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Leadership and Effective Management

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:7.00
Study Course Accepted:07.08.2023 09:35:02
Study Course Information
Course Code:MDAK_348LQF level:Level 6
Credit Points:2.00ECTS:3.00
Branch of Science:Clinical Medicine; Health CareTarget Audience:Midwifery; Nursing Science
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Agita Melbārde-Kelmere
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Department of Nursing and Obstetric Care
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:Riga, 26a Anninmuizas boulevard, mdakatrsu[pnkts]lv, +371 67061568
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)3Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures6
Classes (count)13Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes26
Total Contact Hours32
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
General Psychology, Basics of Social Sciences, Transcultural Care.
Promote understanding of nurse leadership in patient care and medical process, theories. Introduce nurses to styles and models of nurse leadership, promote the development of nurse leadership using their skills in patient education on health matters and in the care process. Develop a culture of interpersonal relationships for students. Contribute to the development of students' analytical and leadership skills.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Nurse leadership and its role in patient careLectures1.00E-Studies platform
2The opportunities of nurse leadership in health care, the potential for futureLectures1.00E-Studies platform
3Understanding of nurse generations, changes in nurse responsibilities and valuesLectures1.00E-Studies platform
4Awareness of the nurse’s personal valuesClasses1.00E-Studies platform
5The role of leadership in implementing person-centred care.Classes1.00E-Studies platform
6The role of the nurse's emotions in improving work effectiveness.Classes1.00E-Studies platform
7Motivation and staff involvement in the care process.Classes1.00auditorium
8Nursing etiquette and models of communication opportunities in patient careClasses1.00auditorium
9Decision making, change management, patient safety aspects for the nurse leaderClasses1.00E-Studies platform
10Aspects of conflict resolution in nurse leadershipClasses1.00E-Studies platform
11Mentoring, supervision and coaching: understanding the difference between them in the nursing leadershipClasses2.00E-Studies platform
12Flexibility and resilience of a nurse leader in changing healthcareClasses1.00E-Studies platform
13Possibilities offered by modern technologies in patient care and patient education. Media pedagogy and mobile web applicationsClasses1.00E-Studies platform
14Improvement and maintenance of nurse’s knowledge and skills. Professional socialisationClasses1.00E-Studies platform
15Creativity in nursing practiceClasses1.00E-Studies platform
Unaided Work:
Students prepare and present their work in each lesson by submitting a situation assignment/analysis/summary or by completing self-assessment test questions. In order to evaluate the quality of the study course as a whole, the student must fill out the study course evaluation questionnaire on the Student Portal.
Assessment Criteria:
Activity and preparedness during the lesson, solving the topic problem. Cumulative assessment in which the student can obtain 100% (10% can be obtained by fulfilling the conditions under the following headings: first lecture, each practical session and 5% for the second and third lectures). The following grades are on a 10-point scale: 96% to 100% - excellent (10); 85% to 95% - excellent (9); 75% to 84% - very good (8); 70% to 74% - good (7); 65% to 69% - almost good (6); 60% to 64% - average (5); 55% to 59% - almost average (4); 40% to 54% - poor (3); 20% to 39% - very poor (2); 0% to 19% - very, very poor (1).
Final Examination (Full-Time):Exam
Final Examination (Part-Time):
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:As a result of the study course, students will gain knowledge about theories of motivation and leadership in nursing, various aspects of nursing leadership and their role in nursing, developing interpersonal communication and critical thinking. It is expected that students will be able to apply the acquired knowledge to develop their leadership skills, promoting the development of nursing work and improving the quality of nursing work.
Skills:Students will be able to respect the principles of interpersonal interaction, ethics and also rights in contact with other health care workers and patients. Understand the role of prestige and image of the nursing profession. Develop critical thinking skills and nurse practice by developing, implementing and improving work in health care. Students will be able to understand the impact of the human factor in patient safety and health care and to work in a team. Students will develop their skills to assess the effectiveness of their work, their compliance with the current regulatory frameworks, and will be able to choose appropriate resources for acquiring knowledge and to improve their knowledge of maintaining their physical, psychological and emotional health. Students will develop awareness of these aspects, manage the problem-solving process and their application. Using the possibilities of modern technologies, will promote the education of patients and other members of the healthcare team, ensuring a high-quality care process. Respect the fundamental principles of interpersonal communication and ethics, as well as patient rights, by supporting mutual learning and knowledge exchange, planning a training process for nurses in the context of lifelong learning, creating and maintaining a positive image of the nurse profession.
