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Socio-pedagogical Activity in Social Work

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:1.00
Study Course Accepted:07.02.2022 11:02:44
Study Course Information
Course Code:LUSDK_273LQF level:Level 6
Credit Points:2.00ECTS:3.00
Branch of Science:PedagogyTarget Audience:Social Welfare and Social Work
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Silva Rupaine
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Department of Welfare and Social Work
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:Riga, 26a Anninmuizas boulevard, socdkatrsu[pnkts]lv, +371 67061575
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)8Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures16
Classes (count)8Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes16
Total Contact Hours32
Part-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)5Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures10
Classes (count)5Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes10
Total Contact Hours20
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
Knowledge in communication and developmental psychology, pedagogy, knowledge of social legislation; understanding of children's and family rights and social guarantees.
Build an understanding and promote acquisition of basic knowledge on social pedagogy and socio-pedagogical activity.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Social pedagogy. Concepts of social work and social pedagogy. Areas of activity of a social pedagogue. Socio-pedagogical activity. Social pedagogical activity as one of the fields of activity of a social worker.Lectures2.00auditorium
2Social pedagogy theories and methods, social pedagogue and performer of socio- pedagogical activities - social worker's scope of competence, inter-institutional co-operation, co-operation with the family.Lectures2.00auditorium
3Target groups of social pedagogical activity. Needs of target groups of socio-pedagogical activities. Socio-pedagogical work with children, youth, families, seniors, persons with mental disorders, also other target groups.Lectures2.00auditorium
4Didactics in social pedagogical work, organization of environment for effective work with adults, children and youth. Specifics of pedagogical activity in educational institutions and importance of social pedagogical activity in educational institutions. Individualization in social pedagogical work.Lectures2.00auditorium
5Evaluation of personal resources and life skills, risk assessment. Socio-pedagogical case management. Basic tasks of resocialization, approaches, methods.Classes2.00auditorium
6Preventive social pedagogical activity. Conflict resolution in the school environment. Socio-pedagogical activity in reducing peer violence. Prevention of peer violence, programs and methods to reduce bulling and mobbing in the school environment and community.Classes2.00auditorium
7Regulatory framework in the field of protection of children's rights. Preventive work. * The practical class can take place outside the RSU auditorium space.Classes2.00auditorium
8Study tour: getting to know the activities of a social pedagogue in a real work environment: school, day center, etc. * The practical class takes place outside RSU auditoriums.Classes2.00auditorium
Topic Layout (Part-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Social pedagogy. Concepts of social work and social pedagogy. Areas of activity of a social pedagogue. Socio-pedagogical activity. Social pedagogical activity as one of the fields of activity of a social worker.Lectures1.00auditorium
2Social pedagogy theories and methods, social pedagogue and performer of socio- pedagogical activities - social worker's scope of competence, inter-institutional co-operation, co-operation with the family.Lectures1.00auditorium
3Target groups of social pedagogical activity. Needs of target groups of socio-pedagogical activities. Socio-pedagogical work with children, youth, families, seniors, persons with mental disorders, also other target groups.Lectures2.00auditorium
4Didactics in social pedagogical work, organization of environment for effective work with adults, children and youth. Specifics of pedagogical activity in educational institutions and importance of social pedagogical activity in educational institutions. Individualization in social pedagogical work.Lectures1.00auditorium
5Evaluation of personal resources and life skills, risk assessment. Socio-pedagogical case management. Basic tasks of resocialization, approaches, methods.Classes1.00auditorium
6Preventive social pedagogical activity. Conflict resolution in the school environment. Socio-pedagogical activity in reducing peer violence. Prevention of peer violence, programs and methods to reduce bulling and mobbing in the school environment and community.Classes2.00auditorium
7Regulatory framework in the field of protection of children's rights. Preventive work. * The practical class can take place outside the RSU auditorium space.Classes1.00auditorium
8Study tour: getting to know the activities of a social pedagogue in a real work environment: school, day center, etc. * The practical class takes place outside RSU auditoriums.Classes1.00placement location
Unaided Work:
1. To analyze one socio-pedagogical case. 2. To conduct an interview independently with one professional, who works in the social pedagogical field. 3. To develop a program of preventive social pedagogical activities.
Assessment Criteria:
Cumulative assessment - participation in lectures, classes, group work - 10%, socio-pedagogical case analysis - 20%, presentation of interview results of pedagogical activity professional - 30% presentation of preventive program plan for selected target group - 40%. Evaluation criteria: 1. Socio-pedagogical case analysis. Work in pairs or small groups. 1.1. Simulated conversation scenario - Errors and ethical violations in a given case are identified. Professionally possible conversation scenarios are modeled - shown in the role play, case solving options are offered. 1.2. A plan of social pedagogical activity has been developed. Client defined. Identified client' s risks, needs, resources. Socio-pedagogical problem defined. A possible intervention plan has been developed. Theories, methods, normative documents that can be applied in solving a specific case are determined. 2. Interview with a professional performing socio-pedagogical activity. The purpose of the interview is defined. Independently developed interview questions. One (or more) interviews were conducted with a professional working in the field of social pedagogy. The obtained information is analyzed, compared with the information of lectures and literature sources, conclusions are made. Prepared presentation. Ethical principles followed. 3. Development of socio-pedagogical preventive action program. Selected and justified target group, defined social problem (s) for prevention program. Appropriate approaches and methods have been selected. The plan also includes animation or adventure pedagogy methods. The specific method / technique of animation / adventure pedagogy, goal, results to be achieved are defined. Developed activity plan, steps. One (or more activities) is described in detail and shown practically in the audience. The description of the activity plan is submitted in writing and also presented to the audience.
