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About Study Course

Department: Latvian Academy of Sport Education (LASE)
Credit points / ECTS:2 / 3
Course supervisor:Nadija Strazdiņa
Study type:Full time
Course level:First level
Target audience:Sports Trainer; Pedagogy
Study course descriptionFull description, Full time
Branch of science:Sports Science


To plan such experience of inclusive sports education studies, which promotes respectful attitude towards students’ individual educational needs and prepares the professional and technical study environment for the achievement of individual educational objectives. To provide basic knowledge of the selection of sport equipment and accessories for a student with SENs. To provide knowledge of motion ergonomics. To provide knowledge of the layout of facilities and equipment adjustments. 


Study courses mastered: Teacher’s Professional Skills, Teaching and Learning in the Context of Diversity, Educational Psychology for Teachers, Management of Educational Institution, Civil Protection, State Security and Environmental Protection for Sustainable Development, Human Anatomy, Pedagogical Foundations in Adapted Physical Activities, Student-Centred Approach in Adapted Physical Activities, Assessment Methods in Adapted Physical Activities, Content of Adapted Physical Activity Programmes and/or Adapted Physical Activities for Students with Mental Development Disorders, APA for Students with Sensory Development Disorders, APA for Students with Behavioural, Learning Disorders and Autism.

Learning outcomes


1. To demonstrate knowledge of the selection of sport equipment and accessories for a student with SENs.
2. Understands: movement ergonomics for students with different SENs.
3. Demonstrates knowledge of the rules of sports games, the layout of facilities and equipment adjustments for the involvement of students with SENs in sports education.


4. Using theoretical basics learned in the teaching strategies in adapted physical activities, demonstrates the skills to adapt sport equipment and accessories to a student with SENs.
5. Able to use appropriate rules for sports games, layout of facilities and equipment adjustments for the educational needs of students with SENs in a sports and health class.


6. Able to skilfully analyse the results obtained.
7. To use correct, tailored equipment designed to promote inclusive sports education. To use adapted rules for sports games, teaching methods, and layout of facilities (current environment) to encourage students to engage in physical activities, sports, and health classes.

Study course planning

Planning period:Year 2025, Spring semester
Study programmeStudy semesterProgram levelStudy course categoryLecturersSchedule
Sports and education specialist (adapted physical activity education specialist), PVAS 2First levelLimited choice