RSU Faculty of Social Sciences is delighted to invite you to a guest lecture by French researcher Élie Tenenbaum, Director of the Ifri Security Studies Center.
Over the last decade, France has positioned itself as the most strategically engaged European power in the Indopacific. This reveals both a historical legacy in the region due to overseas territories, and a heightened perception of the long-term impact of the US-China rivalry on European strategic interest. As challenges and threats keep piling up in Europe as well as in the IP, France struggles with limited capacity, stressing the need for a dynamic partnership policy and a updated realistic posture.
About the lecturer
Elie Tenenbaum is the director of Ifri's Security Studies Center. After years of focusing on irregular warfare, counterinsurgency and counter-terrorism, his research now leads him to cover more general strategic and military issues, in particular European security and defense policy.
He holds PhD (2015) in History and graduated from Sciences Po (2010), he has been a visiting fellow at Columbia University (2013-2014) and spent a year at the War Studies Department, at King's College London (2006). He teaches international security at Sciences Po as an adjunct professor. Elie Tenenbaum is on the editorial board of Politique Etrangère, French lead journal in foreign policy. In 2023, he was part of an independent group of experts appointed by NATO Secretary General to produce a report on NATO’s approach to its Southern neighborhood.
He is the author of numerous articles and books on history and strategy, including The Twenty-Year War: Jihadism & Counter-Terrorism in the 21st Century, with Marc Hecker (Robert Laffont: 2021) which was awarded the Best Geopolitical Book in France. His most recent publications include Return to the East: the Russian Threat and the French Pivot to Europe's Eastern Flank with Amelie Zima (Ifri report, June 2024) and “Ukraine’s Security Now Depends on Europe” with Leo Litra (Foreign Affairs, December 2024).
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