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Senior Researcher and Virologist Modra Murovska: ‘We Need to Learn to Live with Viruses!’
RSU Mikrobioloģijas un virusoloģijas institūta vadošajai pētniecei un virusoloģei Modrai Murovskai šogad piešķirta RSU Gada balva par mūža ieguldījumu. Tā kā viņa nevarēja ierasties uz RSU Akadēmisko balli, kad tika sveikti RSU Gada balvas saņēmēji, RSU vadība viņu sveica 20. septembrī rektorātā.
As Modra Murovska, a senior researcher at the RSU Institute of Microbiology and Virology, was unable to attend the RSU Academic Ball where the RSU Annual Award recipients were honoured, RSU management congratulated her in the Rector’s Office on 20 Septemb Vice-Rector for Studies Tatjana Koķe and Rector Aigars Pētersons As Modra Murovska, a senior researcher at the RSU Institute of Microbiology and Virology, was unable to attend the RSU Academic Ball where the RSU Annual Award recipients were honoured, RSU management congratulated her in the Rector’s Office on 20 Septemb Modra Murovska, Senior Researcher at the RSU Institute of Microbiology and Virology As Modra Murovska, a senior researcher at the RSU Institute of Microbiology and Virology, was unable to attend the RSU Academic Ball where the RSU Annual Award recipients were honoured, RSU management congratulated her in the Rector’s Office on 20 Septemb Senior researcher Modra Murovska and Rector Aigars Pētersons Modra Murovska, Senior Researcher at the RSU Institute of Microbiology and Virology RSU Annual Award for Lifetime Contribution presented by the Vice-Rector for Science Agrita Kiopa Recipient of the award Modra Murovska and Vice-Rector for Health Studies Guntis Bahs From the left: Director of the Science Department Liene Ņikitina-Zaķe, Agrita Kiopa, Guntis Bahs, Modra Murovska, Aigars Pētersons, and Tatjana Koķe
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