Final Examination (Full-Time):Exam (Written)
Final Examination (Part-Time):Exam (Written)
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:Students will be able to understand the basics of social pedagogue / social pedagogical activity. To define the competencies and functions of social pedagogical work. To describe the target groups of social pedagogical work. Describe the role of a social pedagogue in team work, the importance of social pedagogical activity in the work of a social worker. To analyze approaches to solving problem situations in social pedagogical practice. Understand the principles of organizing the social pedagogical work environment for effective work with adults, children and youth. Understand the need for inter-institutional cooperation and cooperation with the family. To analyze the need for socio-pedagogical activity in the field of addiction, bullying, violence, etc. solving social problems. To describe the theoretical substantiation and methods of social pedagogical activity for different target groups of children, youth and adults. Understand the importance of resocialization and preventive socio-pedagogical activities. Understand risk assessment techniques. Will be able to analyze the factors influencing social problems. Understand the significance of children's rights protection legislation in social pedagogical work.
Skills:Identify the socialization risks of children and young people and assess them by choosing appropriate risk assessment methods for the socialization process. To determine the level of life skills of a child or young person. Ability to inform, consult on children's rights issues. Develop a resocialization program, activity plan for a specific target group. Ability to develop a socio-pedagogical preventive action plan (program), to create ideas for reducing social problems among young people at the micro, meso level. Improves the ability to conduct an interview with a professional in social pedagogical activities.
Competencies:Students improve their competence to critically evaluate the implementation of children's rights protection principles in solving socio-pedagogical cases. Students improve their competence to evaluate the needs and risks of social pedagogical work with children and youth of different ages. Students improve their competence to identify the need for cooperation with the family and the importance of inter-institutional cooperation in solving socio-pedagogical cases. Students improve their ability to analyze child protection legislation. Students develop the competence to discuss and analyze how methods of social pedagogical activity can be applied in solving social problems for different target groups.
Required Reading
1Roga- Wiles V. (2018). Sociālās pedagoģijas domas attīstība Latvijā. Žurnāls „Sociālais darbs Latvijā”2/2018, 8-14.lpp.
2Pokšāns A. (2016). PUSAUDŽU ATKARĪBU SOCIĀLĀ REHABILITĀCIJA LATVIJĀ. 2016. Pētījuma ziņojums.
3Truskovska Ž. (sast.). ( 2019). PREVENTĪVAIS SOCIĀLI PEDAGOĢISKAIS UN SOCIĀLAIS DARBS MŪSDIENĀS: IZAICINĀJUMI, RISINĀJUMI, PRAKTISKĀ PIEREDZE. Jauno zinātnieku un praktiķu starptautiskās zinātniski praktiskās konferences materiālu krājums. Rēzekne: Rēzeknes Tehnoloģiju akadēmija. 84 lpp.
4Širina A. (2016). Grupu darba metodes izmantošana skolā: metodiskais līdzeklis / Anita Širina. Rīga: Profesionālās pilnveides un supervīzijas centrs "Aisma". - 92 lpp.
5Kaša L., Safanova V. (2016). Sociālā pedagoga profesionālās lomas, strādājot ar mobinga izpausmēm skolā. Rīga: Aisma, Profesionālās pilnveides un supervīzijas centrs. 141. lpp.
6Zuimača E. (2015). Piedzīvojuma pedagoģijas metožu pielietojums sociālpedagoģiskajā darbā. Metodiskais līdzeklis. Rīga: Aisma. 69.lpp.
Additional Reading
1Monks, C. P., & Coyne, I. (Eds.). (2011). Bullying in different contexts. ProQuest Ebook Central
2Novosada N., Raževa A. (2017). Sociālais pedagogs kā klases audzinātāja sadarbības partneris. Pētījums RTU.
3Shapiro L. (2004). 101 ways to teach children social skills.
4Gedzjune J., Kondratoviča S. (2016). Darbs ar gotu subkultūras pusaudžiem skolā:metodiskais līdzeklis. - Rīga: Aisma, Profesionālās pilnveides un supervīzijas centrs.- 87. lpp.
5Brahuna I., Gorkija L. (2016). Sociālpedagoģiskais darbs pusaudžu saskarsmes prasmju pilnveidošanā: mācību metodiskais līdzeklis. - Rīga: Aisma, Profesionālās pilnveides un supervīzijas centrs. 72.lpp.
6Jurčenko A. (2008). Dzīves prasmju pilnveidošana pusaudžiem pedagoģisko grupu darbā. Rēzekne.- 83.lpp.
