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Developing Psyhology for Children With Functional Disorders

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:1.00
Study Course Accepted:29.01.2024 09:02:30
Study Course Information
Course Code:REK_261LQF level:Level 6
Credit Points:2.67ECTS:4.00
Branch of Science:Psychology; Developmental PsychologyTarget Audience:Rehabilitation
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Solvita Umbraško
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Department of Rehabilitation
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:Riga, 26a Anninmuizas boulevard, rkatrsu[pnkts]lv, +371 20271291
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)4Lecture Length (academic hours)4Total Contact Hours of Lectures16
Classes (count)7Class Length (academic hours)4Total Contact Hours of Classes28
Total Contact Hours44
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
Study course: Principles of Psychology in Professional Activity.
The aim of the course is to provide knowledge and understanding of cognitive, social and emotional development and disorders in these areas of development from childbirth to adolescence in the context of contemporary developmental psychology theories, as well as specific disorders and their characteristics at different stages of development.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Introduction. Concept of developmental psychology. Research methods.Lectures1.00auditorium
2Current theories of child development (eg, Bowlby's Attachment Theory, Piaget's Cognitive Developmental Theory, Theory of Mind etc.) The child's basic psychological needs.Lectures1.00auditorium
3Social, emotional and cognitive development in different age groups. Social, emotional and cognitive development of deaf and hard of hearing children.Lectures1.00auditorium
4Norm vs. pathology. Classification systems: Mental and behavioural disorders (ICD-10, F00-F99), DSM V. The attitude of the society.Lectures1.00auditorium
5Practical work - analysis of the child's observations.Classes1.00auditorium
6Practical work – observation – analysis.Classes1.00auditorium
7Group work - analysis of adolescent interviews.Classes1.00auditorium
8Student presentations: temperament, emotions, emotion regulation.Classes1.00auditorium
9Practical work - creation of anamnesis questions.Classes1.00auditorium
10Group work - an Individualized Education Plan (IEP). Develop IEP for learner with an identified disability who is attending an elementary or secondary educational institution.Classes1.00auditorium
11Student presentations on different types of disorders (ICD-10/11, DSM-V)Classes1.00auditorium
Unaided Work:
Individual work - practical work (observations, tasks) with children, preparation of presentations for seminars, independent work with literature sources on the given topics, prepared report. In order to evaluate the quality of the study course as a whole, the student must fill out the study course evaluation questionnaire on the Student Portal.
Assessment Criteria:
Active and effective participation in lectures and practical classes. Presentations of independent work on case analysis and evaluation. For higher evaluation, analysis of additional literature on the identified topic. In total, the independent works make up 60% of the final grade. The remaining 40% is made up of an exam grade.
Final Examination (Full-Time):Exam (Written)
Final Examination (Part-Time):
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:Students will acquire knowledge about leading developmental psychology theories; factors affecting development; developmental research methods; cognitive, social and emotional development of a child from the birth of a child to adolescent, as well as about specific disorders and their characteristics at different stages of development.
Skills:Students will be able to observe cognitive, social and emotional development of children in different age groups; to analyze observations based on developmental psychology theories; to compare cognitive, social and emotional development in children with normal mental development and children with specific disorders; to assess developmental perspective of children with specific disorders. Students will be able to find and analyze the latest available scientific researches in this field in order to integrate those opinions in their practical work.
Competencies:After finishing the course, students will be able to assess cognitive, social and emotional development, predict its potential dynamics of children with normal development and children with specific disorders in a developmental stage from birth to adolescent.
Required Reading
1Berk, L. E., Shanker, S. G. (2009). Child development, Toronto: Pearson/Allyn and Bacon.
2Грэйс Крайг. (2019). Дон Бокум Психология развития: [учебное пособие] научный редактор перевода на русский язык Т.В. Прохоренко.
3Ted Zerucha Human development; introduction by Denton A. Cooley. (2009). New York: Chelsea House Publishers. (izdevums akceptējams)
4Vabale, A. (2008). (Eds.). Autisms un autiska spektra traucējumi: ieskats teorijā un praksē. Rīga: Rīgas Stradiņa universitāte. (izdevums akceptējams)
5Vanda Vaclava, Ulla Aldenrūda, Stēfans Ilsteds. Bērni, kuriem ir autisms un Aspergera sindroms: ikdienas praktiskā darba pieredze, Linčēpinga: Futurum. Rīga: Velku biedrība, 2012
Additional Reading
1Arnett, J., Chapin, L., & Brownlow, C. (2018). Human development: A cultural approach. Pearson Australia.
2Craig, G. J., & Dunn, W. L. (2013). Understanding human development. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education/Prentice Hall.
3Hopkins, B. (2005). (Eds.). The Cambridge Encyclopedia of Child Development. Cambridge University Press.
4Fletcher, J. M. (2007). (Eds.). Learning disabilities: From identification to intervention. New York: Guilford Press.
5Mash, E. J., & Wolfe, D. A. (2010). Abnormal child psychology. Belmont, CA: Wadsworth CENGAGE Learning. (arī krievu tulkojumā.)
6Morris, T. L., & March, J. S. (2004). Anxiety Disorders in Children and Adolescents. 2nd Edition. New York: Guilford Press.
7Papalia, D. E. (2008). Human development. Boston: McGraw-Hill.
Other Information Sources
1World Health Organisation. (1992). ICD-10 Classifications of Mental and Behavioural Disorder: Clinical Descriptions and Diagnostic Guidelines. Geneva. World Health Organisation.
2American Psychiatric Association (2013). Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (5th ed.). Arlington: American Psychiatric Publishing.
3Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology.
4Zinātniskās datubāzes EBSCO un Science Direct.