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Strategies and Management of International Business

Study Course Description

Course Description Statuss:Approved
Course Description Version:1.00
Study Course Accepted:07.03.2024 08:51:27
Study Course Information
Course Code:SZF_094LQF level:Level 7
Credit Points:3.33ECTS:5.00
Branch of Science:Management; Business ManagementTarget Audience:Business Management
Study Course Supervisor
Course Supervisor:Ieva Kalve
Study Course Implementer
Structural Unit:Faculty of Social Sciences
The Head of Structural Unit:
Contacts:Dzirciema street 16, Rīga, szfatrsu[pnkts]lv
Study Course Planning
Full-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)10Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures20
Classes (count)5Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes10
Total Contact Hours30
Part-Time - Semester No.1
Lectures (count)5Lecture Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Lectures10
Classes (count)4Class Length (academic hours)2Total Contact Hours of Classes8
Total Contact Hours18
Study course description
Preliminary Knowledge:
Business Administration/ Management (required), Strategic Management (recommended), understanding management processes and management experience (recommended).
To create Master’s students’ understanding of current theoretical aspects of strategic management, to learn and analyse experience gained in Europe and Latvia, to develop understanding of business processes and their management from a strategic point of view, to learn to notice, analyse and use the opportunities offered by the European Union and other alliances.
Topic Layout (Full-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Current theoretical aspects of strategic management.Lectures1.00auditorium
2Problems and approach to solving them (system approach), limitations and opportunities.Lectures1.00auditorium
3The nature of changes and basic principles of the management thereof.Lectures1.00auditorium
4Evolution of priorities – causes, importance and use.Classes1.00auditorium
5Knowledge management – term and practical usability.Lectures1.00auditorium
6Elements of strategic process, levels of strategic planning, importance and use thereof.Lectures1.00auditorium
7Importance and use of different analytical methods in strategic management.Lectures1.00auditorium
8Peculiarities of strategic management, possible problems and solutions, expected benefits.Lectures1.00auditorium
9Basic processes and current developments of management science – importance thereof in the strategic process.Classes1.00auditorium
10Balanced management – fundamental principles and use.Lectures1.00auditorium
11Leadership and emotional intelligence – fundamental principles, opportunities and utilisation.Lectures1.00auditorium
12Change management as one of the components of strategic management: essence, importance, methodology.Classes1.00auditorium
13Operating in the internal and external markets – common and different, benefits and potential problems.Classes1.00auditorium
14Multinational and transnational companies: management and operations thereof philosophy and basic principles; multicultural organisations: benefits and potential problems.Lectures1.00auditorium
Topic Layout (Part-Time)
No.TopicType of ImplementationNumberVenue
1Current theoretical aspects of strategic management.Lectures1.00auditorium
2Problems and approach to solving them (system approach), limitations and opportunities.Lectures1.00auditorium
3The nature of changes and basic principles of the management thereof.Lectures1.00auditorium
4Evolution of priorities – causes, importance and use.Classes1.00auditorium
5Knowledge management – term and practical usability.Lectures1.00auditorium
6Elements of strategic process, levels of strategic planning, importance and use thereof.Lectures1.00auditorium
9Basic processes and current developments of management science – importance thereof in the strategic process.Classes1.00auditorium
11Leadership and emotional intelligence – fundamental principles, opportunities and utilisation.Classes1.00auditorium
12Change management as one of the components of strategic management: essence, importance, methodology.Classes1.00auditorium
Unaided Work:
Participation in lectures and seminars, individual work – work with literature, a report, presentations. In order to evaluate the quality of the study course as a whole, the student must fill out the study course evaluation questionnaire on the Student Portal.
Assessment Criteria:
Student knowledge are assessed using the 10-point grading system. The final assessment is the sum of all previous assessments plus attendance: • attendance of lectures and seminars – 5%; • activity in seminars and quality of presentation – 35%; • report – 25% – mandatory; if not submitted, student is not allowed to take the exam; • exam – 35%.
Final Examination (Full-Time):Exam (Written)
Final Examination (Part-Time):Exam (Written)
Learning Outcomes
Knowledge:After successful completion of the course, students will: recognise the basic principles of management science and economic systems; identify trends in their development in today’s international environment; will be familiar with the current terminology of strategic management; will understand the processes of globalisation and internationalisation as well as the nature and current developments of strategic management of international business; will be able to use the acquired knowledge creatively and according to the situation.
Skills:Students will understand the regularities of current economic development, financial indicators, principles and techniques of organisation of production and services, interests of business owners and other stakeholders and integrate them into the strategy; select and perform the analyses needed to develop the strategy; be able to manage change; communicate successfully with staff, partners, owners and other stakeholders; reasonably discuss the latest forms of work organisation and management information systems, offer progressive solutions in ensuring the management process, articulate organisational development goals, and prepare a development strategy for successful operation of the organisation in today’s globalised world by assessing company’s finances; communicate and collaborate successfully with the staff, partners, owners and other stakeholders.
Competencies:Based on the theoretical and practical knowledge acquired, students will perform highly qualified professional functions in the effective management of the organisation and/or its structural units, analyse scientific literature in the field of strategic and change management, as well as formulate problems and offer well-grounded and scientifically sound solutions; using the knowledge and skills obtained in the planning and forecasting of the organisation’s effective operation in accordance with external environment requirements, developing a strategy, mission and objectives in the interest of stakeholders and ensuring efficient operations of the organisation in cooperation with other companies and stakeholders. Students will independently obtain, select, analyse and use information on a particular management science issue in the international economic and legal space; independently formulate and critically analyse professional problems, integrating knowledge from various fields of economics and business to find sound solutions in complex situations.
Required Reading
1I. Kalve. Apseglot pārmaiņu vējus. Biznesa augstskola Turība, Rīga, 2005.
2J. Caune. Stratēģiskā vadīšana, Lidojošā zivs. Rīga, 2009.
3Pārmaiņu vadība. Grāmatu sērija "Harvard business review on". Lietišķās Informācijas dienests, Rīga, 2008.
4Making Sense of Change Management: A Complete Guide to the Models Tools and Techniques of Organizational Change... by Esther Cameron and Mike Green; Publisher: Kogan Page; 3rd edition, 2012.
5Managing Change in Organizations. Colin A. Carnall. 5th edition. London: Prentice Hall, 2007.
6Г.Минцберг и др. Стратегический процесс, Питер. Санкт-Петербург, 2001.
Additional Reading
1A .Broks. Sistemoloģija mūsu dzīves un izglītības pilnveidei. Raksts no žurnāla „Skolotājs” 2002.g. 4.numura, 7.lpp.
2J. Rīdeštrolle, Č. A. Nūrdstrems. Aizraujošais bizness. Baltijas vadības konferences, Rīga, 2002.
3D. K. Hitchins. Putting systems to work.
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