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Series of Events to Commemorate Those Who Have Donated Their Bodies to Science and Medicine
2022. gada 28. septembrī Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte (RSU) rīkoja piemiņas pasākumus tiem cilvēkiem, kuri savus ķermeņus ir ziedojuši zinātnei un medicīnai RSU anatomikumā. Īpašā ceremonijā zemes klēpī tika guldītas kopumā 14 urnas ar pīšļiem, klātesot gan RSU vadībai un darbiniekiem, gan masu mediju pārstāvjiem
Urns during the service at St Martin’s Church in Riga Priests conduct a memorial service at St Martin’s Church in Riga After the memorial service at St Martin’s Church, the urns were taken to St Martin’s Cemetery Priests conduct a memorial service at St Martin’s Church in Riga RSU Rector Prof. Aigars Pētersons and the Director of the Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology Prof. Māra Pilmane in St Martin's Cemetery Procession to St. Martin's Cemetery after the memorial service Burying the urns in St Martin’s Cemetery Burying the urns in St Martin’s Cemetery Burying the urns in St Martin’s Cemetery RSU Rector Prof. Aigars Pētersons and Director of the Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology Prof. Māra Pilmane at the unveiling of the memorial urn in the Anatomical Museum's courtyard The Riga Cathedral Choir School gospel choir performs at the unveiling of the memorial urn in the courtyard of the Anatomical Theatre Ceremony to unveil the memorial urn in the courtyard of the Anatomical Theatre Ceremony to unveil the memorial urn in the courtyard of the Anatomical Theatre RSU Rector Prof. Aigars Pētersons and the Director of the Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology Prof. Māra Pilmane unveil the memorial urn in the courtyard of the Anatomical Theatre RSU Rector Prof. Aigars Pētersons and the Director of the Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology Prof. Māra Pilmane unveil the memorial urn in the courtyard of the Anatomical Theatre The memorial urn in the courtyard of the Anatomical Theatre The pastor of St Martin’s Church, Aivars Smuidris, at the unveiling ceremony RSU Rector Prof. Aigars Pētersons and the Director of the Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology Prof. Māra Pilmane lay a wreath at the memorial urn in the courtyard of the Anatomical Theatre RSU Rector Prof. Aigars Pētersons and the Director of the Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology Prof. Māra Pilmane address the audience at the ceremony RSU Vice-Rector for Health Studies Prof. Guntis Bahs and Vice-Rector of Sciences Agrita Kiopa lay flowers at the memorial urn in the courtyard of the Anatomical Theatre Flowers and wreaths at the memorial urn in the courtyard of the Anatomical Theatre Ceremony to unveil the memorial urn in the courtyard of the Anatomical Theatre Prof. Māra Pilmane presents Rector Prof. Aigars Pētersons with a copy of the new book Embrioloģijas daudzveidība (The Diversity of Embryology) Prof. Jānis Vētra addresses guests at the book presentation Prof. Māra Pilmane addresses guests at the book presentation Prof. Aigars Pētersons addresses guests at the book presentation RSU Anatomijas un antropoloģijas institūta saņemto mirušo cilvēku saraksts, kuru ķermeņi ziedoti zinātnei un medicīnas studijām no 1920. gada līdz 2017. gadam (A List of Deceased People Received by the RSU Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology Whose Bodie
For Students