Competencies:On successful completion of the study course, students will improve the ability to engage in the process of changes in health care by demonstrating personal, cross-cultural skills that provide nurse's as an individual's active and effective participation in work and public life. After completion of the course, students will be able to respect and ensure confidentiality, autonomy and rights in their professional activities, to educate others in the health and social care team; to interpret and analyse the role of different behaviours, the reasons for both colleagues and patients. Students will be able to ensure quality and development through continuous evaluation, maintenance and development of their knowledge and skills. Students will be able to create a positive working environment, focus on achievements and growth, and to create and maintain representative professional choices by ensuring the active and effective participation of each individual. Students will develop the ability to understand, demonstrate and interpret concepts, thoughts, feelings, opinions, and to use information technologies convincingly and critically (safely) in both work and leisure.
Required Reading
1Raducan, R. 2014. Communication Styles of Leadership Tools. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 149, 813-18. Available from:…
2Rogers, R. 2012. Leadership communication styles: a descriptive analysis of health care professionals. Journal of Healthcare Leadership 4: 47-57. (akceptējams izdevums) Available from:
3Efektīva vadītāja rokasgrāmata/ autori: Anita Gaile, Marina Pavlova; dizains: Ilze Magdalēna Kļaviņa; redaktori: Ieva Lejasmeijere, Līga Ansone. Pieejams no:…
4Reinhard U.S, Kunzc E., Rolfb P. 2020. Effects of proactive decision making on life satisfaction. European Journal of Operational Research, 280 (3), 1171-1187. Available from:…
5Aprūpes diagnozes: Definīcijas un klasifikācija 2018 – 2020” 11.izdevums, SIA ”Medicīnas apgāds”, 2020.
6Ārvalstu studentiem/ For international students:
7Raducan, R. 2014. Communication Styles of Leadership Tools. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences 149, 813-18. Available from:…
8Rogers, R. 2012. Leadership communication styles: a descriptive analysis of health care professionals. Journal of Healthcare Leadership 4: 47-57. (akceptējams izdevums) Available from:
9Reinhard U.S, Kunzc E., Rolfb P. 2020. Effects of proactive decision making on life satisfaction. European Journal of Operational Research, 280 (3), 1171-1187. Available from:…
Additional Reading
1Kings Fund. The future leadership and management in the NHS: No more heroes. Report from the Kings Fund Commission on Leadership and Manageent in the NHS. The King Fund, London, 2011. Available from:…
2Ovseiko, P.V., Buchan, A.M. Organizational Culture in an Academic Health Center: An Exploratory Study Using a Competing Values Framework. Academic medicine 87: 709-18, 2012. Available from:
3Grubaugh M.L., Flynn, L. Relationships Among Nurse Manager Leadership Skills, Conflict Management, and Unit Teamwork. Journal of Nursing Administration. 58(7)383-88, 2018. Available from:
4Deklava, L., Lācīte I. Izdegšanas sindroms un stresa pārvarēšanas veidi medicīnas māsām, RSU Zinātniskie raksti, 2013. Pieejams no:…
5G. Cummings, H.Lee, T. MacGregor, M.Davey, C.Wong, L.Paul, E.Stafford. Factors contributing to nursing leadership: A systematic review. Journal of Health Services Research Policy 13 (4); 240-48, 2008. Available from:…
6Efektīva komunikācija: tulkojums no angļu valodas / [no angļu valodas tulkojusi Agnese Orupe]. 2006.
7Ārvalstu studentiem/ For international students:
8Kings Fund. The future leadership and management in the NHS: No more heroes. Report from the Kings Fund Commission on Leadership and Manageent in the NHS. The King Fund, London, 2011. Available from:…
9Ovseiko, P.V., Buchan, A.M. Organizational Culture in an Academic Health Center: An Exploratory Study Using a Competing Values Framework. Academic medicine 87: 709-18, 2012. Available from:
10Grubaugh M.L., Flynn, L. Relationships Among Nurse Manager Leadership Skills, Conflict Management, and Unit Teamwork. Journal of Nursing Administration. 58(7)383-88, 2018. Available from:
11G. Cummings, H.Lee, T. MacGregor, M.Davey, C.Wong, L.Paul, E.Stafford. Factors contributing to nursing leadership: A systematic review. Journal of Health Services Research Policy 13 (4); 240-48, 2008. Available from:…
12Kraszewski, Sarah. 2010. Communication Skills for Adult Nurses.
Other Information Sources
1Riggio, R.E. 2009, Leaders: Born or Made? The most often-asked question about leadership, and the answer. Psychology Today. Available from:…
2Sherman, R.O. 2018. Leadership Resiliency. American Nurse Today, 13 (9), 26-8. Available from:…
3TED talk, How Great Leaders Inspire Actions, Simon Sinek. Available from:
4TED talk, What Makes Us Feel Good About our Work, Dan Ariely. Available from:…