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Criminal Law. General Part

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:8.00
Study Course Accepted:02.02.2024 12:31:10
Study Course Information
Course Code:JF_080LQF level:Level 6
Credit Points:2.00ECTS:3.00
Branch of Science:Law; Criminal RightsTarget Audience:Juridical Science
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Agnija Zvirgzdiņa
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Faculty of Social Sciences
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:Dzirciema street 16, Rīga, szfatrsu[pnkts]lv
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)10Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures20
Classes (count)6Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes12
Total Contact Hours32
Part-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)4Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures8
Classes (count)1Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes2
Total Contact Hours10
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
Theory of law.
Help students to acquire knowledge of the development of criminal law in Latvia, the regulation of criminal law, the content and application of the norms included in the general part of the criminal law.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1The concept of criminal law, the subject matter, functions and principles of the regulation.Lectures1.00auditorium
2Criminal law and its provisions.Lectures1.00auditorium
3The composition of a criminal offence. Objective features. Special confiscation of the property.Lectures2.00auditorium
4Assessment criteria in criminal law.Classes1.00auditorium
5Characteristics of the subjective party of the offence.Lectures2.00auditorium
6Complete and incomplete offences. Participation and complicity in a criminal offence. The concept and content of circumstances, which exclude criminal liability and exempt from criminal liability.Lectures2.00auditorium
7Formal and material compositions of criminal offences. Independent assignment No for students: Prepare and submit to the lecturer legislation (laws and Cabinet Regulations) regulating the activity (inactivity) of the special subject and the objective party of the criminal offence with blanket dispositions provided in Paragraphs 110, 138, 195, 239 and 241 of the Criminal Law.Classes2.00auditorium
8Circumstances which exclude criminal liability.Classes1.00auditorium
9Criminal penalty and coercive measures for legal entities.Lectures2.00auditorium
10Types of guilt. Prepare and submit to the lecturer in writing one case for each type of guilt for the criminal offences included in Sections XII, XIII and XVIII of the Criminal Law (altogether six cases). The factual basis should be taken from the media, internet or personal experience, indicating the source. Published summaries of case law and judgments related to the material may not be used.Classes2.00auditorium
Topic Layout (Part-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1The concept of criminal law, the subject matter, functions and principles of the regulation.Lectures1.00auditorium
3The composition of a criminal offence. Objective features. Special confiscation of the property.Lectures1.00auditorium
5Characteristics of the subjective party of the offence.Lectures1.00auditorium
9Criminal penalty and coercive measures for legal entities.Lectures1.00auditorium
10Types of guilt. Prepare and submit to the lecturer in writing one case for each type of guilt for the criminal offences included in Sections XII, XIII and XVIII of the Criminal Law (altogether six cases). The factual basis should be taken from the media, internet or personal experience, indicating the source. Published summaries of case law and judgments related to the material may not be used.Classes1.00auditorium
Unaided Work:
The student has to complete two practical assignments in a high-quality design and in accordance with RSU Faculty of Law regulations and has to write a report as specified in the study course description. The terms for the practical tasks are given next under the seminar topics (No 7 and No 10).
Assessment Criteria:
Examination: 50%; a report of high quality submitted in a timely manner: 25%; assignments completed of high quality and submitted in a timely manner: 25%.
Final Examination (Full-Time):Exam (Written)
Final Examination (Part-Time):Exam (Written)
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:Students will have acquired knowledge and understanding of the topics included in the study course.
Skills:Students will be able to analyse, synthesize and evaluate the objective and subjective features of a criminal offence, and establish the circumstances excluding criminal liability.
Competencies:Students are familiar with the sources of criminal law and use them; they apply the acquired knowledge for practical resolution of legal problems within the framework of the General Part of the Criminal Law.
Required Reading
1Leja M. Krimināltiesību aktuālie jautājumi un to risinājumi Latvijā, Austrijā, Šveicē un Vācijā. 2019.
2 Krastiņš U. Liholaja V. Krimināllikuma komentāri. Pirmā daļa. Otrais papildinātais izdevums. 2018.
3Judins A. Kriminālsods nav valsts atriebība par izdarītu noziedzīgu nodarījumu. Jurista Vārds 2013. 19. Marts
4Krastiņš U. Krimināltiesību teorija un prakse. Viedokļi, problēmas, risinājumi 2009-2014. Rīga “TNA” 2015
5Kratsiņš U. Krimināltiesību teorija un prakse 2015-2017. 2018.
6Krastiņš U. Noziedzīga nodarījuma sastāvs un nodarījuma kvalifikācija. Rīga: „TNA”, 2014.
7Krastiņš, U. Tieša nodoma tvērums krimināltiesībās. 2017.
8Mincs. P. Krimināltiesību kurss. Vispārējā daļa. Ar U. Krastiņa komentāriem. Rīga: TNA, 2001
9Pinne D. Taisnīgums un tā atjaunošanas iespējas krimināltiesiskajās attiecībās. Jurista Vārds 2013. Nr.29
10Puriņa V. Samērīguma princips kriminālsoda piemērošanā. Jurista vārds 2013. 3.septembris Nr.36
11Slaņģe G. Tiesību tālākveidošana krimināltiesībās. Jurista vārds, 2012. 11.septembris Nr.37
12Vilks A. Krimināltiesiskā politika:diskursa analīze un attīstības perspektīvas. Rīga, 2013
13Krastiņš, U., Liholaja V., Niedre, A. Krimināltiesības. Vispārīgā daļa. Rīga: „TNA”, 2008
Additional Reading
1Baumanis J. No krimināltiesību normu interpretācijas līdz kvantu kriminoloģijai. 2017.
2Hamkova. D., Liholaja V. „Būtiska kaitējuma izpratne: likums, teorija, prakse”. Jurista Vārds 2012. Nr.2.
3Baumanis J. „Prettiesiskās labumu došanas kaitīgums”. Jurista Vārds 2013. Nr.17
4Leja M. Cēloņsakarība Latvijas Republikas krimin;altiesību teorijā un praksē. Jurista Vārds, Nr.35 10.07.2018.
5Leja M. Cēloņsakarības pārbaude krimināllietās pēc ekvivalences teorijas principiem. Jurista Vārds Nr.45 2018.
6 Spēle D. Aktuālie tiesību aktu grozījumi noziedzīgi iegūtu līdzekļu legalizācijas apkarošanā. Jurista Vārds Nr.28 10.07.2018.
7Liholaja V. Sagatavošanās noziedzīgam nodarījumam vai līdzdalība noziedzīgā nodarījumā. Jurista Vārds Nr.4 02.10. 2018.
8Hamkova D., Liholaja V. „Nelikumīgas darbības ar alkoholiskajiem dzērieniem un tabakas izstrādājumiem: kvalifikācijas problemātika”. Jurista vārds, 2012. 28.augusts
9Krastiņš U. „Darbības un bezdarbības izpratne krimināltiesībās”. Jurista Vārds, 2015. 5.21.04. Nr.16
10Beļska A. “Noziedzīga nodarījuma subjektīvā puse.” Juristā Vārds, 2008. Nr.3.;32.;34.
Other Information Sources
1Augstākās tiesas mājas lapā ietvertā judikatūra un tiesu prakses apkopojomi atbilstoši izskatamajam tematam