Noslēguma darbu tematiskās jomas
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- Psiholoģisko un uz mākslu balstīto izpētes instrumentu adaptācija un konstruēšana
Potenciālie darbu vadītāji
Lect. Mg. sc. sal. Inese PaičaDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīga154.–155.+37126482287inese [pts] paicarsu [pts] lvAsst. Prof. Dr. med. Velga SudrabaAcademic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and PaedagogyMedical Education Technology Centre26a Anniņmuižas bulvāris, Rīga314+37129115522velga [pts] sudrabarsu [pts] lvLect. Mg. sc. sal. Jana DuhovskaAcademic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Director of Study Programme, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Acting ResearcherDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīga1. stāvs, 154. kab.Working hours:
Apmeklējuma laiku lūgums iepriekš saskaņot.+37129225766jana [pts] duhovskarsu [pts] lv- Kognitīvo testu adaptācija un konstruēšana
Potenciālie darbu vadītāji
Asst. Prof. PhD Kristīne ŠneidereAcademic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Lead Researcher, Institute of Public Health
Lead Researcher, Department of RehabilitationDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīga154.–155.kristine [pts] sneiderersu [pts] lvAsst. Prof. Dr. psych. Ingūna GriškēvičaAcademic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Acting Researcher, Department of Rehabilitation
Study Programme Coordinator, RSU Liepāja BranchLiepāja branchLiepāja, 24/26 Riņķu iela, LV-3405inguna [pts] griskevicarsu [pts] lv- Latvijas Klīniskā personības testa (LKPT) pielietojums dažādām pacientu grupām
Potenciālā darba vadītāja
Asst. Prof. Dr. psych. Jeļena KoļesņikovaAcademic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Manager, Psychology Laboratory
Lead Researcher, Institute of Public HealthDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīga154.–155.+37129332698jelena [pts] kolesnikovarsu [pts] lv- Personības funkcionēšanas izvērtēšanas instrumenta izveide
Potenciālā darba vadītāja
Asst. Prof. Dr. med. Velga SudrabaAcademic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and PaedagogyMedical Education Technology Centre26a Anniņmuižas bulvāris, Rīga314+37129115522velga [pts] sudrabarsu [pts] lv- Aleksitīmija dažādām klientu vai pacientu grupām, tās ietekme uz veselības uzvedību un dzīves kvalitāti
Potenciālā darba vadītāja
Asst. Prof. Dr. med. Velga SudrabaAcademic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and PaedagogyMedical Education Technology Centre26a Anniņmuižas bulvāris, Rīga314+37129115522velga [pts] sudrabarsu [pts] lv- Digitālais rīks "3D emociju kompozīcija"
Potenciālā darba vadītāja
Lect. Mg. sc. sal. Inese PaičaDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīga154.–155.+37126482287inese [pts] paicarsu [pts] lv- Vizuālā metode "3D emociju kompozīcija"
Potenciālā darba vadītāja
Lect. Mg. sc. sal. Inese PaičaDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīga154.–155.+37126482287inese [pts] paicarsu [pts] lv- Dzīvesspēks jeb psiholoģiskā noturība dažādām pacientu grupām
Potenciālie darbu vadītāji
Asst. Prof. Dr. med. Velga SudrabaAcademic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and PaedagogyMedical Education Technology Centre26a Anniņmuižas bulvāris, Rīga314+37129115522velga [pts] sudrabarsu [pts] lvAsst. (acting) PhD Elīna ZelčāneAcademic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and PaedagogyDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīga154.–155.elina [pts] zelcanersu [pts] lv- Dzīvesspēka rādītāju sakarības un atšķirības (dažādās vecumposma vai profesionālajās grupās)
Potenciālā darba vadītāja
Asst. Prof. Dr. psych. Guna SvenceAcademic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and PaedagogyDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīga+37129106837guna [pts] svencersu [pts] lv- Dzīvesspēka sakarības ar personības citiem rādītājiem (izvēlei: labizjūta, personības iezīmes, stresa pārvarēšanas stratēģijas, pašcieņa, izaugsmes domāšana u. c.)
