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Expertise, its Types and Opportunities

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:4.00
Study Course Accepted:23.05.2024 13:24:13
Study Course Information
Course Code:JF_523LQF level:Level 6
Credit Points:4.00ECTS:6.00
Branch of Science:Law; Theory of Forensic Science and Investigation Field WorkTarget Audience:Juridical Science
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Ilze Sokolovska
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Faculty of Social Sciences
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:Dzirciema street 16, Rīga, szfatrsu[pnkts]lv
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)24Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures48
Classes (count)8Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes16
Total Contact Hours64
Part-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)8Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures16
Classes (count)4Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes8
Total Contact Hours24
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
Prior knowledge in Criminal Procedure, Forensic Techniques is required.
To provide theoretical knowledge about the theoretical and organizational aspects of forensic examinations. Promote understanding of the basic principles of conducting forensic examinations and the possibilities of different types of forensic examinations. To provide theoretical knowledge and strengthen practical skills about the possibilities of researching various types of physical evidence and the use of their research results. To promote the application of students' theoretical knowledge and practical skills in the evaluation of various types of physical evidence, determination of expertise and analysis of the obtained results.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Expertise, its concept and place in the evidence system. Transformation of expertise in Latvia and the world.Lectures1.00auditorium
2Forensic expert institutions in Latvia.Lectures4.00auditorium
3Types of forensic examinations and classification of forensic experts' specialties. Register of forensic experts.Lectures4.00auditorium
4Determination of expertise. 4.1. Assessment of the need for expertise. 4.2. Purpose of determination of expertise. 4.3. Decision on determination of expertise. 4.3.1. Research object. 4.3.2. Comparative material. 4.3.3. Formulation of questions to be asked to the expert.Lectures6.00auditorium
5Procedural types of expertise. 5.1. Expertise. 5.2. Additional expertise. 5.3. Repeated expertise. 5.4. Expertise of the commission of experts. 5.5. Complex expertise.Lectures6.00auditorium
6Evaluation of expert opinion. Conclusions and their interpretation.Lectures3.00auditorium
Topic Layout (Part-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Expertise, its concept and place in the evidence system. Transformation of expertise in Latvia and the world.Lectures0.50auditorium
2Forensic expert institutions in Latvia.Lectures1.00auditorium
3Types of forensic examinations and classification of forensic experts' specialties. Register of forensic experts.Lectures0.50auditorium
4Determination of expertise. 4.1. Assessment of the need for expertise. 4.2. Purpose of determination of expertise. 4.3. Decision on determination of expertise. 4.3.1. Research object. 4.3.2. Comparative material. 4.3.3. Formulation of questions to be asked to the expert.Lectures2.00auditorium
5Procedural types of expertise. 5.1. Expertise. 5.2. Additional expertise. 5.3. Repeated expertise. 5.4. Expertise of the commission of experts. 5.5. Complex expertise.Lectures3.00auditorium
6Evaluation of expert opinion. Conclusions and their interpretation.Lectures1.00auditorium
Unaided Work:
Work with materials posted in e-studies and special literature, work with Internet resources, discussions, discussions, consultations. Completion of four written tasks.
Assessment Criteria:
Active participation in lectures and practical classes is 30%, four written tasks are 40% (each task is 10%), a written exam is 30% of the study course evaluation.
Final Examination (Full-Time):Exam (Written)
Final Examination (Part-Time):Exam (Written)
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:The student will be able to demonstrate the basic and specialized knowledge acquired in the study course, part of which corresponds to the highest level of achievements in the relevant scientific field. The student will have acquired knowledge about forensic institutions, their structure and functions; on the theoretical and organizational aspects of forensic examinations; on the evaluation of various types of material evidence and the determination of necessary expertise and the formulation of questions; on the basic principles of evaluating the results of expert examinations.
Skills:The student will be able to constantly structure his learning, analyze his level of knowledge and rationally supplement it, select and evaluate literature sources and will be able to cultivate scientific-research skills. The student will be able to apply a scientific approach and practical skills in the evaluation of various types of physical evidence, independently making a decision on sending various types of research objects and traces for further research in the forensic examination institution, drawing up a decision on determining the expertise and formulating the questions to be asked to the expert. The student, using the acquired theoretical knowledge, will be able to demonstrate practical skills in evaluating the results of expert examinations.
Competencies:The student, using the acquired theoretical knowledge and skills, will be able to independently evaluate various types of material evidence and make a reasoned decision on determining the necessary expertise and the formulation of the questions to be asked to the expert, drawing up a decision on determining the expertise. Using the acquired theoretical knowledge and skills, the student will be able to constantly analyze and evaluate the expert's opinion, making a reasoned decision on the further action with the physical evidence.
Required Reading
1Administratīvā procesa likums: LR likums. Latvijas Vēstnesis, 164, 01.02.2004.
2Kriminālprocesa likums: LR likums. Latvijas Vēstnesis Nr.74 (3232), 11.05.2005.
3Tiesu ekspertu likums: LR likums. Latvijas Vēstnesis Nr. 42 (5614), 01.03.2016.
4Noteikumi par tiesu ekspertīžu iestāžu sarakstu un tiesu ekspertu specialitāšu klasifikatoru: Ministru kabineta 20.12.2016. noteikumi Nr. 835. Latvijas Vēstnesis Nr. 251 (5823), 23.12.2016.
5Tiesu ekspertīžu organizēšanas kārtība: Ministru kabineta 13.09.2016. noteikumi Nr. 606. Latvijas Vēstnesis Nr. 179 (5751), 15.09.2016.
6Tetetris, O. Tiesu medicīnas esence. Rīga: Apgāds "Rasa ABC”, 2004. (akceptējams izdevums)
7Valsts policijas Kriminālistikas pārvalde, Tiesu ekspertīze un noziedzīga nodarījuma notikuma vietas apskate. Vadlīnijas ekspertīžu noteikšanai un darbam notikuma vieta, 2015.
Additional Reading
1Kriminālistika. Otrā daļa. Kriminālistiskā taktika. Mācību grāmata, II daļa, IV izdevums. Autoru grupa profesora A. Kavaliera vadībā. Rīga, Latvijas Policijas akadēmija, 2003.
2Šāviena pēdas un to izpēte ar skenējošo elektronu mikroskopu. Mācību metodiskais līdzeklis. Aut. kol. G.Bebris, V.Veseris, A.Patmalnieks. Rīga, 2009.
Other Information Sources
1Nedēļraksts "Jurista vārds”.
2RSU Juridiskās fakultātes elektroniskais juridisko zinātnisko rakstu žurnāls "Socrates"
3Žurnāls "Administratīvā un kriminālā justīcija”.
4Tiesu ekspertu reģistrs
5Valsts policijas Kriminālistikas pārvalde
6Valsts tiesu medicīnas ekspertīzes centrs
7Valsts tiesu ekspertīžu birojs
8valsts sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību "Daugavpils psihoneiroloģiskā slimnīca"
9valsts sabiedrība ar ierobežotu atbildību "Rīgas psihiatrijas un narkoloģijas centrs"
10Valsts robežsardzes Galvenās pārvaldes Ekspertīžu dienests
11Latvijas Republikas Augstākās tiesas Senāts. Judikatūras nolēmumu arhīvs
12European Network of Forensic Science Institutes (ENFSI)