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Originally from the picturesque town of Aizpute in Kurzeme, Kristiāna Jansone has made Riga her home since her student days. The knowledge and skills that she gained during this time enabled her to blend the wisdom of both Western and Eastern medicine. She helps her clients relieve pain and regain their health, improve their athletic performance and go for hikes.


RSU graduate, fitness trainer Kristiāna Jansone
All photos from private archive

She believes we should analyse less and live and enjoy life more. Jansone has graduated from the Rīga Stradiņš University (RSU) Health Sport Specialist study programme.

Can you tell us about your daily routine?

I currently work as a health and sports trainer, a Pilates and yoga instructor, and I also run my own fitness studio, Veselības sporta stacija, in the beautiful neighbourhood of Āgenskalns. 

I also teach at several educational institutions. At RSU, I conduct classes on healthy exercise, Pilates, and fitness yoga. I enjoy sharing my knowledge and experience with RSU students during their study placements.

Although I also have a background in Ayurveda, I work as a yoga teacher. I use my knowledge of Ayurveda to better understand my clients and create comprehensive yoga practices. In my yoga classes, I integrate yoga and Ayurveda with scientifically-based research, as well as the latest trends in biomechanics, neuroscience, and other fields. The critical thinking skills I developed while studying philosophy are also invaluable in my work.  


Why did you choose the Health Sport Specialist programme at RSU?

I wanted to become a fitness trainer and was looking for a study programme in Latvia that would provide me with all the necessary knowledge for the profession and a deep understanding of the possibilities of health promotion using fitness.

It was also important for me to find a programme where I could learn practical skills.

After exploring several study programmes and considering the recommendations of coaches I knew, I ultimately chose RSU.


What have you gained from your studies? 

My studies have equipped me with the knowledge to provide quality training to my clients, helping them relieve muscle and joint pain, improve their posture, and enhance their appearance. My clients range from professional athletes and office workers to pensioners and anyone who wants to look or feel good.

I have received videos from my clients hiking pain-free in the mountains, or photos from weddings where they look fantastic. I get feedback that their knees no longer hurt after running or gardening, or that their golfing results have improved.

I have also trained myself to enjoy being active and maintain excellent health. I pass on the knowledge I have gained during my studies and practice to my students by working as a teacher in the same degree programme.

Why would you recommend the Health Sport Specialist programme to others?

You will gain the knowledge and skills needed to become a sought-after fitness trainer, competitive in both local and international job markets, through instruction from trainers who are recognised experts in Latvia and abroad.


How do you recharge your mental batteries after an intense session with a client?

I draw energy from the emotions of the people around me—my family, clients, students, and colleagues. I love my work as a trainer and teacher, so it feels like a hobby to me. Of course, there are moments when my “mental battery” runs low, but I can quickly recharge them by looking at the smiles of those around me, relaxing with my family, reading some research or a book, or going on a trip.