Potenciālā darba vadītāja
Asst. Prof. Dr. psych. Guna SvenceAcademic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and PaedagogyDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīga+37129106837guna [pts] svencersu [pts] lv- Eko-psiholoģiskās intervences un rekreatīvās prakses dažādām klientu grupām
Potenciālie darbu vadītāji
Asst. Prof. Dr. psych. Ingūna GriškēvičaAcademic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Acting Researcher, Department of Rehabilitation
Study Programme Coordinator, RSU Liepāja BranchLiepāja branchLiepāja, 24/26 Riņķu iela, LV-3405inguna [pts] griskevicarsu [pts] lvProf. Dr. psych. Kristīne MārtinsoneHead of Department, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Academic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Lead Researcher, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Head of psychology study directionDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīga349.+37167061589kristine [pts] martinsonersu [pts] lv- Emociju regulācija
Potenciālie darbu vadītāji
Lect. Mg. sc. sal. Inese PaičaDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīga154.–155.+37126482287inese [pts] paicarsu [pts] lvAsst. Prof. Dr. med. Velga SudrabaAcademic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and PaedagogyMedical Education Technology Centre26a Anniņmuižas bulvāris, Rīga314+37129115522velga [pts] sudrabarsu [pts] lv- Līdzestība dažādām pacientu grupām
Potenciālā darba vadītāja
Asst. Prof. Dr. med. Velga SudrabaAcademic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and PaedagogyMedical Education Technology Centre26a Anniņmuižas bulvāris, Rīga314+37129115522velga [pts] sudrabarsu [pts] lv- Līdzjūtības pret sevi nozīme veselības saglabāšanā
Potenciālā darba vadītāja
Asst. (acting) PhD Elīna ZelčāneAcademic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and PaedagogyDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīga154.–155.elina [pts] zelcanersu [pts] lv- Normāla un patoloģiska kognitīvā novecošanās un ar to saistītie faktori
Potenciālie darbu vadītāji
Asst. Prof. PhD Kristīne ŠneidereAcademic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Lead Researcher, Institute of Public Health
Lead Researcher, Department of RehabilitationDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīga154.–155.kristine [pts] sneiderersu [pts] lv- Psiholoģiskā palīdzība un atbalsts attālinātā darbā
Potenciālie darbu vadītāji
Lect. Dr. psych. Ilona KroneAcademic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Lead Researcher (Acting), Institute of Public Health
Researcher, Psychology LaboratoryDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīgailona [pts] kronersu [pts] lv- Psiholoģiskā palīdzība un atbalsts darbā ar dažādām klientu un pacientu grupām
Potenciālie darbu vadītāji
Asst. Prof. Dr. med. Velga SudrabaAcademic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and PaedagogyMedical Education Technology Centre26a Anniņmuižas bulvāris, Rīga314+37129115522velga [pts] sudrabarsu [pts] lvLect. Dr. psych. Ilona KroneAcademic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Lead Researcher (Acting), Institute of Public Health
Researcher, Psychology LaboratoryDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīgailona [pts] kronersu [pts] lv- Veselības uzvedība kā slimību profilakse un tīmekļa intervences veselības uzvedības sekmēšanai
Potenciālie darbu vadītāji
Lect. Mg. psych. Zane GulbeAcademic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Director of Study Programme, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Scientific assistant (acting), Institute of Public HealthDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīga155. kab.+37129391625zane [pts] gulbersu [pts] lvLect. Mg. sc. sal. Jana DuhovskaAcademic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Director of Study Programme, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Acting ResearcherDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīga1. stāvs, 154. kab.Working hours:
Apmeklējuma laiku lūgums iepriekš saskaņot.+37129225766jana [pts] duhovskarsu [pts] lv- Viltus atmiņu izpēte dažādās klientu vai pacientu grupās
Potenciālie darbu vadītāji
Asst. Prof. PhD Kristīne ŠneidereAcademic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Lead Researcher, Institute of Public Health
Lead Researcher, Department of RehabilitationDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīga154.–155.kristine [pts] sneiderersu [pts] lvAsst. Prof. Dr. med. Velga SudrabaAcademic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and PaedagogyMedical Education Technology Centre26a Anniņmuižas bulvāris, Rīga314+37129115522velga [pts] sudrabarsu [pts] lv- Psihoonkoloģija
Potenciālā darba vadītāja
Lect. Mg. sc. sal. Jana DuhovskaAcademic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Director of Study Programme, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Acting ResearcherDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīga1. stāvs, 154. kab.Working hours:
Apmeklējuma laiku lūgums iepriekš saskaņot.+37129225766jana [pts] duhovskarsu [pts] lv- Garīgums kā resurss profesionālajā un personīgajā dzīvē
Potenciālā darba vadītāja
Prof. Dr. psych. Kristīne MārtinsoneHead of Department, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Academic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Lead Researcher, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Head of psychology study directionDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīga349.+37167061589kristine [pts] martinsonersu [pts] lv- Profesionālā identitāte un profesionālā darbība pārmaiņu laikos (digitalizācija, klimata pārmaiņas, pandēmijas)
Potenciālā darba vadītāja
Asst. Mg. sc. sal. Elīna AkmaneAcademic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Scientific assistant (acting), Development and Project Department
PhD candidateDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīga154.–155.+37126444466elina [pts] akmanersu [pts] lv- Profesionālo prasmju attīstība
Potenciālā darba vadītāja
Asst. Prof. Dr. chem. Aira Aija KrūmiņaAcademic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and PaedagogyDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīga154.–155.+37129198166airaaija [pts] kruminarsu [pts] lv- Profesionālā identitāte un tās attīstība
