Gerontologic Social Work
Study Course Description
Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:7.00
Study Course Accepted:29.08.2024 11:14:16
Study Course Information | |||||||||
Course Code: | LUSDK_160 | LQF level: | Level 6 | ||||||
Credit Points: | 3.00 | ECTS: | 4.50 | ||||||
Branch of Science: | Clinical Medicine; Health Care | Target Audience: | Social Welfare and Social Work | ||||||
Study Course Supervisor | |||||||||
Course Supervisor: | Anita Ābele | ||||||||
Study Course Implementer | |||||||||
Structural Unit: | Department of Rehabilitation | ||||||||
The Head of Structural Unit: | |||||||||
Contacts: | Riga, 26a Anninmuizas boulevard, socdkrsu[pnkts]lv, +371 67061575 | ||||||||
Study Course Planning | |||||||||
Full-Time - Semester No.1 | |||||||||
Lectures (count) | 12 | Lecture Length (academic hours) | 2 | Total Contact Hours of Lectures | 24 | ||||
Classes (count) | 6 | Class Length (academic hours) | 4 | Total Contact Hours of Classes | 24 | ||||
Total Contact Hours | 48 | ||||||||
Part-Time - Semester No.1 | |||||||||
Lectures (count) | 4 | Lecture Length (academic hours) | 2 | Total Contact Hours of Lectures | 8 | ||||
Classes (count) | 10 | Class Length (academic hours) | 2 | Total Contact Hours of Classes | 20 | ||||
Total Contact Hours | 28 | ||||||||
Study course description | |||||||||
Preliminary Knowledge: | Basics of social work, Biomedical aspects of human functioning, Developmental psychology, Social psychology, etc. | ||||||||
Objective: | Enhance students to acquire knowledge of the science of gerontology, the content of geriatric and gerontological social work and to develop professional skills in social work with elderly people. | ||||||||
Topic Layout (Full-Time) | |||||||||
No. | Topic | Type of Implementation | Number | Venue | |||||
1 | The concept of global ageing and the social problems of ageing | Lectures | 1.00 | other | |||||
2 | The science of gerontology and socio-psychological aspects of gerontology | Lectures | 2.00 | auditorium | |||||
3 | Social policy and social services for elderly people in Latvia | Lectures | 2.00 | auditorium | |||||
4 | Psychosocial portrait of the elderly | Lectures | 2.00 | auditorium | |||||
5 | Social problems and needs of the elderly | Lectures | 2.00 | auditorium | |||||
6 | Methods of gerontological social work | Lectures | 1.00 | auditorium | |||||
7 | Geriatrics and health care | Lectures | 1.00 | auditorium | |||||
8 | Care and rehabilitation of the elderly | Lectures | 1.00 | auditorium | |||||
9 | Gerontological social work practice | Classes | 1.00 | clinical base | |||||
10 | Peculiarities of communication with the elderly | Classes | 2.00 | clinical base | |||||
11 | Assessment of the functional capacity of the elderly | Classes | 1.00 | clinical base | |||||
12 | Assessment of self-care, independence and independent life skills of the elderly | Classes | 1.00 | clinical base | |||||
13 | Planning social services and attracting resources | Classes | 1.00 | clinical base | |||||
Topic Layout (Part-Time) | |||||||||
No. | Topic | Type of Implementation | Number | Venue | |||||
1 | The concept of global ageing and the social problems of ageing | Lectures | 1.00 | other | |||||
3 | Social policy and social services for elderly people in Latvia | Lectures | 1.00 | other | |||||
5 | Social problems and needs of the elderly | Lectures | 1.00 | auditorium | |||||
7 | Geriatrics and health care | Lectures | 1.00 | auditorium | |||||
9 | Gerontological social work practice | Classes | 2.00 | clinical base | |||||
10 | Peculiarities of communication with the elderly | Classes | 2.00 | auditorium | |||||
11 | Assessment of the functional capacity of the elderly | Classes | 2.00 | auditorium | |||||
12 | Assessment of self-care, independence and independent life skills of the elderly | Classes | 2.00 | auditorium | |||||
13 | Planning social services and attracting resources | Classes | 2.00 | auditorium | |||||
Assessment | |||||||||
