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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:2.67 / 4
Course supervisor:Mārtiņš Vargulis
Study type:Full time
Course level:Bachelor
Target audience:Political Science
Branch of science:Politics


The objective of the course is to provide students with an in-depth knowledge of the defence and security policy settings, challenges and opportunities of the Baltic States, focusing on the instruments of cooperation and influence currently at its disposal. The course will discuss the defence policies of the Baltic States, their interaction and role in the broader formats: EU, OSCE, NATO. The value represented by the objective of this course is to increase students’ understanding and awareness of security and defence policy issues of the Baltic States. It fosters both students’ ability to understand and analyse current security challenges, and the use of existing cooperation tools to address them. In addition, the course raises awareness of the role and influence of the Baltic States in the international arena, in particular their participation and involvement in international organisations. Such knowledge and understanding are essential to promote effective policy-making and cooperation to strengthen the security and defence of the Baltic States at both regional and global levels.


In order to fully master the course Security and Defence of the Baltic States, students should acquire prior knowledge in the following areas:
Political knowledge: understanding of basic political theories and international political processes. International relations: understanding international public order, forms of international cooperation and the role of international organisations.
History: knowledge of past events and their impact on today’s foreign policy, as well as national and regional relations.
Political analysis: the ability to critically analyse policy decisions using a variety of analytical tools and methods.
Intercultural communication: understanding cultural differences and their impact on international relations and diplomacy.
Research skills: ability to conduct research and analyse information on foreign policy issues using a variety of sources and methods.

Learning outcomes


Upon completion of this course, students will have an in-depth knowledge and understanding of current security and defence policy issues of the Baltic States, their perspectives, historical development, challenges and possible solutions. The course will also develop knowledge on the impact of external factors (in particular NATO, the EU, allies and adversaries) on the overall development of defence and security policy of the Baltic States.


The course will develop skills related to discussion, negotiation, analytical cognition and argumentation.


Competence in current security and defence policy issues in the Baltic States.

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