Potenciālie darbu vadītāji
Prof. (acting) Dr. psych. Anita PipereAcademic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and PaedagogyDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīgaanita [pts] piperersu [pts] lvAsst. Mg. sc. sal. Elīna AkmaneAcademic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Scientific assistant (acting), Development and Project Department
PhD candidateDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīga154.–155.+37126444466elina [pts] akmanersu [pts] lv- Profesionālā darbība un tās novērtējums
Potenciālā darba vadītāja
Prof. Dr. psych. Kristīne MārtinsoneHead of Department, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Academic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Lead Researcher, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Head of psychology study directionDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīga349.+37167061589kristine [pts] martinsonersu [pts] lv- Pašpalīdzība un rūpes par sevi kā resurss profesionālajā un personīgajā dzīvē
Potenciālie darbu vadītāji
Prof. Dr. psych. Kristīne MārtinsoneHead of Department, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Academic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Lead Researcher, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Head of psychology study directionDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīga349.+37167061589kristine [pts] martinsonersu [pts] lvLect. Dr. psych. Ilona KroneAcademic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Lead Researcher (Acting), Institute of Public Health
Researcher, Psychology LaboratoryDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīgailona [pts] kronersu [pts] lvLect. Mg. sc. sal. Jana DuhovskaAcademic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Director of Study Programme, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Acting ResearcherDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīga1. stāvs, 154. kab.Working hours:
Apmeklējuma laiku lūgums iepriekš saskaņot.+37129225766jana [pts] duhovskarsu [pts] lv- Sociāli emocionālā veselība skolotājiem (vai citai profesionālajai grupai)
Potenciālā darba vadītāja
Asst. Prof. Dr. psych. Guna SvenceAcademic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and PaedagogyDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīga+37129106837guna [pts] svencersu [pts] lv- Sociāli emocionālās veselības un dzīvesspēka rādītāju sakarības un atšķirības dažādu profesiju un ... (citu grupu) indivīdiem
Potenciālā darba vadītāja
Asst. Prof. Dr. psych. Guna SvenceAcademic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and PaedagogyDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīga+37129106837guna [pts] svencersu [pts] lv- Sportistu personības iezīmes, attieksme, uzvedība, motivācija, saliedētība, psiholoģiskā noturība, fiziskā Es-koncepcija
Potenciālais darba vadītājs
Lect. (acting) Mg. psych. Gatis UpeslejaSenior Laboratory Assistant, Institute of Public Health
Academic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and PaedagogyDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīgagatis [pts] upeslejarsu [pts] lv- Bibliometriskā analīze
Potenciālā darba vadītāja
Lect. PhD Sanita ŠuriņaAcademic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Director of Study Programme, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
ResearcherDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīga154.–155.sanita [pts] surinarsu [pts] lv- Sistemātiskie pārskati
Potenciālie darbu vadītāji
Lect. Mg. sc. sal. Inese PaičaDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīga154.–155.+37126482287inese [pts] paicarsu [pts] lvAsst. Prof. Dr. med. Velga SudrabaAcademic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and PaedagogyMedical Education Technology Centre26a Anniņmuižas bulvāris, Rīga314+37129115522velga [pts] sudrabarsu [pts] lvLect. PhD Sanita ŠuriņaAcademic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Director of Study Programme, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
ResearcherDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīga154.–155.sanita [pts] surinarsu [pts] lv- Dažādu profesionālo jomu supervīzijas vajadzības
Potenciālā darba vadītāja
Asst. (acting) Mg. paed. Baiba PumpiņaDirector of Study Programme, Supervision
Academic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and PaedagogyDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīga154.–155.+37129516227baiba [pts] pumpinarsu [pts] lv- Supervīzija izglītības vidē
Potenciālie darbu vadītāji
Asst. (acting) Mg. paed. Baiba PumpiņaDirector of Study Programme, Supervision
Academic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and PaedagogyDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīga154.–155.+37129516227baiba [pts] pumpinarsu [pts] lvProf. Dr. psych. Kristīne MārtinsoneHead of Department, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Academic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Lead Researcher, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Head of psychology study directionDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīga349.+37167061589kristine [pts] martinsonersu [pts] lv- Supervīzijas metožu un tehniku adaptācija
Potenciālie darbu vadītāji
Lect. Mg. sc. sal. Inese PaičaDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīga154.–155.+37126482287inese [pts] paicarsu [pts] lvLect. Dr. psych. Ilona KroneAcademic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
Lead Researcher (Acting), Institute of Public Health
Researcher, Psychology LaboratoryDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīgailona [pts] kronersu [pts] lv- Pedagoģiskā kompetence veselības aprūpes vidē
Potenciālā darba vadītāja
Asst. Prof. Dr. chem. Aira Aija KrūmiņaAcademic Staff, Department of Health Psychology and PaedagogyDepartment of Health Psychology and PaedagogyJ. Asara iela 5, Rīga154.–155.+37129198166airaaija [pts] kruminarsu [pts] lv
Related links
Department of Health Psychology and Paedagogy
J. Asara iela 5, Rīga
Phone: +37167061587
E-mail: vppk [at] rsu.lv