Lejupielādēt attēlu
Building bridges: RSU's Speed Friending event connects international and local students
2023. gada 27. septembrī Rīgas Stradiņa universitātes (RSU) vietējie un ārvalstu studenti tikās tradicionālajā studiju semestra sākuma ātrās draudzēšanās jeb Speed Friending pasākumā, ko organizēja RSU Starptautisko sakaru departaments sadarbībā ar Ārvalstu studentu asociāciju un Studējošo pašpārvaldi.
Students meet at the traditional RSU Speed Friending event Students meet at the traditional RSU Speed Friending event Students meet at the traditional RSU Speed Friending event Students meet at the traditional RSU Speed Friending event Students meet at the traditional RSU Speed Friending event Students meet at the traditional RSU Speed Friending event Students meet at the traditional RSU Speed Friending event
For Students