7Kļaviņa L., Pavloviča G. (2016). Dzīvesprasmu apmācība personām ar garīgās attīstības traucējumiem: mācību metodiskais līdzeklis. - Rīga: Aisma, Profesionālās pilnveides un supervīzijas centrs. - 87.lpp.
8Jansone A., Sleže A. (2015). Sociālais atbalsts nepilngadīgajām grūtniecēm un māmiņām.2izd.- Rīga: Aisma, Profesionālās pilnveides un supervīzijas centrs.121.lpp.
9Birģele E. , Ševele I. (2014). Sociālo darbinieku un sociālo pedagogu sadarbība ar ģimenēm, kurās bērni ilgstoši neapmeklē skolu: labā pieredze: metodiskais līdzeklis. Rīga: Aisma, Profesionālās pilnveides un supervīzijas centrs.- 48lpp.
10Freiberga-Ņitavska N., Putāne V. (2015). Darbs ar nepilngadīgajiem likumpārkāpējiem un viņu ģimenēm. Rīga: Aisma, Profesionālās pilnveides un supervīzijas centrs.-80. lpp.
11Ločmele V., Mihejenko J. (2016). Pusaudžu sociālā atstumtība kā mūsdienu problēma. Rīga: Aisma, Profesionālās pilnveides un supervīzijas centrs.-70. lpp.
12Vilciņa A., Pūpola I., Smutova G. (2011). Sociālo prasmju attīstīšanas programma sākumklašu audzēkņiem: mācību metodiskais līdzeklis. - Rīga: Aisma, Profesionālās pilnveides un supervīzijas centrs. - 81 lpp.
13Rainer K., Jochen P. (2009). Methoden der Sozialen Arbeit in der Schule. Ernst Reinhardt Verlag München Basel.- 353 Seite.
14Bērnu tiesību aizsardzības likums. Pieņemts 19.06.1998. Publicēts "Latvijas Vēstnesis" Latvijas Republikas Saeimas un Ministru Kabineta Ziņotājs, 15, 04.08.1998.
15Bāriņtiesu likums. Pieņemts 22.06.2006. Publicēts Latvijas Republikas Saeimas un Ministru Kabineta Ziņotājs, 15, 10.08.2006.
16Civillikums. Pieņemts 28.01.1937. Stājas spēkā no 01.09.92. Publicēts Valdības Vēstnesis, 41, 20.02.1937.
17Silverman, Lois H., and Lois H Silverman. The Social Work of Museums, Taylor & Francis Group, 2010. ProQuest Ebook Central,…
18Mūsdienu sociālpedagoģiskā prakse Latvijas izglītības vidē: metodisko rakstu krājums. (2007). – Rīga: Rīgas domes Izglītības, jaunatnes un sporta departaments, Izglītības pārvalde, izglītības atbalsta nodaļa.
19Damberga L., Klints R., Matule L., Poiša S. (2005). Animācijas metožu pielietojums sociālpedagoģiskajā darbībā. – Rīga: SDSPA „Attīstība”.
20Engere I., Gleške L. (2004). Sociālā pedagoga darbība konfliktsituāciju risināšanā skolā. - Rīga: SDSPA „Attīstība”.
21Šiļneva L. (1998). Sociālā darba un sociālās pedagoģijas salīdzinājums. Dzīves jautājumi 3. Sociālais darbs un sociālā pedagoģija: darbības jomas, mērķi un iespējas. Zinātniski metodisks rakstu krājums.SDSPA “Attīstība”, 6.-28. lpp.
22Plaude I. (2003). Sociālā pedagoģija. – Rīga: Raka.
23Vilciņa A. (2009). Sociālā pedagoģija: teorija, prakse: mācību palīglīdzeklis. Rīga: Sociālā darba un sociālās pedagoģijas augstskola "Attīstība".
24Konstebls R., Makdonalda Š., Flinns Dž.,P. (2001). Sociālais darbs skolā. Jumava. 608.lpp.
25Engere I., Gleške L. (2014). Lomu spēles sociālā pedagoga darbībā. – Rīga: Profesionālās pilnveides un supervīzijas centrs "Aisma".
Other Information Sources
1Dudley Barlow. (2007). Bullying, Victimization, and Peer Harassment: A Handbook of Prevention and Intervention. The Education Digest, 78.
2Matisons Ē. (2014). Sociālpedagoģiskā darbība atkarības prevencijas veicināšanā.
3Atkarību prevencija jauniešu vidē: dzimtas perspektīva. (2019). Materiāls sagatavots Erasmus+ projekta “Prevention++. Non formal education and prevention work” ietvaros.
4Kembels R. (2004). Kā mīlēt pusaudzi. – Rīga: AMNIS.
5Špalleka R. (2003). Palīdzība maziem haotiķiem. – Rīga: Nordik.
6Daniel Schugurensky. Social Pedagogy and Critical Theory: A Conversation with Hans Thiersch.
7Barter C., Berridge D. (2011). Children Behaving Badly?: Peer Violence Between Children and Young People. Wiley-Blackwell. John Wiley & Sons, Ltd