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Researchers' Night 2021 Inspired Visitors with Virtual Experiments, Discussions and Music
Eiropas Zinātnieku nakts 2021 Rīgas Stradiņa universitātē.
"Crime Scene" tour with Aelita Zīlis, criminologist and lecturer at the RSU Faculty of Law Is COVID-19 the worst pandemic in human history? Associate Professor Anda Ķīvīte-Urtāne's insights into the most significant global epidemics and public health events. Researchers' Night at RSU was moderated by Inese Čakstiņa, molecular biologist, senior researcher at the RSU Institute of Oncology Is COVID-19 the worst pandemic in human history? Associate Professor Anda Ķīvīte-Urtāne's insights into the most significant global epidemics and public health events. Introducing RSU via video Introducing RSU via video Introducing RSU via video Where does science and business intersect? Kristaps Zaļais, a mentor at the RSU business incubator B-Space, invited three entrepreneurs to discuss this, including from OnPlate, a company founded by RSU graduates. European Researchers' Night 2021 at Rīga Stradiņš Univeristy European Researchers' Night 2021 at Rīga Stradiņš Univeristy "Crime Scene" tour with Aelita Zīlis, criminologist and lecturer at the RSU Faculty of Law European Researchers' Night 2021 at Rīga Stradiņš Univeristy Researchers' Night attracted more than 4,000 people online RSU Zinātnieku naktī pārstāvēja kriminologi, ķīmiķi, fiziķi, sabiedrības veselības eksperti, uztura un veselības sporta speciālisti, statistiķi, stomatologi un medicīnisko simulāciju eksperti In the world of chemistry with chemist Mikhail Khalitov, lecturer at the RSU Department of Human Physiology and Biochemistry In the world of chemistry with chemist Mikhail Khalitov, lecturer at the RSU Department of Human Physiology and Biochemistry
For Students