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About Study Course

Credit points / ECTS:4 / 6
Course supervisor:Māris Andžāns
Study type:Full time
Course level:Master's
Target audience:Civil and Military Defense; Political Science
Language:Latvian, English
Study course description Full description, Full time
Branch of science:Politics; International Politics


The course aims to provide an overview of security governance in the Euro-Atlantic area and beyond.
The study course starts with workshops on the world's most pressing security governance issues. In 2024, we'll focus on the US presidential and congressional elections and their impact on global and Baltic security. The course will then move on to a review of International Security Studies from a theoretical perspective. This block will review the main concepts and theories of International Security Studies in a retrospective framework. From here on, the course will proceed with a general review of war and peace in retrospect and perspective—armed conflicts of the past and the present and the status quo of armed forces at global and regional levels. Particular attention will be devoted to Russia’s war in Ukraine. The course will enter the next phase with a review of weapons of mass destruction and disarmament and control of such weapons. It will cover biological, chemical, radiological, and nuclear weapons, complemented by a review of the often-related control of conventional arms. The lectures part of the course will end with a review of security governance in a (re)emerging domain of warfare: space.
During the workshops, students will present their individual projects on more specific issues discussed in the course.


Previous knowledge on international security.

Learning outcomes


Demonstrate a deep understanding of the evolution of the security governance, contemporary structure and operation of Euro-Atlantic and out of Euro-Atlantic security structures, including their legal frameworks, institutions, decision-making processes and practices, interaction between the security governance institutions.


Ability to understand the basic aspects of the formal and informal operation of security management both within and outside institutions. Ability to professionally explain different security management models to different audiences.


Deep understanding of the theoretical and practical operations of safety management at different levels of analysis.

Study course planning

Course planning not avalible right now.