Theory of Law
Study Course Description
Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:7.00
Study Course Accepted:02.02.2024 12:30:07
Study Course Information | |||||||||
Course Code: | JF_346 | LQF level: | Level 6 | ||||||
Credit Points: | 2.00 | ECTS: | 3.00 | ||||||
Branch of Science: | Law; Theory and History of Rights | Target Audience: | Person and Property Defence | ||||||
Study Course Supervisor | |||||||||
Course Supervisor: | Inga Kudeikina | ||||||||
Study Course Implementer | |||||||||
Structural Unit: | Faculty of Social Sciences | ||||||||
The Head of Structural Unit: | |||||||||
Contacts: | Dzirciema street 16, Rīga, szfrsu[pnkts]lv | ||||||||
Study Course Planning | |||||||||
Full-Time - Semester No.1 | |||||||||
Lectures (count) | 12 | Lecture Length (academic hours) | 2 | Total Contact Hours of Lectures | 24 | ||||
Classes (count) | 4 | Class Length (academic hours) | 2 | Total Contact Hours of Classes | 8 | ||||
Total Contact Hours | 32 | ||||||||
Part-Time - Semester No.1 | |||||||||
Lectures (count) | 4 | Lecture Length (academic hours) | 2 | Total Contact Hours of Lectures | 8 | ||||
Classes (count) | 2 | Class Length (academic hours) | 2 | Total Contact Hours of Classes | 4 | ||||
Total Contact Hours | 12 | ||||||||
Study course description | |||||||||
Preliminary Knowledge: | Prior knowledge is not necessary. | ||||||||
Objective: | Acquire knowledge of theory of law, the law institutes, the subject and object of law, their relationship and interaction between the sectors of the legal science, legal duties and subjective rights, evolution of law, as well as develop students’ skills and abilities in the application of law. Tasks: 1. Introduce students with the structure of the study course “Thepory of Law” and its place among other legal disciplines. 2. Develop in-depth understanding of the basic categories of the theory of law: structure of law, functions, principles, laws and regulations, application of legal provisions and other categories of law. 3. Broaden students’ understanding of the importance of the basic categories of the theory of law in professional activities. 4. Tackle legal cases, developing students’ skills and abilities in the application of law. 5. Develop students’ skills in laws and regulations of the Republic of Latvia. | ||||||||
Topic Layout (Full-Time) | |||||||||
No. | Topic | Type of Implementation | Number | Venue | |||||
1 | Theory of law. Concept, subject, methodology and place among legal sciences. Understanding of law and history of the evolution of law. Legal doctrines. Legal functions. | Lectures | 1.00 | auditorium | |||||
2 | Legal principles and their division. Characteristics of legal systems. Sources of law. Classification. Characteristics of the sources of the European law. | Lectures | 2.00 | auditorium | |||||
3 | Understanding of law, legal functions and legal principles. Legal normative act, hierarchy, classification, characteristics. | Classes | 2.00 | auditorium | |||||
4 | Concept of legal creativity, process, stages. The power of regulatory enactments in time, space and in relation to persons. Requirements, importance and application of legal techniques. | Lectures | 3.00 | auditorium | |||||
5 | Concept and structure of the rule of law. Stages of the implementation of the rules of law. Types, structure and content of legal relationship. Legal fact. | Lectures | 2.00 | auditorium | |||||
6 | Legal regulation. The role of the regulatory mechanism. Legal liability, its types. Offences. Legal structure. | Lectures | 2.00 | auditorium | |||||
7 | Concept and composition of the rule of law, types of legal relationship, legal regulation, legal liability, interpretation of law. | Lectures | 2.00 | auditorium | |||||
8 | Legal liability. Methods of interpretation of legal provisions, methods, their application. | Classes | 2.00 | auditorium | |||||
Topic Layout (Part-Time) | |||||||||
No. | Topic | Type of Implementation | Number | Venue | |||||
1 | Theory of law. Concept, subject, methodology and place among legal sciences. Understanding of law and history of the evolution of law. Legal doctrines. Legal functions. | Lectures | 0.50 | auditorium | |||||
2 | Legal principles and their division. Characteristics of legal systems. Sources of law. Classification. Characteristics of the sources of the European law. | Lectures | 0.50 | auditorium | |||||
3 | Understanding of law, legal functions and legal principles. Legal normative act, hierarchy, classification, characteristics. | Classes | 1.00 | auditorium | |||||
4 | Concept of legal creativity, process, stages. The power of regulatory enactments in time, space and in relation to persons. Requirements, importance and application of legal techniques. | Lectures | 1.00 | auditorium | |||||
5 | Concept and structure of the rule of law. Stages of the implementation of the rules of law. Types, structure and content of legal relationship. Legal fact. | Lectures | 0.50 | auditorium | |||||
