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About Study Course

Department: Statistics Unit
Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Māra Grēve
Study type:Full time
Course level:Doctor
Target audience:Sociology; Political Science; Social Anthropology; Management Science; Social Welfare and Social Work; Information and Communication Science; Law
Language:Latvian, English
Study course descriptionFull description, Full time
Branch of science:Mathematics


To provide knowledge about the use of statistical concepts in social sciences taking into account the development of digitalisation, to independently find the necessary data, group and analyse them using appropriate methods and to develop an understanding of the practical use of the obtained data in the presentation of the obtained results in the study.


Knowledge in mathematics and informatics.

Learning outcomes


On successful completion of the study course, students are able to identify knowledge that will allow to recognise the statistical terminology and the basic methods used in various publications.


Upon successful completion of the study course, students will be able to Correctly identify, prepare and enter data in the IBM SPSS Statistics. Analyse and create and edit tables and charts; systematise and select appropriate methods of data processing, incl. performing statistical hypotheses testing.


On successful completion of the study course, students will be able to correctly interpret the most important statistical indicators and to use the acquired basic statistical methods in the study data processing.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2024, Autumn semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Social Sciences (sub-programme Business Management and Economics), DSZbve3DoctoralLimited choiceMāra Grēve
Social Sciences (sub-programme Communication Culture and Multimedia), DSZkkm3DoctoralLimited choiceMāra Grēve
Social Sciences (sub-programme Political Science), DSZpz3DoctoralLimited choiceMāra Grēve
Social Sciences (sub-programme Social Anthropology, Sociology, Social Work), DSZsassd3DoctoralLimited choiceMāra Grēve
Social Sciences (sub-programme Law Science), DSZtz3DoctoralLimited choiceMāra Grēve
Social Sciences (sub-programme Health Management), DSZvv3DoctoralLimited choiceMāra Grēve