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The Council of Science is a collegial body of Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) that operates on a permanent basis. The council resolves and coordinates matters related to scientific activity within its scope of competence.

The functions and tasks of the Council of Science are prescribed by the Regulation on the Council of Science of Rīga Stradiņš University (approved at the meeting of the RSU Senate of 10 September 2024).

The functions of the Council of Science are to assess the RSU's main areas of research within the strategic specialisation groups defined by the RSU's founder, and to oversee the development and implementation of the RSU's research strategy.


  • To participate in the development of the University's development strategy, discuss draft strategies, implement plans and other draft documents of a strategic nature related to the scientific activities of the University;
  • To contribute to the preparation and discussion of the University's international self-assessment report;
  • To evaluate and approve drafts of internal laws and regulations concerning scientific activities at RSU;
  • To consider and decide on the status and publication of scientific and collective monographs by university staff;
  • To approve draft regulations of RSU internal scientific project competitions;
  • To make proposals on the establishment, reorganisation, and dissolution of scientific units;
  • To evaluate candidates before promoting them to academic posts in the scientific staff;
  • To make proposals for the renewal, maintenance, and rational use of the scientific infrastructure;
  • To make proposals on measures to strengthen scientific excellence and to renew academic staff;
  • To coordinate other matters related to scientific activities, if necessary, and carries out other tasks as laid down in the internal laws and regulations of the University.

* The procedures for reviewing scientific and collective monographs and forms were approved on 13 November 2019 by Rector's Decree No. 5-1/306/2019 "Par zinātnisko un kolektīvo monogrāfiju izskatīšanas kārtības Rīgas Stradiņa universitātes Zinātnes padomē aktualizēšanu" (On Updating the Procedure for Reviewing Scientific and Collective Monographs at the Rīga Stradiņš University Council of Science).


Approved on 9 September 2024 by Rector's Decree No. 1-PB-2/699/2024

Vice-Rector for Science, Chair, RSU Council of Science
Head of Department, Academic Staff, Lead Researcher, Manager, Deputy Chair, RSU Council of Science
Scientific Secretary, Research project coordinator
Academic Staff, Director, Lead researcher, scientific project manager
Director, Lead Researcher, Project Manager
Academic Staff, Director, Lead Researcher
Director, Lead Researcher
Acting Director, Academic Staff, Lead Researcher
Academic Staff, Lead Researcher, Acting Lead Researcher, Expert
Vice-Dean of Sciences, Academic Staff, Academic Staff, Researcher, Acting Lead Researcher
Head of Science
Academic Staff
Dean, Acting Dean, Academic Staff, Manager, Health Care doctoral programme, Pharmacy sub-programme
Head of Department, Academic Staff
Visiting associate professor, Acting Lead Researcher
Manager, Lead Researcher
Director, Board Member



Rector's decree "On the Composition of the Council of Science"

Regulation on the Council of Science of Rīga Stradiņš University

Application to Issue Scientific and/or Collective Monograph

Declaration of Reviewer’s Conflict of Interest

Review Form

Procedure for Examining Applications