6 | Legal regulation. The role of the regulatory mechanism. Legal liability, its types. Offences. Legal structure. | Lectures | 0.50 | auditorium | |||||
7 | Concept and composition of the rule of law, types of legal relationship, legal regulation, legal liability, interpretation of law. | Lectures | 1.00 | auditorium | |||||
8 | Legal liability. Methods of interpretation of legal provisions, methods, their application. | Classes | 1.00 | auditorium | |||||
Assessment | |||||||||
Unaided Work: | Work with laws and regulations, and study materials, solving legal cases (including search for legal sources and other literature). | ||||||||
Assessment Criteria: | Work with laws and regulations, and study materials, solving legal cases (including search for legal sources and other literature). | ||||||||
Final Examination (Full-Time): | Exam (Written) | ||||||||
Final Examination (Part-Time): | Exam (Written) | ||||||||
Learning Outcomes | |||||||||
Knowledge: | Knowledge of the theoretical aspects of law, their practical role in the interpretation and enforcement of the rules of individual sectors of law. | ||||||||
Skills: | The student has knowledge of laws and regulations, their system; is able to interpret the rules of law, understands the conflict of the rules of law and is able to find a solutions; is able to enforce the rules of law. | ||||||||
Competencies: | Has acquired knowledge and skills that can be applied in further studies of legal disciplines and in practical work. | ||||||||
Bibliography | |||||||||
No. | Reference | ||||||||
Required Reading | |||||||||
1 | Tiesību akti. | ||||||||
2 | Latvijas Republikas Satversme // Latvijas Republikas Saeimas un Ministru kabineta Ziņotājs, 1994, Nr.6. | ||||||||
3 | Latvijas Republikas likums Par likumu un citu Saeimas, Valsts prezidenta un Ministru kabineta pieņemto aktu izsludināšanas, publicēšanas, spēkā stāšanās kārtību un spēkā esamību06.03.2003. likums ("LV", 46 (2811), 25.03.2003.) [spēkā ar 08.04.2003.] | ||||||||
4 | Administratīvā procesa likums. – Rīga, Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2004. | ||||||||
5 | Monogrāfijas | ||||||||
6 | Iljanova D. Vispārējo tiesību principu nozīme un piemērošana. – Rīga: Ratio iuris, 2005. | ||||||||
7 | Jakubaņecs V. Tiesību jēdziens, struktūra un formas. – Rīga: P&K, 2001. | ||||||||
8 | Juridiskās metodes pamati. 11 soļi tiesību normu piemērošanā. red. Meļķisis E.. – Rīga: Ratio iuris, 2003. | ||||||||
9 | Meļķisis E. Tiesību normu interpretācijas metodes. – – R: LU, 1996. | ||||||||
10 | Neimanis J. Ievads tiesībās. – Rīga: zv. adv. Jānis Neimanis, 2004. | ||||||||
11 | Plotnieks A. Tiesību teorija &juridiskā metode. – Rīga. Izglītības soļi. 2013. | ||||||||
12 | Attīstības tendences dažos tiesību teorijas un prakses jautājumos. Dr.habil.iur. profesors Edgars Meļķisis. – Rīga: LU, 1998. | ||||||||
13 | Cilvēka tiesības. Starptautisko līgumu krājums. 1.sējums (Pirmā daļa). Universālie līgumi. | ||||||||
14 | Tulkojums no angļu valodas.– ANO , 1994. | ||||||||
15 | Džohansen S. Juridiskā analīze un tekstu rakstīšana. Mācību līdzeklis tiesību zinātņu studentiem/tulkojums no angļu valodas. – R.: Tiesu nama aģentūra, 2001. | ||||||||
16 | Krūmiņa V., Skujiņa V. Normatīvo aktu izstrādes rokasgrāmata . – Rīga: Valsts kanceleja, 2002. | ||||||||
17 | Šepteiks D. Policijas darbības zinātniskās pētniecības problēmas. Tulkojums no angļu valodas. – Rīga: Latvijas Policijas akadēmija, 1994. | ||||||||
18 | Levits E. Par tiesību normu un tiesisko realitāti. Rakstu krājums.: Vispārīgās tiesību teorijas un valsts zinātņu atziņas. – Rīga: LU, 1997. | ||||||||
19 | Liholaja V. Tiesību normu efektivitātes jēdziens un kritēriji/ grāmatā Vispārīgās tiesību teorijas un valstszinātnes atziņas: zinātniski metodiskie raksti. Red. E. Meļķisis. – Rīga: LU, 1997. – 89. – 100.lp | ||||||||
20 | R.Apsītis, V.Blūzma, J.Lazdiņš Latvijas tiesību avoti Rīga, Juridiskā koledža 2006. 408 lpp | ||||||||
21 | Neimanis J. Juridisku kāzusu isināšanas tehnika. – Rīga: zv.adv. J.Neimanis, 2004. | ||||||||
22 | Satversmes tiesas spriedumi. | ||||||||
23 | Губаева Т. Язык и право. – Москва: Норма, 2003. | ||||||||
24 | Давид Р., Жоффре-Спиноза К. Основные правовые системы современности. – Москва, 1996. | ||||||||
25 | Buls M. Vispārīgās un speciālās tiesību normas // Likums un Tiesības, 2003, 5. sēj., Nr. 6, 7. | ||||||||
26 | Iļjanova D. Tiesību normu un principu kolīzija // Likums un Tiesības, 2000, 2. sēj., Nr.8. | ||||||||
27 | Levits E. Cilvēktiesības Eiropas Savienības tiesību sistēmā // Likums un Tiesības, 2000, 2. sēj., Nr. 11. | ||||||||
28 | Skaidrojošā vārdnīca. 1. – 6. papildinātie izdevumi. Sast. prof. V. Jakubaņecs. - Rīga: P&K, 2001 - 2006. | ||||||||
29 | Eiropas Savienības tiesību īstenošana Latvijā. Autoru kolektīvs I. Alehno zin. redakcijā. – Rīga: Latvijas Vēstnesis, 2003. | ||||||||
30 | Stucka A. Administratīvās tiesības. Rīga: Juridiskā koledža. 2009. | ||||||||
Other Information Sources | |||||||||
1 | Latvijas Republikas Satversmes tiesas spriedumi | ||||||||
2 | Latvijas Republikas Ausgtākās tiesas spriedumi |