Lejupielādēt attēlu
RSU strengthens cooperation with international clinics
RSU 2019. gada 7. un 8. novembrī viesojās sadarbības partneri no ārvalstu ārstniecības iestādēm. Tikšanās laikā tika pārrunātas aktualitātes saistībā ar studiju programmas Medicīna reorganizāciju.
Representatives from international medical partner institutions of RSU discussed current issues related to the reorganisation of the Medicine study programme. Representatives from international medical partner institutions of RSU discussed current issues related to the reorganisation of the Medicine study programme. Representatives from international medical partner institutions of RSU discussed current issues related to the reorganisation of the Medicine study programme. Representatives from international medical partner institutions of RSU discussed current issues related to the reorganisation of the Medicine study programme. Representatives from international medical partner institutions of RSU discussed current issues related to the reorganisation of the Medicine study programme. Representatives from international medical partner institutions of RSU discussed current issues related to the reorganisation of the Medicine study programme. Representatives from international medical partner institutions of RSU discussed current issues related to the reorganisation of the Medicine study programme. Representatives from international medical partner institutions of RSU discussed current issues related to the reorganisation of the Medicine study programme. Representatives from international medical partner institutions of RSU discussed current issues related to the reorganisation of the Medicine study programme. Representatives from international medical partner institutions of RSU discussed current issues related to the reorganisation of the Medicine study programme. Representatives from international medical partner institutions of RSU discussed current issues related to the reorganisation of the Medicine study programme. Representatives from international medical partner institutions of RSU discussed current issues related to the reorganisation of the Medicine study programme. Representatives from international medical partner institutions of RSU discussed current issues related to the reorganisation of the Medicine study programme.
International Cooperation