On 9 May 2025, from 15.00 to 17.00, Visiting Professor Gerald Eliot Wozasek (Orthopedics, Traumatology and Sports Medicine, Medical University of Vienna, Austria) will give a lecture on two topics in the Bieziņa lecture room at RSU, 16 Dzirciema iela.
- Limb lengthening in complex fractures with extensive bone loss;
- Winter sports related multiligament knee injuries: diagnosis and treatment challenges.
About the lecturer
Gerald Eliot Wozasek is one of the world's most prominent orthopaedic surgeons with many years of experience in the treatment of posttraumatic limb deformity and reconstruction, sports injuries and arthroscopic surgery. The professor has conducted teaching and surgical visits in Sarajevo (Bosnia), Israel, Turkey, and the US. He is the author of 249 scientific publications. Prof. Wozasek is the team doctor of the Austrian National Ski Team
The RSU Department of Orthopaedics has a long-standing cooperation with Professor Gerald Eliot Wozasek.
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