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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Una Veseta
Study type:Full time
Target audience:Social Welfare and Social Work; Public Health; Rehabilitation; Nursing Science; Sports Trainer; Psychology
Branch of science:Sports Science; Sport Pedagogy


To introduce students to legislation related to self-defence and practical elements of close combat. To improve physical and moral abilities, to learn self-defence as close combat skills and to strengthen health. On successful completion of the course, students will be able to execute correct kicks with the hands and feet, as well as to execute holding techniques and various throws. They are familiarised with special self-defence equipment authorised in the Republic of Latvia.


The study course provides students with theoretical knowledge and basic practical skills. The skills acquired are useful in situations where there is a high level of risk. Learners are specially prepared for different situations in which they need to protect themselves and others as well as possible when health or life is at risk. Students are introduced to the variety, history and different elements of melee combat, are shown the different special clothing and special self-defence equipment allowed in the Republic of Latvia, and are familiarised with the self-defence legislation in force in the Republic of Latvia. The difference between civilian and service close combat is explained. Students are introduced to hygiene requirements.

Learning outcomes


Theoretical knowledge for dealing with situations of high risk, where it is necessary to protect oneself and others when health, life or property is at risk. Ability to recognise a person in training and to perform close combat by its distinctive elements. To learn about special clothing and its importance. Know the special self-defence equipment for civilians and military personnel authorised in the Republic of Latvia. To know the legislation in force in the Republic of Latvia relating to self-defence. Understanding of the differences between civilian and service close combat. Knowledge of general hygiene requirements and of certain requirements in close combat.


To be able to link the current legislation with the theoretical knowledge base and practical elements of close combat. To be able to recognise, name and apply the various elements of self-defence, close combat. On successful completion of the course, students will be able to execute correct kicks with the hands and feet, as well as hold techniques and various throws.


The acquired knowledge and skills are an opportunity to safely protect oneself and others, to correctly apply self-defence elements at the place of duty or in security work if necessary, to participate in the Ministry of the Interior Open Close Combat Championship.

Study course planning

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