Previous awards can be found in the brochure AAI 20 gadi.
Māra Pilmane
- Order of the Cross of Recognition and title of Officer of the Cross of Recognition at an awards ceremony at the Presidential Palace, presented by the President of the Republic of Latvia, Egils Levits (4 May 2022)
- RSU Rector's Certificate of Recognition for academic and scientific contribution to the growth of the RSU Institute of Anatomy and Anthropology (22 May 2022)
- RSU Rector's gratitude for conscientious work in the RSU Academic Arbitration Court (October 2022);
- 07.12.2022 - Kampaņas “Izcel gaismā padarīto” uzvarētāja - darbīgākā STRUKTŪRVIENĪBA: Anatomijas un antropoloģijas institūts - par aktivitāti visu gadu, par cītīgi pievienotiem zinātnes rezultātiem ZDIS Pure sistēmā, aizpildot Research outputs sadaļu un regulāri, kvalitatīvi papildinot citas sadaļas. Nozīmīga ir profesores Pilmanes iesaiste rezultātu pievienošanā. Kopumā AAI Zinātnes portālā veicis 38 ierakstus uz vienu PLE (feb.-nov.).
- Elected as a full member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences (26 November 2020);
- Letter of Honour from the President of the Latvian Academy of Sciences for Most Significant Achievements in Science in 2019, presented on 06 February 2020 to a group of authors - A. Skaģers, I. Šalma, G. Šalms, M. Pilmane, I. Skadiņš, J. Kroiča, J. Ločs, D. Loča, L. Bērziņa-Cimdiņa, V. Zālīte: "Inovatīvu kaula aizvietošanas materiālu izpēte un ieviešana mutes, sejas un žokļu ķirurģijā" (Research and implementation of innovative bone replacement materials in oral and maxillofacial surgery);
- RSU Student Council certificate of appreciation for expertise at the 2019 International Student Conference (ISC);
- Appreciation from the RSU Rector for organising RSU Research Week 2019 and for increasing the university's scientific capacity (April 2019);
- RSU Student Union Annual Golden Horseshoe award (20 April 2018);
- Certificate of Appreciation in recognition of the institute's experts work at ISC Health and Social Sciences (16-17 March, 2018);
- August Rauber award from the University of Tartu for embryology research and the development of a scientific relationship between the two universities (27 September 2017);
- Certificate of Appreciation for the presentation given by an invited lecturer at the 15th International Congress of Histochemistry and Cytochemistry, Antalya, Turkey (21 May 2017);
- RSU Student Union gratitude for work at the RSU ISC Health and Social Sciences (05 April 2017).
Valērija Groma
- Winner of the 2017 Latvian Academy of Sciences Award Desmit gada zinātniskie sasniegumi Latvijā (Ten scientific achievements of the year in Latvia) for the study "Significance of Persistent HHV-6 and -7 Infections in Development of Diseases of Nervous System".
Dzintra Kažoka
- Annual Medicine Award in the Lecturer of the Year 2021 category (received 10 March 2022);
- The RSU International Student Association award for Most popular academic staff member 2021/2022 (RSU ISA 11 Years of Excellence, 19 November 2022);
- The Latvian Medical Association's (LMA) annual Gada docētājs 2017 (Lecturer of the Year) award, voted by students (09 February 2018);
- The RSU International Student Association's (ISA) Lecturer of the Year Award 2020 (04 November 2020).
Sandra Skuja
- Award of the Izcel gaismā padarīto campaign for diligence in creating and enriching her profile throughout the year, without forgetting co-authors in the Activities section in the PURE system, 7 December 2022;
- Winner of the 2017 Latvian Academy of Sciences Award Desmit gada zinātniskie sasniegumi Latvijā (Ten scientific achievements of the year in Latvia) for the study "Significance of Persistent HHV-6 and -7 Infections in Development of Diseases of Nervous System".
Silvija Umbraško
- RSU Certificate of Appreciation in 2017.
Liāna Pļaviņa
- Latvian Officers' Association Centenary Commemorative Medal (Nr. 054) (10 November 2022)
Dārta Cīrule
- Winner of the Izcel gaismā padarīto campaign - Best Helper - for adding science activities to Prof. Māra Pilmane's profile correctly, quickly, and on time. Once an activity has taken place, the result was added to ZDIS Pure, thus creating an outstanding profile for Prof. Pilmane (07 December 2022)
Zane Vitenberga-Verza
- RSU Lecturer of the Year 2020 (27 March 2021)
- RSU Lecturer of the Year 2019 (06 April 2019)
Anatomical Theatre
Rīga, 9 Kronvalda bulvāris
Phone: +37167060807, +37168414740
E-mail: aai [at] rsu.lv