00auditorium
10Second declension nouns. Adjectives of the first group. Clinical terms with and without prepositions. Clinical terms. Latin-Greek equivalents. (ASN)Classes1.00auditorium
11Third declension nouns of masculine gender. Clinical terms with and without prepositions. Latin-Greek equivalents. (ASN)Classes1.00auditorium
12Third declension nouns of feminine gender. Clinical terms with and without prepositions. Latin-Greek equivalents. (ASN)Classes1.00auditorium
13Third declension nouns of neuter gender. Clinical terms with or without prepositions. Latin-Greek equivalents. (ASN)Classes1.00auditorium
14Third declension adjectives, Adjectives with one, two or three endings. Clinical terms containing adjectives. (ASN)Classes1.00auditorium
15Fourth and fifth declensions nouns. Clinical terms. (ASN)Classes1.00auditorium
16Revision of clinical terminology. Preparation for the exam. (ASN)Classes1.00auditorium
Unaided Work:
According to the thematic plan, the student learns vocabulary forms of nouns, adjectives, endings of inflections, prefixes and endings of nouns, adjectives, Greek equivalents; works with dictionaries, supplementary materials and the Internet for a deeper understanding of terms; regularly completes the online homework of each lesson, as well as the online independent work/repetition tasks assigned to the assessment, in the amount of at least 55,00% until the online test is written. In "Evaluations", the student can see whether this limit of 55,00% has been reached, because each task to be evaluated is attributed to 100,00%. However, in relation to all subjects to be evaluated in the exam, the student can receive from 1,38% to 2,50% for homework in total and also from 1,38% to 2,50% for independent work assigned to the evaluation, which makes a total of 2,76% to 5,00%. This total is added to the exam test score, which has a maximum score of 45,00%. The sum of all 3 credits for each test is 50,00% of the entire subject to be tested in the exam. The mentioned performance requirements apply to both the first and the second online test. The student does not have to make up missed lessons, i.e. the lessons during the absence period, but the missed material and assignments must be prepared individually/independently. If unclear questions arise, an individual consultation with the lecturer is organized. At the end of the course, the student is obliged to fill out the study course evaluation questionnaire.
Assessment Criteria:
Regularly 55,00% of the online homework of each lesson is completed, as well as at least 55,00% of each online independent work/repetition task assigned to the assessment until the completion of each online test. Fulfillment of these two requirements entitles you to take first the first test and then the second test. For each test, the student must receive at least 55,00% in the assessment, together with homework and independent work. This 55,00% consists of 3 components: the correct answers of the online test. assessment of homework and assessment of independent work for repetition. The first online test is devoted to anatomical terminology and the second to clinical terminology. The study course ends with an exam. It is an exam with a cumulative assessment, that is, the exam grade is made up 2,50% homework + 2,50% TESTUM I independent work for repetition + 45,00% TESTUM PRIMUM, a total of 50,00% of all learning material tested in the exam. Online Testum I (Terminologia anatomica) counts as a midterm. It is administered during the lesson and may be administered 3 times. This is followed by + 2,50% homework + 2,50% TESTUM II independent work for repetition + 45,00% TESTUM SECUNDUM, in total 50,00% of the entire study material tested in the exam. Online Testum II on Terminologia clinica is the final exam of the study course. It is taken outside the planned practical lessons and may be taken 2 times. Both tests together make up 100,00% of the exam material. The percentage points given are maximum figures. Online test tasks are graded in %, and the exam grade is posted on a 10-point scale. The last positive cumulative exam score is 55,00% (i.e. 4 points). Online tests test the ability to form word coordination by identifying words and using correct endings; the ability to correctly write, explain and classify terms.
Final Examination (Full-Time):Exam
Final Examination (Part-Time):
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:On successful completion of the course the student will know how to: • explain the basic rules in reading and writing medical terms; • identify the Latin and Greek combining forms and use them for new word formation; • name and explain the Latin and Greek combining forms; • interpret the rules of forming, explaining and using anatomical and clinical terms.
Skills:On successful completion of the course the students will be able to: • read and write the medical terms correctly; • identify Latin and Greek combining forms; • identify and classify anatomical and clinical terms; • form and explain anatomical and clinical terms; • translate the terms from English into Latin and vice versa.
Competencies:On successful completion of the course the student will be able to use properly anatomical and clinical terms in academic situations.
Required Reading
1Erte, V., (pārstrādājusi) Zilvestre, A. 2024. „Lingua Latina pro medicis”. Rīga: RSU, e-studijas (e-grāmata).
2Krusta, L., (updated by Zazerska, Ņ.). 2021. "Medical Terminology in Latin". Rīga: RSU, e-studies.
Additional Reading
1Rudzītis, K. 2003.-2005. „Terminologia medica: latīņu-latviešu medicīnas terminu vārdnīca” pārstrādāts un papildināts izdevums. Rīga: Nacionālais apgāds.
2Zilvestre, A. 2021. ”Latīņu-latviešu valodas vārdnīca medicīnas studijām”. Rīga: RSU, e-studijas.
3Ābelīte, I., Zazerska, Ņ., Voika, O., Zilvestre, A. 2021. ,,Latīņu-latviešu-angļu valodas vārdnīca medicīnas studijām". Rīga: RSU, e-studijas.
4Žagare, R., Umbraško, S., Duļevska, I., Gavričenkova, L., Kažoka, Dz. ,,Osteosindesmoloģija un mioloģija". 4., pārstr. un papild. izd. 2009. Rīga: RSU.
Other Information Sources