Unaided Work: | Independently develop a set of gerontological social work activities or other occupational activities for elderly people in accordance with the assessment of clients' self-care, independence and independent life skills and the specified level of care; prepare a presentation and prepare for a seminar. Upon completion of the study course, fill in the course evaluation questionnaire. | ||||||||
Assessment Criteria: | Activity in lectures and classes, assessment for the independent work assignment and its presentation during the seminar, where the completion of the following tasks is taken into account: 1. In accordance with the Instrument for the Evaluation of Customer's Self-Care, Independence and Independent Life Skills or other method of customer assessment; a customer assessment has been carried out and the level of care has been determined: 20%; 2. A care/rehabilitation plan has been developed: 20%; 3. A schedule of activities and services for the client has been drawn up for one month: 20%; 4. The presentation shows the result (the level of care for the client; rehabilitation/care plan and a time schedule) and gives the opinion related to difficulties encountered in evaluating the customer; developing a care/rehabilitation plan, etc.: 20%; 5. Has actively participated in the seminar, provided full answers to the additional questions of both the course members and the lecturer: 20%. | ||||||||
Final Examination (Full-Time): | Exam (Written) | ||||||||
Final Examination (Part-Time): | Exam (Written) | ||||||||
Learning Outcomes | |||||||||
Knowledge: | Knowledge of the content of gerontology, geriatrics and gerontological social work; bio-psycho-social characteristics of the elderly, psychological characteristics, social problems and needs of the elderly (Orem’s self-care theory, Henderson’s need theory, Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, etc.) will allow students to prepare professionally for social work with the target group. | ||||||||
Skills: | Identify the social problems, needs and resources of the elderly at three levels of practice (micro, meso, macro); apply the method of assessing self-care, independence and self-sufficient living skills or any other method for assessing clients and determine the level of care. | ||||||||
Competencies: | Ability to assess the functional abilities of the elderly people, self-care, independence and independent life skills, and to offer social services appropriate to their needs; the ability to communicate professionally and negotiate with the elderly people, while respecting their age-specific characteristics and needs. | ||||||||
Bibliography | |||||||||
No. | Reference | ||||||||
Required Reading | |||||||||
1 | Jankovska M., 2019. Vecumdienas. Pētījums par senioru dzīvi Latvijā. Rīga: Creative Media Baltic | ||||||||
2 | Jansone I. Dambe I., 2016. Sociālā rehabilitācija krīzes situāciju pārvarēšanā veciem cilvēkiem sociālās aprūpes institūcijā. PPSC “Aisma” 3.izd. | ||||||||
Additional Reading | |||||||||
1 | Zrinščak S., Lawrence S., 2016. Active Ageing and Demographic Change: Challenges for social work and social policy. Taylor&Francis | ||||||||
2 | Lawrence S., Torres S., 2016. Older People and Migration. Taylor&Francis | ||||||||
3 | Krakovjaks P., Kšižanovskis D., Modliņska A., 2018. Slimnieka ārstēšana, aprūpe un rehabilitācija mājas apstākļos: Hroniskas slimības. Rīga: Zinātne | ||||||||
Other Information Sources | |||||||||
1 | Eiropas komisija. 2021. Zaļā grāmata par novecošanu. Paaudžu solidaritātes un savstarpējās atbildības veicināšana. Iegūts: https://ec.europa.eu/i nfo/sites/default/files/com_2021_50_f1_green_paper_lv.pdf | ||||||||
2 | Moors M. 2018. Sociālā darba ar veciem cilvēkiem specifika: praktiķu pieredzes apkopojums. Sociālais darbs Latvijā Nr.1/2018; 9.https://www.socialwork.lv/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/izdevu… | ||||||||
3 | RSU Aktualitātes. Latvijas pētnieki izzinājuši Covid-19 ietekmi uz gados vecākiem iedzīvotājiem, 06.10.2020., Pieejams:https://www.rsu.lv/aktualitates/petnieki-apzinajusi-covid-1… | ||||||||
4 | D. Paskaleva and S. Tufkova, 2017. Social and Medical Problems of the Elderly, Journal of Gerontology & Geriatric Research, Volume 6 , Issue 3, Pieejams: https://www.longdom.org/open-access/social-and-medical-prob… |