Lejupielādēt attēlu
RSU Introduces a New Tradition - Honouring the Most Outstanding Medical Students
2022. gada 1. novembrī Rīgas Stradiņa universitātes (RSU) Medicīnas fakultāte sumināja savus izcilākos studentus, kas sevi pierādījuši gan ar sekmēm, gan īpašu nesavtīgu pienesumu fakultātes attīstībā.
Students of the Faculty of Medicine and the Faculty Council Dean of the Faculty of Medicine Prof. Jana Pavāre addresses the audience Honouring the most outstanding medical students Chair of the RSU Senate Prof. Jānis Gardovskis addresses the audience Honouring the most outstanding medical students Head of the RSU Department of Paediatrics prof. Dace Gardovska addresses the audience Honouring the most outstanding medical students
For Students