Lejupielādēt attēlu
Independent Experts Evaluate New RSU Business Studies Programme
2020. gada 6. februārī RSU notika neatkarīgo ekspertu vizīte, kas ir viens no jaunās studiju programmas "Starptautiskais bizness un jaunuzņēmējdarbība" licencēšanas procesa posmiem.
6. februārī RSU notika neatkarīgo ekspertu vizīte, kas ir viens no jaunās studiju programmas "Starptautiskais bizness un jaunuzņēmējdarbība" licencēšanas procesa posmiem 6. februārī RSU notika neatkarīgo ekspertu vizīte, kas ir viens no jaunās studiju programmas "Starptautiskais bizness un jaunuzņēmējdarbība" licencēšanas procesa posmiem On 6 February several independent experts visited RSU as part of the licensing process of the new International Business and Start-up Entrepreneurship study programme. On 6 February several independent experts visited RSU as part of the licensing process of the new International Business and Start-up Entrepreneurship study programme. On 6 February several independent experts visited RSU as part of the licensing process of the new International Business and Start-up Entrepreneurship study programme. On 6 February several independent experts visited RSU as part of the licensing process of the new International Business and Start-up Entrepreneurship study programme. On 6 February several independent experts visited RSU as part of the licensing process of the new International Business and Start-up Entrepreneurship study programme.