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Diplomatic Protocol and Business Etiquette

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:1.00
Study Course Accepted:13.03.2024 09:09:25
Study Course Information
Course Code:SZF_032LQF level:Level 6
Credit Points:2.67ECTS:4.00
Branch of Science:PoliticsTarget Audience:Political Science
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Sintija Stipre
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Faculty of Social Sciences
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:Dzirciema street 16, Rīga, szfatrsu[pnkts]lv
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)15Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures30
Classes (count)5Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes10
Total Contact Hours40
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
In order to successfully complete the study course, students must have prior knowledge of the basic principles and development of international relations, the basic principles of foreign policy making, and the basics of diplomacy.
The aim of the course is to introduce students to the importance of diplomatic protocol in the formation of international relations, to develop an understanding of the officials of the diplomatic corps and to examine the differences in business etiquette in different cultures.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1The concept of diplomatic protocol and business etiquette. State protocol. The highest officials of the country. The specifics of diplomats' work and the importance of protocol in it.Lectures1.00auditorium
2Structure of the diplomatic service. Differences between a diplomatic mission and a consular institution. Diplomatic ranks. Competence of Honorary Consuls.Lectures1.00auditorium
3Diplomatic Corps. Diplomatic list. Dean and its functions. Protocol procedure, its types. Principles of group photo making.Lectures1.00auditorium
4National anthem label. Protocol order of flags. Principles of forming a line of flags.Lectures1.00auditorium
5National anthem label. Protocol order of flags. Principles of forming a line of flags.Lectures1.00auditorium
6Seminar on the topics of lessons 1 - 5.Classes1.00auditorium
7Types and categories of visits. Structure of the visit program. Selection of official gifts, presentation etiquette.Lectures1.00auditorium
8Organization of international conferences. Types of delegations, their reception and protocol service.Lectures1.00auditorium
9Types of invitations. Drawing up an invitation. Response to invitation. Principles of creating guest lists.Lectures1.00auditorium
10Reception and vin d'honeur proceedings. Greetings and farewells. Handshake etiquette. Dating. Social conversations at official events.Lectures1.00auditorium
11Seminar on the topics of lessons 6 and 10.Classes1.00auditorium
12Organizing an official meal. Table manners. Toast. The status and duties of the guest of honor.Lectures1.00auditorium
13Dress codes. Business casual and formal wear.Lectures1.00auditorium
14Dress codes. Festive and festive outfits. Choosing a dress code appropriate to the nature of the event.Lectures1.00auditorium
15Seminar on the topics of lessons 12-14.Classes1.00auditorium
16Diplomatic and business correspondence. Specifics of protocol correspondence. Correspondence language. Forms of speech.Lectures1.00auditorium
17Diplomatic and business correspondence. Specifics of protocol correspondence. Correspondence language. Forms of speech.Lectures1.00auditorium
18Telephone etiquette. Mourning etiquette.Lectures1.00auditorium
19Seminar on the topics of lessons 16-18.Classes1.00auditorium
Unaided Work:
Students must study the compulsory literature in detail, independently prepare the tasks assigned at home. In order to evaluate the quality of the study course as a whole, the student must fill out the study course evaluation questionnaire on the Student Portal.
Assessment Criteria:
The final mark will be the sum of all marks. Knowledge will be evaluated in a 10-point system: Participation in lectures and seminars - activity and quality of answers 20%, written homework 30%, exam grade 50%.
Final Examination (Full-Time):Exam (Written)
Final Examination (Part-Time):
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:Knowledge of the importance of business etiquette and diplomatic protocol in official communication between countries and officials. Knowledge of the structure of the diplomatic and consular service, the competence of honorary consuls. Knowledge of official gift selection criteria and presentation etiquette, knowledge of the principles of holding an official meal, as well as the role and responsibilities of the guest of honor. Students will gain knowledge of bereavement etiquette, including condolence book design and condolence etiquette. Students will be given knowledge about behavior in reception. Students will gain knowledge about the types of business cards and the etiquette of their use, the etiquette of telephone calls, knowledge of dress codes. Theoretical knowledge will be strengthened in seminars by performing practical tasks.
Skills:Skills to apply behavioral norms and non-verbal gestures in official communication with official representatives of different countries in both business and diplomatic environments. The ability to organize official events, visits and meals, the ability to welcome and serve guests according to protocol, to draw up a business correspondence document and to make protocol lists. The skill of making a line of flags according to the etiquette and making a group of people for the official photo.
Competencies:As part of the study course, students will supplement their competence in diplomatic protocol as a set of special norms regulating international relations, get an idea of its meaning and practical expression, and also gain broader competences about the importance of business etiquette in business communication.
Required Reading
1Feltham R.G. Diplomatic Handbook. 8ht edition. Boston: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, Leiden: 2004. (Diplomātiskā protokola elementi - uzvedības normas un ceremoniju standarti - pastāv kā paražas, tādēļ grāmatas par minēto tēmu tiek izdotas reti).
2Odiņa A. Protokols. Rīga: Paraugtipogrāfija, 1998. (Diplomātiskā protokola elementi - uzvedības normas un ceremoniju standarti - pastāv kā paražas, tādēļ grāmatas par minēto tēmu tiek izdotas reti). (latviešu plūsmai)
3Odiņa A. Lietišķās un oficiālās uzvedības grāmata. Rīga: Apgāds Zelta grauds, 2011. (Lietišķās etiķetes pamati, kas ietver apģērba kodus un uzvedības normas oficiālajā saskarsmē ir pastāvīgi standarti, kas laika gaitā praktiski nemainās, tādēļ ir iespējams izmantot arī senāk izdotas grāmatas par minēto tēmu) (latviešu plūsmai)
4Innis P., McCaffre M. J., Sand R.M. Protocol. The Complete Handbook of Diplomatic, Official & Social Usage. Durban House Publishing Company, Inc.: 2002. (Diplomātiskā protokola elementi - uzvedības normas un ceremoniju standarti - pastāv kā paražas, tādēļ grāmatas par minēto tēmu tiek izdotas reti).
5Ķestere I. Lietišķā etiķete. Eiropas pieredze. Rīga: Zvaigzne ABC, 2016. (latviešu plūsmai)
61961. gada Vīnes konvencija par diplomātiskajiem sakariem. Latvija konvencijai pievienojusies 13.02.1992.
71963. gada Vīnes konvencija par konsulārajiem sakariem. Latvija konvencijai pievienojusies 13.02.1992.
8Diplomātiskā un konsulārā dienesta likums. Pieņemts Latvijas Republikas Saeimā 21.09.1995., ar grozījumiem, kas pieņemti līdz 29.10.2021.
Additional Reading
1Sirka L. Jaunā zelta uzvedības grāmata. Rīga: Sprīdītis, 1994 (latviešu plūsmai)
2Kisindžers H. Diplomātija. 2. izdevums. Rīga: Jumava, 2005. (latviešu plūsmai)
3Roberts I. Satow’s Diplomatic Practice. 6th Edition. Oxford University Press: 2011.
4G. R. Berridge and Alan James. A Dictionary of Diplomacy. 2nd Edition. New York, Palgrave: 2004.
5Filma „King’s Speech”. 2010, režisors Tom Hooper