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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Ilze Cīrule
Study type:Full time, Part-Time
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Juridical Science; Civil and Military Defense
Study course descriptionFull description, Full time, Part-Time
Branch of science:Law


To promote students' skills and abilities to select and analyze information, including already written documents and other sources, expressing thoughts clearly, simply and reasonedly.
To acquire the skills and abilities to develop a convincing and effective presentation so that information is presented accurately, succinctly and convincingly, using visuals and other materials.
As far as possible, discover the weakest points in your rhetoric and presentation skills, improve contact with the audience (client).
To create an opportunity in the study course Presentation skills to independently create and professionally design engaging and dynamic presentations, to learn methods and techniques during the lessons, which can be applied in one's profession within the limits of one's competence.
To provide knowledge and develop competences about the nature and types of presentation. Completion of the course helps students acquire knowledge and practical skills in creating and managing ethical professional communication.
Develop the ability to independently judge the information obtained, including -
- promote students' skills and abilities to select and analyze information, including already written documents and other sources, by expressing thoughts clearly, simply and reasonedly.
- learn the skills and abilities to develop a convincing and effective presentation, so that information is presented accurately, concisely and convincingly, using visual views and other materials.
- as far as possible, reveal the weakest points in your rhetoric and presentation skills, improve contact with the audience (client).
- develop the effectiveness of presentations through role-playing in classes. (Skills can be demonstrated through a simulated problem question in a study environment.)


Skills and abilities to use literary language, idea and knowledge of current language culture, terminology.
The student knows the legislation; understands legal norms; knows how to research, analyze and select the necessary legal and other information; analyzes and evaluates legal documents, including knowledge of sentence structure, expressed and written meaning in professional (legal) activity; understanding of working with documents; prior knowledge in logic, psychology, reasoning, communication and conflict resolution. Computer skills.

Learning outcomes


- As a result of successful completion of the study course, students recognize and define the nature and role of the presentation.
- By learning the program, students understand and identify the basic principles of modern presentation, as well as have acquired practical skills in creating presentations and recognize appropriate visual means of communication in order to cooperate with both specialists and non-specialists in the relevant industry or field of professional activity: to have a maximum impact on the audience.


As a result of successfully completing the study course, students: - orientate themselves in presentation issues; - able to be confident, free and safe during the presentation; - knows how to use means that enhance the impact of speech, including the use of keywords during the presentation, which are important for the successful transfer of information to different audiences; establish good contact with the audience, lead and involve them during the presentation; answer audience questions and overcome objections.


As a result of successfully completing the study course, students are able to use what they have learned in practice; reasonedly explain and discuss complex or systemic aspects of the relevant scientific branch or professional field with both specialists and non-specialists.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Police work, PDNida 1Bachelor’sRequiredIlze Cīrule