Lejupielādēt attēlu
Opening of new premises for the RSU Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
2019. gada 29. augustā Rīgā, Jāņa Asara ielā 5, tika atklātas Rīgas Stradiņa universitātes Veselības psiholoģijas un pedagoģijas katedras jaunās mācību telpas.
Opening of new premises for the RSU Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy Opening of new premises for the RSU Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy Opening of new premises for the RSU Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy Opening of new premises for the RSU Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy Opening of new premises for the RSU Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy Opening of new premises for the RSU Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy Opening of new premises for the RSU Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy Opening of new premises for the RSU Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy Opening of new premises for the RSU Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
For Students