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Special Medicine

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:8.00
Study Course Accepted:20.08.2021 14:41:00
Study Course Information
Course Code:LF_147LQF level:Level 5
Credit Points:2.00ECTS:3.00
Branch of Science:Clinical Medicine; Health CareTarget Audience:Medicine
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Solvita Smilgzieda
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:RSU Liepāja Branch
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:Liepāja, Riņķu Street 24/26, lfatrsu[pnkts]lv, +371 63442118, +371 63442119, +371 63484632
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)4Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures8
Classes (count)12Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes24
Total Contact Hours32
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
In anatomy and physiology, pharmacology, communication.
To acquire knowledge about inflammatory eye diseases and ophthalmological degenerative diseases. To get acquainted with ophthalmological and otorhinolaryngological examination options. To know the types of injuries to the eye and ENT organs and what to do in case of specific injuries. To acquire knowledge about diseases of the ear, throat and nose, clinical manifestations, diagnosis, prevention and treatment thereof. To acquire knowledge of the aetiology, pathogenesis, clinic, complications, principles of treatment, emergency tactics and patient care in case of skin and sexually transmitted diseases, differentiating the age of patients.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Functions of the organ of vision, pathologies, injuries, examination methods and actionsLectures1.00auditorium
2Inflammatory eye diseases, examination and treatmentClasses1.00auditorium
3Degenerative eye diseases, examination and treatmentClasses1.00auditorium
4Ear and nose physiology, examination, diseases, injuries and action in a specific caseLectures1.00auditorium
5Major diseases of the pharynx and larynx, examination and treatment principlesLectures1.00auditorium
6Papulosquamous, bullous dermatoses, classification, clinic, principles of therapy. Psoriasis. RosaceaLectures1.00auditorium
7Groups of general preparations used in the treatment of skin diseases. Basic principles of local treatmentClasses1.00auditorium
8Allergic skin diseases. Toxicodermia – Stevens-Johnson syndrome, urticaria, vasculitisClasses1.00auditorium
9Eczema, clinical variants thereof. Atopic dermatitis. Viral skin diseasesClasses1.00auditorium
10Benign tumours of the skin, precancerous tumours, malignant tumoursClasses1.00auditorium
11Infectious skin diseases – scabies, erysipelas. Dermatomycoses – classification, smooth skin, hair, nailsClasses1.00auditorium
12STD. Syphilis. Gonorrhoea. Cutaneous manifestations of HIV. Urogenital chlamydiosis. Trichomoniasis. Candidiasis, mycoplasmosis. Manifestations and basic principles of treatmentClasses2.00auditorium
Unaided Work:
Previous preparation for the topics of the respective class. Papers on selected topics, presentation of eye and ENT injuries.
Assessment Criteria:
Student participation in practical classes is assessed (50%). At the end of the course – an exam (50%)
Final Examination (Full-Time):Exam (Written)
Final Examination (Part-Time):
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:As a result of completing the study course, the student: • is able to name and describe the anatomical structures of the organ of vision, describe the functions of vision and list age-related features; • is able to demonstrate knowledge of the anatomy and physiology of ENT organs; • is able to name possible methods of examination of the organs and functions of the eye and ENT; • is able to classify eye diseases; • is able to describe inflammatory eye diseases; • describes degenerative eye diseases; • describes possible traumatic damage to the visual apparatus; • is able to classify and describe diseases of the ear; • describes diseases of the nose; • classifies and describes diseases of the sinuses; • describes diseases of the pharynx and larynx; • describes the aetiopathogenesis, clinic of major skin diseases and STDs, classification of symptoms, basic principles of diagnosis and treatment.
Skills:As a result of completing the study course, the student: • is able to apply the knowledge acquired in the diagnosis of eye and ENT diseases; • is able to justify the principles of the anatomical structures of the eye and ENT organs; • knows how to act in case of eye and ENT organ injuries based on acquired knowledge; • can assess the aetiology, pathogenesis and symptoms of skin diseases and STDs, differentiate according to severity and hazard, and applies the basic principles of diagnosis and treatment.
Competencies:A result of completing the study course, the student will be able to assess the types and risks of ENT and eye injuries. Will be able to plan what to do in case of specific injuries. Will be able to explain the mechanisms of development of hearing and visual impairment and the types of hearing impairment. Will be able to diagnose and assess skin diseases and STDs and educate the patient, their family and the care team about health preservation and preventive measures. Will be able to identify, evaluate and solve disease-related problems.
Required Reading
1Acu slimības G. Laganovskas redakcijā, Nacionālais apgāds, 2008. (akceptējams izdevums)
2Baumane K. Redze un brilles, Rīga, SIA Nacionālais apgāds, 2002, 119 lpp. (akceptējams izdevums)
3Šveide A., Krūmiņa G., Fridrihsons J. Pamatizmeklēšanas metodes optometrija, LU, 2008., 191 lpp., ISBN 978-9984-825-83-0 (akceptējams izdevums)
4P. Vasariņš. Akne un psoriāze. Izpratne un ārstēšana. Nacionālais medicīnas apgāds. Rīga, 2002 – 190 lpp (akceptējams izdevums)
5I. Hartmane. Pūšļu dermatozes. Medicīnas apgāds. Rīga, 2009 – 143 lpp. (akceptējams izdevums)
6A. Rubins. Dermatoveneroloģija. Rīga, 2020 – 435 lpp
Additional Reading
1Roze V. Otorinolaringoloģija māsām, MPIC, 1998.
2Current Diagnosis & Treatment. Otolaryngology Head and Neck Surgery. II ed. Mc Graw Hill Lange A. K. Lalwani. 3rd ed. 2012, p. 903.
3Ķirurģiskās aprūpes māsas pamatspecialitāte, a.k., Nacionālais apgāds, 2009. 519 lpp.
4Forrester J., Dick A., McMenamin P., Roberts F. The Eye, 2021. 560 lpp.
5Palay D. Ophthalmology for the primary care physician. Mosby, 1997. 318 lpp.
6P. Vasariņš., A. Miltiņš. Klīniskā dermatoveneroloģija. Zvaigzne ABC. Rīga, 1999. – 476 lpp
7Schachner, Lawrence A. Pediatric Dermatology: Expert Consult - Online and Print, 2-Volume Set Mosby, 2011
Other Information Sources
1Diagnosis in Otorhinolaryngology. T. Metin Onerci. Springer, 2009, p. 168.
2Bailey's Head and Neck Surgery : Otolaryngology, 5th ed, 2014
3Color Atlas of ENT Diagnosis. Fourth Edition. Tony R. Bull, FRCS 2003.
4Basic Otorhinolaryngology. A Step-by-Step Learning Guide. Rudolf Probst, MD, and Heinrich Iro, MD. 2006.
5Basic and clinical science course (BCSC) 2013-2014 . Section 1-14.
6Kanski's Clinical Ophthalmology, (9th Edition). Jack J. Kanski – Elsevier Limited. 2020. 931 p.