Lejupielādēt attēlu
Medical students help prepare specimens for the Anatomy Museum
6. un 7. augustā RSU Anatomijas muzejā aizvadīta otrā vasaras darbnīca, kurā piedalījās brīvprātīgie RSU medicīnas studenti. Darbnīcas galvenais mērķis bija sagatavot vēsturiskās anatomiskās kolekcijas preparātus izstādīšanai topošajā muzeja ekspozīcijā.
RSU medical students during the summer workshop of the RSU Anatomy Museum RSU medical students during the summer workshop of the RSU Anatomy Museum RSU medical students during the summer workshop of the RSU Anatomy Museum RSU medical students during the summer workshop of the RSU Anatomy Museum RSU medical students during the summer workshop of the RSU Anatomy Museum RSU medical students during the summer workshop of the RSU Anatomy Museum RSU medical students during the summer workshop of the RSU Anatomy Museum RSU medical students during the summer workshop of the RSU Anatomy Museum RSU medical students during the summer workshop of the RSU Anatomy Museum RSU medical students during the summer workshop of the RSU Anatomy Museum
For Students